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Environmental and Cultural Resource Compliance
Cultural Resources

FSA is actively developing its historic preservation (cultural resources) program. Focus is on creatively meeting the requirements of the law and regulations while also attempting to streamline day-to-day compliance. FSA fulfills its historic preservation responsibilities through section 106 and section 110.


Section 106

Section 106 is an important tool used by Federal agencies, including FSA, to determine if the agency's actions might adversely impact a historic property. FSA takes cultural resources and historic properties into account prior to approving any application or contract. FSA's handbook, 1-EQ, provides detailed guidance for state and county offices on how to apply the section 106 review and consultation process.

As part of its historic preservation review, FSA identified important resources requiring protection. To fulfill this need, FSA has transferred several inventory properties to other federal and state agencies for long term preservation.


Memorandums of Agreement

To resolve potential adverse effects on historic properties, FSA has entered into several MOAs with SHPOs and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Two examples:

1) MOA with MS SHPO and ACHP to protect the viewshed of the Siege of Corinth National Historic Landmark

2) MOA with CO SHPO for the transfer of a property with numerous archaeological sites to the Bureau of Land Management.


Section 110

Section 110 is the proactive part of the NHPA regulations. It directs agencies to develop comprehensive, practical preservation programs. In addition, section 110(k) prohibits agencies, such as FSA, from providing assistance to any applicant who has purposely, damaged a historic property in order to avoid section 106 review.



Consulting with tribes is an important component of the historic preservation program. FSA working to improve the way it consults with federally recognized Indian tribes. Consultation with tribes takes place at the state and National level.



National Office Contact:
Bennett Horter
Federal Preservation Officer
Farm Service Agency
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Mail Stop 0513
Washington, DC 20250



Cultural Resources - Related Links
National Register and National Register Database Search Engine

National Historic Landmarks

Historic Preservation Laws, Regulations and Guidelines


Preserve America EO 13287

Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Archaeology

Executive Order 13007, Sacred Sites

National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers

National Trust for Historic Preservation

National Preservation Institute

American Cultural Resources Association

National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers

Historic Preservation Learning Portal

Federal Preservation Institute

National Association of State Archaeologists

Public Benefits of Archeology - NPS Report



Tribal - Related Links
National Park Service (NPS) Native American Graves Protection Act Program

NPS Native American Graves Protection Act Searchable Database

NPS Tribal Historic Preservation Officer List

Census Bureau American Indian and Alaska Native Populations Database

National Museum of the American Indian

Department of the Interior Tribal Leaders Directory (pdf)

EO 13175, Consultation with Indian Tribes (pdf)



Last Modified: 02/13/09 10:30:04 AM

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