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Pandemic Influenza--Past, Present, Future: Communicating Today Based on the Lessons from the 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Proceedings of a one-day workshop, held on October 17, 2006. A panel of experts discussed how the 1918–1919 pandemic affected daily life in the United States
and what lessons can be learned and applied to planning today. The goals of the meeting were to:

  • provide participants with a frame of reference and historical background on the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic,
  • identify contemporary pandemic influenza issues and questions, and
  • present guidance for the development of communication materials and messages that can be used in the event of an influenza pandemic.


Executive Summary

Morning Session

Charge to Group

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Opening Comments

The Effects on Society at Large

Panel Discussion

Questions from the Audience

The Effects of Infrastructure and Government

Panel Discussion

Afternoon Session

The Effects on Individual and Family Life

Panel Discussion

Questions from the Audience

Closing Remarks

Appendix A: Agenda

Appendix B: List of Historical Resources

Appendix C: Probable Stakeholder Concerns List

Appendix D: Audience Questions List

Appendix E: Audience Feedback