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Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 2006 Edition

Cover Image

Keith Wiebe and Noel Gollehon, Editors

Economic Information Bulletin No. (EIB-16) , July 2006

These chapters describe trends in resources used in and affected by agricultural production, as well as the economic conditions and policies that influence agricultural resource use and its environmental impacts. Each of the 28 chapters provides a concise overview of a specific topic with links to sources of additional information. Chapters are available in HTML and pdf formats.

Keywords: AREI, agricultural economics, natural resources, knowledge resources, conservation practices, conservation programs, land use, water, conventional agriculture, organic agriculture, soil conservation, conservation policy, environmental quality

In this report ...

Chapters are in Adobe Acrobat PDF and HTML format.

  • Report summary, HTML / PDF, 122 kb.

Abstract, Acknowledgments, Contents, and Summary, 133 kb.

Land and Farm Resources: AREI, 2006 Edition

  • 1.1 Land Use, HTML / PDF, 583 kb.
  • 1.2 Farm Real Estate Values, HTML / PDF, 890 kb.
  • 1.3 Land Ownership and Farm Structure, HTML / PDF, 184 kb.

Water and Wetland Resources: AREI, 2006 Edition

  • 2.1 Irrigation Resources and Water Cost, HTML / PDF, 1,505 kb.
  • 2.2 Water Quality: Impacts of Agriculture, HTML / PDF, 8,720 kb.
  • 2.3 Wetland Status and Trends, HTML / PDF, 156 kb.

Knowledge Resources and Productivity: AREI, 2006 Edition

  • 3.1 Crop Genetic Resources, HTML / PDF, 254 kb.
  • 3.2 Agricultural Research and Development, HTML / PDF, 174 kb.
  • 3.3 Biotechnology and Agriculture, HTML / PDF, 203 kb.
  • 3.4 Productivity and Output Growth in U.S. Agriculture, HTML / PDF, 128 kb.
  • 3.5 Global Resources and Productivity, HTML / PDF, 257 kb.

Agricultural Production Management: AREI, 2006 Edition

  • 4.1 Farm Business Management, HTML / PDF, 144 kb.
  • 4.2 Soil Management and Conservation, HTML / PDF, 227 kb.
  • 4.3 Pest Management Practices, HTML / PDF, 142 kb.
  • 4.4 Nutrient Management, HTML / PDF, 535 kb.
  • 4.5 Animal Agriculture and the Environment, HTML / PDF, 1,035 kb.
  • 4.6 Irrigation Water Management, HTML / PDF, 215 kb.
  • 4.7 Information Technology Management, HTML / PDF, 131 kb.
  • 4.8 Production Systems Management and Conservation Practices, HTML / PDF, 221 kb.
  • 4.9 U.S. Organic Agriculture, HTML / PDF, 410 kb.

Conservation and Environmental Policies Affecting Agriculture: AREI, 2006 Edition

  • 5.1 Conservation Policy Overview, HTML / PDF, 121 kb.
  • 5.2 USDA Land Retirement Program, HTML / PDF, 648 kb.
  • 5.3 Compliance Provisions for Soil and Wetland Conservation, HTML / PDF, 2,216 kb.
  • 5.4 Working-Land Conservation Programs, HTML / PDF, 1,451 kb.
  • 5.5 Conservation on Private Grazing Land, HTML / PDF, 2,633 kb.
  • 5.6 Farmland Protection Programs, HTML / PDF, 226 kb.
  • 5.7 Federal Laws Protecting Environmental Quality, HTML / PDF, 4,362 kb.

Appendix: USDA Resources Surveys and Data Inventory, HTML / PDF, 72 kb.

Entire Document, 26,324 kb.

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Updated date: July 21, 2006

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