PerFORM PRO FORM 2.02AD-271, Req. for Photographic ServicesJackie Sharp2/86$Z-g-;88This is a five-part set and each page is printed on different color paper. Page 1 - white; page 2 - green; page 3- yellow; page 4 - pink; and page 5 goldenrod. INSTRUCTIONS Items not listed are self-explanatory. All applicable sections must be filled in accurately before the requisition can be accepted. For further instructions, contact the Photography Division, Office of Information, Office of Governmental and Public Affairs. 5. Enter fiscal year and the next sequential number assigned by the agency control person. (Example: 86-001) 9. Do not use ASAP. (Contractors generally pickup and deliver orders after 3 p.m. Normal turnaround time for service is 4 to 5 working days. There is a 100 percent service charge for 24-hour service.) 20. Enter date, time, location, and subject matter in block 25. Indicate if the assignment is to be photographed in b/w or color film. 21. Check appropriate block. Submit to the Photography Division prior to scheduling an appointment with the U.S. Department of Commerce. Personnel in the Photography Division will assign a Department of Commerce job number. This number will also be assigned to the negative. (Note from Forms Designer: For your conveniece, the above instructions for blocks 5, 9, 20, and 21 are attached to each individual block on the form.) Requesting Agency, Divisi @. "Photo Service No. @. &&" k  Enter fiscal year and the next sequential number assigned by the agency control person. (Example:86-001)Reimbursement Code @. "For further information c @. "Copy Negatives-B/W)@ /#/#" _"_" Copy Negatives-Color@ w, w," ,, Film Developing-B/W@ U"  Film Developing-Color Neg@ G VG "  Film Developing-Slides@ *W*" ** Film Developing-Number & @ +X+" ?"?" Film Developing-Return Ne@ 'Y'" $$ No. of rolls @. Z"Type @. ["Contacts-No. per roll @. \"Paper-B/W@ "_"" 7+7+ Paper-Cropped@ *`*" /0/0 Paper-Color@ ?*a?*" !! Paper-Full Frame@ +b+" ++ Paper-SW Glossy@ o!co!" && Paper-Borderless@ w!dw!" ** Paper-SW Matte@ 7 e7 " 77 Paper-Autograph Border@ f "   Paper-Cibachrome@ +g+" && Paper-Other@ &h&" !! Mounting-Gator Board@ 7i7" && Mounting-Thickness @. j"Mounting-Foam Core@ -k-" !! Mounting-Size @. l"Mounting-Other@ W!mW!" G.G. Other @. n"Photography-In-House@ //o//" w"w" --Enter date, time, location, and subject matter in block 25. Indicate if the assignment is to be photographed in b/w or color film. 88 Photography-Freelance@ +p+" ** %%Enter date, time, location, and subject matter in block 25. Indicate if the assignment is to be photographed in b/w or color film. && Slide Duplication-B/W@ W"?W"" __ Slide Duplication-Color@ %@%" && Slide Duplication-Number@ *A*" 77 Slide Duplication-Box@ -C-" /"/" Studio Photography-PortraAL 'q'"   Check appropriate block. Submit to the Photography Division prior to scheduling an appointment with the U.S. Department of Commerce. Personnel in the Photography Division will assign a Department of Commerce job number. This number willalso be assigned to the negative.  Studio Photography-B/W@ #r#" "" %%Check appropriate block. Submit to the Photography Division prior to scheduling an appointment with the U.S. Department of Commerce. Personnel in the Photography Division will assign a Department of Commerce job number. This number will also be assigned to the negative. 7"7" Studio Photography-Identi@ '#s'#" && '%'%Check appropriate block. Submit to the Photography Division prior to scheduling an appointment with the U.S. Department of Commerce. Personnel in the Photography Division will assign a Department of Commerce job number. This number will also be assigned to the negative.  Studio Photography-Color@ t" %% ""Check appropriate block. Submit to the Photography Division prior to scheduling an appointment with the U.S. Department of Commerce. Personnel in the Photography Division will assign a Department of Commerce job number. This number will also be assigned to the negative. && Deliver completed Order T @. u"View Graph-B/W@ $P$"  View Graph-Color@ _$Q_$" && Room No. @. v"Contacts No. per roll- @. ]"Contacts person's type @. ^"Additional Information @. x"Telephone No.-2 @. -w-" && m7'7'Enter only the digits of the telephone number. The system will automatically add the parentheses and dash.**() -Appropriation No. @. "Each-1 @.  "Of-1 @.  "Size-1 @.  "Each-2 @.  "of-2 @. "Size-2 @. "Each-3 @. "Of-3 @. "Size-3 @. "Prints-1 @. "Each-5 @. "Of-5 @. "Size-5 @. "Prints-2 @. "Each-6 @. "Of-6 @. "Size-6 @. "Prints-3 @. "Each-7 @. "Of-7 @. "Size-7 @. "Prints-4 @. "Each-8 @.  "Of-8 @. !"Size-8 @. ""Prints-5 @. #"Each-9 @. $"Of-9 @. %"Size-9 @. &"Prints-6 @. '"Each-10 @. ("Of-10 @. )"Size-10 @. *"Prints-7 @. +"Each-11 @. ,"Of-11 @. -"Size-11 @. ."Prints-8 @. /"Each-12 @. 0"Of-12 @. 1"Size-12 @. 2"Prints-9 @. 3"Each-14 @. 8"Of-14 @. 9"Size-14 @. :"Each-13 @. 4"Of-13 @. 5"Size-13 @. 6"Prints-10 @. 7"Prints-11 @. ;"Each-15 @. <"Of-15 @. ="Size-15 @. >"Each-16 @. D"Of-16 @. E"Size-16 @. F"Each-17 @. G"Of-17 @. H"Size-17 @. I"Each-18 @. J"Of-18 @. K"Size-18 @. L"Each-19 @. M"Of-19 @. N"Size-19 @. O"Each-20 @. R"Of-20 @. S"Size-20 @. T"Slide Duplication-Collate@ /7B/7" ?? Date SubmittedLE/ "Telephone No.-1 @. %%"""''() - n'' Enter only the digits of the telephone number. The system will automatically add the parentheses and dash.Due DateLE/ g#g#" $$Do not use ASAP. (Contractors generally pickup and deliver orders after 3 p.m. Normal turnaround time for service is 4 to 5 working days. There is a 100 percent service charge for 24-hour service.)Courier1Univers (WN)"CG Times (WN)Univers ATT"Arial"DZaV   \%$ #j!DOq ^0a  %2%212. Copy NegativesWh!2D]!;0a  5/3 5/31. Contractor's No. 2!*D!;0a3a2!Dh  Cost & In-House Cost ''  %%2. Cost 3. In-House Cost WhD*e];[0a  Requesting Agency, Divisi O ,4 O 44. Requesting Agency, Division, Branch Whf2][!{0a  Photo Service No. &1 &15. Photo Service No. Wh2$]{!0a  Reimbursement Code 67 677. Reimbursement Code Wh%e6]R0a  For further information c _!&75 _!7510. For Further Information Call !8*I!0a   .w&.w&Description of Workcn&a k0X  Copy Negatives-B/W c<nGa+k60X  Copy Negatives-Color lKVqq^0a `` +4+417. Film Developing 7B&% /0X  Film Developing-Slides Kq0a `` ))No. of rollsK*0a  77Type^V+SX ``  5>5>Photography Division2f*![{0a `` Appropriation No.53 536. Appropriation No. 2$!{0a``  Date Submitted )? )?8. Date Submitted e%*6R0a``  Telephone No.-1   11. Telephone No. *${0a``  Due Date   9. Due Date !!VhHK ]AX D`  2D? 2?U.S. Department of Agriculture Request for Photographic Services!Eg/ <\a D``)f?)? 1. Submit an original and two copies to Photography Division, Office of Information, OGPA, Room 4425 So. 2. Do not schedule an appointment for studio photography prior to submitting requisition to the Photography Division. 3. Submit separate requests for black & white and color. 4. Shaded area to be filled in by Photographic Division Personnel. K UJ0a `` ?-w??-w?Quantity UK{J0a `` $_?$_?Sizeu.%0a `` _#G?_#G?Ea.w. U%J0a `` 3/?3/?ofu.0/%0a ``  Each-1 1/u.BP%>0a ``  Each-2 DPu.Uq>%^0a ``  Each-3 w. U0/%J0a ``  Of-1 w.1/ UBP%J>0a ``  of-2 w.DP UUq%>J^0a ``  Of-3  U{0/J0a ``  Size-1  U1/{BPJ>0a ``  Size-2  UDP{UqJ>^0a ``  Size-3 Uqq^0a3aCPUq  No. of rolls  W#W#*Uq^0a3a*1/<  Type  ''!Wqh!^~0a `` o7=o713. Prints (List negative numbers in sequence below)}Wqh^q~0a ` `  Contacts-No. per roll 69617a. Contacts No. per roll: Wqhq^~a   Contacts No. per roll- Wq*h^~0a   Contacts person's type Wqu.h^%~0a `` w.Wq Uh%^J~0a ``  UWq{hJ^~0a `` }j*7~0a `` 7718. Paperju.{~%0a ``  Each-5 }u.%0a ``  Each-6 u.%0a ``  Each-7 u.%0a ``  Each-8 u.7%0a ``  Each-9 w.j U{%~J0a ``  Of-5 w.} U%J0a ``  Of-6 w. U%J0a ``  Of-7 w. U%J0a ``  Of-8 w. U7%J0a ``  Of-9  Uj{{J~0a ``  Size-5  U}{J0a ``  Size-6  U{J0a ``  Size-7  U{J0a ``  Size-8  U{7J0a ``  Size-9 !j{!~0a ``  Prints-1 !}!0a ``  Prints-2 !!0a ``  Prints-3 !!0a ``  Prints-4 !7!0a ``  Prints-5 l7*~0a `` 2219. Mounting7u.X%>0a ``  Each-10 Xu.y>%^0a ``  Each-11 yu.^%~0a ``  Each-12 w.7 UX%J>0a ``  Of-10 w.X Uy%>J^0a ``  Of-11 w.y U%^J~0a ``  Of-12  U7{XJ>0a ``  Size-10  UX{yJ>^0a ``  Size-11  Uy{J^~0a ``  Size-12 !7X!>0a ``  Prints-6 !Xy!>^0a ``  Prints-7 !y!^~0a ``  Prints-8 l8*n~0a `` o58o520. Photography (Give additional information in 25)u.~%0a ``  Each-13 u."%0a ``  Each-14 $u.5%0a ``  Each-15 w.$ U5%J0a ``  Of-15 w. U"%J0a ``  Of-14  U{J~0a ``  Size-13  U{"J0a ``  Size-14  U${5J0a ``  Size-15 !!~0a ``  Prints-9 !"!0a ``  Prints-10 !$5!0a ``  Prints-11 w. U%~J0a ``  Of-13 !7ma =1a `` ,>,>14. Slide Duplication!oa!=]1a ``  o> o>15. Ozalid Slides l7*ma=1a `` W5g>W5g>21. Studio Photography}oa*=]1a ``  Deliver completed Order T )$?> )?>22. Deliver Completed Order To: 7u.H%0a ``  Each-16 Iu.Z@%1a ``  Each-17 \ ``  Each-18 oau.=%]1a ``  Each-19 w.oa U%=J]1a ``  Of-19 w.\@ Uma%J=1a ``  Of-18 w.I UZ@%J1a ``  Of-17 w.7 UH%J0a ``  Of-16  U7{HJ0a ``  Size-16  UI{Z@J1a ``  Size-17  U\@{maJ=1a ``  Size-18  Uoa{J=]1a ``  Size-19 ! ]}a `` *7> *7>16. View Graph }e]R}1a ``  Room No. 6> 6>23. Room No. e*R]}0a ``  Telephone No.-2 7*7*24. Telephone No. !*!}1a ``  Additional Information $J> $>25. Additional Information (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.) !P]S!Ra `` +1= +=26. Signature of Official Approving Request Q]fTRR1a `` $%= $=27. Completed Order Received by e*SR0a`` ))28. Date u.]%}1a ``  Each-20 w. U%]J}1a ``  Of-20  U{J]}1a ``  Size-20 t<* $X `))Form AD-271 (2/86)!!!a<!^3a   !?!?AD-271Ƚ 0X  Film Developing-B/W Ƚ& 0X  Film Developing-Color Neg Ƚ<G+60X  Film Developing-Number & Ƚ ^iKV0X  Film Developing-Return Ne +00X  Paper-B/W +0 0X  Paper-Color +00X  Paper-SW Glossy ++000X  Paper-SW Matte +>'0C20X  Paper-Cibachrome }0X  Paper-Cropped  }0X  Paper-Full Frame }0X  Paper-Borderless +0}0X  Paper-Autograph Border >'C2}0X  Paper-Other +PH0US.90X  Mounting-Gator Board +ci0htNY0X  Mounting-Foam Core +v0{ny0X  Mounting-Other P;jS!90X ``  Mounting-Thickness Yat?X0X ``  Mounting-Size 3~4!cz0X ``  Other +00X  Photography-In-House }0X  Photography-Freelance +/0: 1X  Studio Photography-Portra /:} 0X  Studio Photography-B/W P[}-80X  Studio Photography-Color +P0[-81X  Studio Photography-Identi  mx1X  View Graph-B/W a fmx1X  View Graph-Color ,9P1D[7-B81X  Slide Duplication-Number aPf[-81X  Slide Duplication-Box :/E:9 C1X  Slide Duplication-B/W /: 1X  Slide Duplication-Color P[-81X  Slide Duplication-Collate Dy#$u X 5>5>B/WDy<5Eu+3X Color'2X '@>'@>B/W'#$ X o >o >Color Negative'<2Z5E+G3X $$Number & File Negatives'^4HfK#SX Return NegativeslLȀ#$9 lX ' >' >SlidesNS/@X   B/WNSB@X _ _ ColorNST@X O O SW Glossy$NSg@X ? ? SW Matte7'NSz/@X 55Cibachrome_"/X 44Cropped_"BX 44Full Frame_"TX W W Borderless_$ gX /@/@Autograph Border_7'"z/X G@G@OtherIHNSP.@6X ?@?@Gator board\iNSqN@VX ?8?8Foam CoreoNSn@vX ##OtherϋIHPw.6X 44Thicknessϋ\iqwNVX ##SizeNS@X ##In-House4wX Freelance'0dS8@X 5=5=PortraitH/!7 X ??B/W:QP\"Y.I5X @=@=IdentificationHP!X-5X 33ColorO/hp8M mX !=!=B/WOP}"YM-z5X 3g=3g=NumberW/8 X 3O=3O=ColorWP"Y-5X 37=37=Collate`PL"Y-5X 3=3=BoxWFmuX 3=3=B/WFmuX w3<w3