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  • § 411. Omitted
  • § 411a. Repealed.]
  • § 411b. Estimates of apple production
  • §§ 412, 413. Transferred
  • § 414. Repealed.]
  • § 414a. Transfer of nonadministrative funds of Commodity Credit Corporation for classing and grading purposes
  • § 415. Purchase of seeds and plants for distribution
  • § 415a. Omitted
  • § 415b. Wool standards; appropriation of certain funds
  • § 415c. Use of funds for dissemination of information relating to standardization, grading, etc., of wool; charge for grading wool
  • § 415d. Rules and regulations for wool standards; deposit of receipts in the Treasury
  • § 415e. Farm or food products; sale of samples, practical forms, etc.
  • § 416. Letting contract for packeting, etc., of seeds, etc., for distribution
  • § 417. Distribution of farmers’ bulletins
  • § 418. Annual report on work of agricultural experiment stations and of college extension work; publication and distribution
  • § 419. Repealed.]
  • § 420. Power to administer oaths, examine witnesses, or require production of books, etc.
  • § 421. Dairying and livestock experiment station, Mandan, North Dakota
  • § 421a. Omitted
  • § 422. Dairying and livestock experiment station, Lewisburg, Tennessee
  • § 422a. Omitted
  • § 423. Cotton; investigation of new uses; cooperation with State and other agencies
  • § 424. Cotton ginning investigations; publication of results; cooperation with Federal and State departments and agencies
  • § 425. Authorization of appropriations for cotton ginning studies
  • § 426. Predatory and other wild animals
  • § 426a. Omitted
  • § 426b. Authorization of expenditures for the eradication and control of predatory and other wild animals
  • § 426c. Control of nuisance mammals and birds and those constituting reservoirs of zoonotic diseases; exception
  • § 426d. Expenditures for cooperative agreements to lease aircraft
  • § 427. Agriculture research; declaration of policy; duties of Secretary of Agriculture; use of existing facilities
  • §§ 427a to 427h. Repealed.]
  • § 427i. Agricultural research; authorization of additional appropriations; administrative expenses; availability of special research fund
  • § 427j. Repealed.]
  • § 428. Omitted
  • § 428a. Acquisition of land; options
  • § 428b. Wheat and feed grains research; regional and national research programs; utilization of services of Federal, State and private agencies; authorization of appropriations
  • § 428c. Rice research
  • § 429. Repealed.]
  • § 430. Purchase and testing of serums or analogous products; dissemination of test results
  • § 431. Purchase of tags, labels, stamps, and certificates
  • § 432. Purchase of cultures for soil and fertilizer investigations
  • § 433. Domestic raising of fur-bearing animals; classification
  • § 434. Transfer of functions, appropriations, records and property to Secretary of Agriculture
  • § 435. Omitted
  • § 436. Transfer of Army Remount Service to Department of Agriculture; effective date
  • § 437. Administration of transferred property; improvement in horse breeding; acquisition of breeding stock and facilities; fees; cooperation with other organizations
  • § 438. Repealed.]
  • § 439. Operation of Government-owned alcohol plants; location; transfer of plants
  • § 439a. Powers and duties of Secretary of Agriculture
  • § 439b. Recommendations to Congress for discontinuance of plants
  • § 439c. Construction of additional facilities; acquisition of property; incurment of expenses; rules and regulations
  • § 439d. Assumption of obligations of Reconstruction Finance Corporation covering Muscatine, Iowa, plant
  • § 439e. Authorization of appropriations; availability of other appropriations
  • § 440. Reimbursement of appropriations available for classing or grading agriculture commodities without charge
  • § 441. Repealed.]
  • § 442. Availability of grain to prevent waterfowl depredations; payment of packaging, transporting, handling, and other charges
  • § 443. Requisition of grain to prevent crop depredation by migratory waterfowl
  • § 444. Reimbursement of packaging and transporting expenses
  • § 445. Authorization of appropriations for mitigating losses caused by waterfowl depredation
  • § 446. Repealed.]
  • § 447. Requisition of surplus grain; prevention of starvation of resident game birds and other resident wildlife; utilization by State agencies; reimbursement for packaging and transporting
  • § 448. Requisition and use of grain for prevention of starvation of migratory birds; reimbursement for packaging and transporting
  • § 449. Authorization of appropriations for reimbursement of Commodity Credit Corporation
  • § 450. Cooperation with State agencies in administration and enforcement of laws relating to marketing of agricultural products and control or eradication of plant and animal diseases and pests; coordination of administration of Federal and State laws
  • § 450a. Cooperative research projects; agreements with and receipt of funds from State and other agencies
  • § 450b. Cooperation with State and other agencies; expenditures
  • § 450c. Delegation of regulatory functions of Secretary of Agriculture; definitions
  • § 450d. Delegation of regulatory functions to designated employees; status of employees; number; revocation of delegation
  • § 450e. Authority of designated employees; retroactive revocation of delegation
  • § 450f. Delegation of functions under other laws as unaffected
  • § 450g. Authorization of appropriations for cooperative research projects
  • § 450h. Transferred
  • § 450i. Competitive, special, and facilities research grants
  • § 450j. Indemnity payments to dairy farmers and manufacturers of dairy products; milk removed for its residue of chemical or toxic substances; nuclear radiation or fallout contaminants; other legal recourse
  • § 450k. Authorization of appropriations for dairy farmer indemnities
  • § 450l. Expiration of dairy farmer indemnity program

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