Digitisation of Natural History Collections

Yihaw Folder Data Quality, Data Cleaning and Data Use
Yihaw Folder Dealing with Sensitive Data
Yihaw Folder Links Links of Interest to DIGIT
Yihaw Folder Programme Documents, working materials, discussions
Yihaw Folder Workshop on Data Quality and Data Cleaning Albuquerque, 2006
Yihaw HTML Document 2005-2006 DIGIT Request for Proposals (HTML) Historical
Yihaw File 2005-2006 DIGIT Request for Proposals (PDF) Historical
Yihaw HTML Document Background
Yihaw File Chapman Seminar
Yihaw URL DIGIT and ECAT 2004 Request for Proposals Historical
Yihaw HTML Document GBIF DIGIT 2005-06 Seed Money Prioritization e-conference Historical
Yihaw HTML Document Guide to Best Practices for Georeferencing

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