Southern Appalachian

Southern Appalachian Home

Southern Appalachian Information Node
Your Gateway to Regional Biodiversity Information


About the Node

Explore the Southern Appalachian Information Node's purpose, projects, partners, and contact information. Download the node factsheet and strategic plan.


Animals and Plants of the Region

Learn more about the species of the region and species in greatest need of conservation with our species information. [View more]


Live Maps and Data

View interactive maps such as the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV). Also find tools, data to download, and information resources. [View more]


Resource Management Tools

Electronically available resource management tools about land, water, and wildlife resources include: [View more]


SAIN Special Focus Areas

Represented here are cross-cutting issues for the region such as the Appalachian Trail Environmental Monitoring multi-regional project. [View more]

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Conferences of Interest

  2009 East Tennessee Environmental Conference
3/10/2009 - 3/11/2009
Kingsport, Tennessee
United States

  Water Quantity: Ongoing Problems and Emerging Solutions
3/24/2009 - 3/25/2009
Oxford, Mississippi
United States

  Association of Southeastern Biologists 2009 Annual Meeting
4/1/2009 - 4/1/2009
Birmingham, Alabama
United States

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