Crop and Soil Sciences Centennial Logo

Welcome to the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Penn State. The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences is located in the Agricultural Sciences and Industries Building at the University Park campus of The Pennsylvania State University. Our staff consists of 29 faculty members, and 49 administrative and support personnel. We offer two undergraduate majors (Environmental Soil Science and Turfgrass Science), two undergraduate minors (Agronomy and Environmental Soil Science), one Certificate program (Golf Course Turfgrass Management), two Masters programs (Agronomy and Soil Science), and two Doctoral programs (Agronomy and Soil Science).

Student working in a soil science laboratory

The department also participates in two College of Agricultural Sciences' inter-departmental programs at the undergraduate level; Agroecology and Environmental Resource Management. At the graduate level, the department participates in five, inter-college programs (Ecology, Environmental Pollution Control, Genetics, Materials, and Plant Biology).

This Weeks Seminars:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Presenter: No Seminar Scheduled

Details: "Open"

Location: 101 Ag. Sciences & Industries Building at 12:20 p.m.