Organization to Minimize
Phosphorus Losses from Agriculture
Updated 06/10/2008
What's New?

2008 Meeting - Maryland
Co-hosted by Maryland and Virginia
Monday July 28th (7pm) to
Thursday, July 31st (5 pm)

Kent Island, Maryland
Local airport BWI.

Registration now open at:

Phosphorus Management and Policy
Issue Papers Now Available HERE!

• P Management in Multi-State Watersheds
• Soil Sampling Methods - Spatial Concerns

SERA-17 is an organization of research scientists, policy makers, extension personnel, and educators. Our mission is to develop and promote innovative solutions to minimize phosphorus losses from agriculture by supporting:

information exchange between research, extension, and regulatory communities

recommendations for phosphorus management and research

initiatives that address phosphorus loss in agriculture

- read about our objectives,
history and our name SERA-17

- see how SERA-17 is structured

- SERA-17 workgroups focus on specific topics related to our mission and objectives

- materials about scientific methods, education, surveys, and recommendations.

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