eNotes - National Association of Conservation Districts


July 1, 2008
index to previous eNotes

  1. Attention eNotes Subscribers: Do you want to continue to receive eNotes?
  2. Progress Stalls on FY09 Appropriations
  3. NACD Signs MOU with Pollinator Partnership
  4. NACD Participates in National Drought Workshop
  5. NACD Comments on Listing of Sage Grouse as Threatened or Endangered
  6. USDA Secretary to Address Conservation Districts
  7. Support the Renovation Ride: Last Chance to Get an NACD Officer on a Bike
  8. NACD Thanks Maxine Mathis for Four-Plus Decades of Service
  9. New EPA Report Available on Ecosystems and Climate Change
  10. NACD Calendar of Events

1. Attention eNotes Subscribers: Do you want to continue to receive eNotes?

NACD has exciting news for our eNotes subscribers. We are happy to announce that, as of next week, July 8, 2008, this weekly electronic newsletter eNotes will be given a new look.

You may wonder why we’re spoiling the surprise. Along with the new design, NACD has recently adopted a new opt-in policy for our distribution list, and our subscribers and anyone else wishing to receive eNotes need to sign up for this new opt-in list. This new opt-in list format benefits you, our readers, by providing better protection of your privacy and the ability for you to subscribe and unsubscribe instantly.

Our newly designed eNotes will only be sent to this new permission-based list, starting July 8, 2008. We don’t want any of our districts or fellow friends of conservation to miss out on these weekly news briefs, so we need you to re-subscribe as soon as possible. If you decide not to act, you will no longer receive eNotes; as of next week, the old mailing list will no longer be used.

So please, subscribe now to receive NACD’s redesigned eNotes newsletter. It’s quick, simple and instantaneous. Click here to re-subscribe to receive eNotes. And keep your eyes peeled next Tuesday for the newly redesigned eNotes. Questions? Contact NACD Communications Director and eNotes Editor Lisa Lerwick at lisa-lerwick@nacdnet.org.

2. Progress Stalls on FY09 Appropriations
Congressional action on fiscal year 2009 (FY09) appropriations encountered some political turbulence over the last week as the House Appropriations committee worked on approving the spending bills.

Last week, the House Appropriations Committee arrived at a political standoff during a business meeting to approve bills for FY09 Labor, Health and Education and FY09 Agriculture spending. During the committee meeting, an unusual amendment was proposed by the Committee’s Ranking Member Jerry Lewis (R-CA) to bring up the FY09 Interior and Environment bill for consideration, including controversial provisions for offshore oil drilling permits. Angered by the tactic, Committee Chairman David Obey (D-WI) abruptly adjourned the hearing and cast some doubt on how the committee will proceed with remaining appropriations.

The Agriculture bill, which was scheduled for consideration during last week’s meeting, includes an increase in spending for Conservation Operations. Congress is observing the Independence Day recess this week and will return to Washington, D.C. next week to work on resolving the issue.  Action in the Senate Appropriations Committee has not yet been scheduled.

3. NACD Signs MOU with Pollinator Partnership
Last Friday, NACD entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Pollinator Partnership. NACD CEO Krysta Harden met with Coevolution Institute Executive Director Laurie Adams in Washington, D.C. to sign the MOU. NACD has worked closely with the Pollinator Partnership for over three years, including jointly sponsoring an annual award to recognize landowners who use good conservation practices to protect and promote pollinator species. Districts also regularly participate in national pollinator week and other events and share information with land managers about the appropriate management activities for improving pollination.

The primary purpose of the MOU at this time is to take the next steps to advance our mutual goals. For example, the Pollinator Partnership is currently developing Bioregional Guides for Pollinators, and NACD looks forward to help get those guides in the hands of people who will be able to use them in implementing their conservation practices. NACD is eager to seek ways to work with the Pollinator Partnership to further enhance our joint commitment to help advance mutual goals in pollinator conservation.

4. NACD Participates in National Drought Workshop
NACD Senior Advisor Rich Duesterhaus recently participated in a national workshop on the status of drought early warning systems in the U.S. The meeting was held in Kansas City, Mo. at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Weather Service (NWS) facilities. Approximately 120 participants spent three days examining the status of the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS).

Approximately 45 different stakeholders, including NACD, were invited to provide input on how drought has impacted their organizations, how drought information is used and other useful drought early warning information. NACD’s presentation was built on information provided by a number of state conservation district contacts. A major focus for our input was the impact on the conservation work of our district customers—farmers, ranchers and others—who manage the land and other resources.

More information on NIDIS, as well as the NIDIS weekly drought monitor, is available at http://drought.unl.edu/dm/.  

5. NACD Comments on Listing of Sage Grouse as Threatened or Endangered
NACD President John Redding recently submitted comments in response to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) status review to determine if listing the sage grouse as a threatened or endangered species is warranted.

NACD provided information to eight interagency teams on conservation district and individual landowner projects to conserve sage grouse in 11 western states. Data from conservation district efforts was summarized in NACD’s letter to FWS and concluded that listing of the sage grouse was not supported based on current conservation efforts, which have been and will continue to be effective in sustaining, expanding and improving sage-grouse habitat.

The full text of NACD’s letter to FWS is available on the NACD website at http://www.nacdnet.org/policy/input/comments/sage_grouse_6-27-08.pdf.

6. USDA Secretary to Address Conservation Districts
The 29th U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Ed Schafer will visit with conservation district leaders at this year’s NACD Legislative Conference on activities as USDA begins implementation of the 2008 Farm Bill. Secretary Schafer highlights what promises to be an excellent line up of conference speakers. Conference attendees will hear from many leaders in the conservation community including U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dale Hall, NRCS Associate Chief Dana York, and Forest Service Associate Chief Sally Collins.

America's Voice Logo

Click here to tune in to this month’s America’s Voice for Conservation audio clip to hear NACD President John Redding’s take on the upcoming 2008 Legislative Conference. For more information on NACD’s Legislative Conference, including a full agenda, tour information, and details on NACD’s 2nd Annual Congressional Reception, visit the conference website at http://www.nacdnet.org/events/legconference/. The deadline for conference pre-registration is July 11, so be sure to register today!

7. Support the Renovation Ride: Last Chance to Get an NACD Officer on a Bike
How many of you can say you’ll be saddling up for a 50 mile bike ride this weekend? Better yet, how many of you can say you’ll be riding 50 miles this weekend, followed by 258 miles less than 10 days later?

Five NACD staffers, three friends and one dad are in fact planning to do just that. The group will have their last long training ride this weekend in Ohio, joining the Ohio Federation of Conservation Districts in their Team 509 Tour to support the Renovation Ride. The weekend tour will stop at several Ohio farms, including the farm of NACD President Elect Steve Robinson. Exactly one week later, the national Renovation Riders will reconvene in Ohiopyle, Pa., where they will begin their 258 mile journey back to Washington, D.C. The arrival of the Renovation Riders will mark the start of NACD’s Summer Board Meeting and Legislative Conference.

The Renovation Ride is being held to garner additional support for NACD’s 509 Capitol Court Campaign. Both initiatives are seeking to raise the necessary funds to renovate NACD’s Washington, D.C. headquarters. At present, we have raised $126,848 of our $280,000 goal. Construction is scheduled for August. If we raise $15,000 more toward the Ride before July 11 (the Friday before the Ride), an NACD Officer has committed to participate. Pledges count; if your state has plans to donate publicly at the Legislative Conference, email Lisa-Lerwick@nacndet.org or Brad-Ross@nacdnet.org and we’ll count your money in advance toward the total.

Let’s get an officer on a bike! Support the Renovation Ride today. Additional information is available at http://www.nacdnet.org/events/509campaign/ride/.

8. NACD Thanks Maxine Mathis for Four-Plus Decades of Service
Few things about NACD are the same as they were on July 14, 1961, but Maxine Mathis is one of them. She began working for NACD almost 47 years ago and has given loyalty and dedication to the organization since that time. Maxine has often been behind the scenes; whether in her work in the printing business in League City, Texas or in her recent role in customer service for NACD’s Online Store and Stewardship sales. She’s a regular NACD historian. Anytime someone didn’t know the answer to a question related to the association, the response was the same: Ask Maxine! Mathis retired last week after dedicating her entire career to conservation districts and their work. NACD thanks her for her service and wishes her well.

NACD took advantage of one last chance to “Ask Maxine” in a short interview recently. A reflection on her years at NACD and a glimpse of what’s ahead can be read at www.nacdnet.org/news/maxine. Those wanting to send well wishes to Maxine can email them to susan-schultz@nacdnet.org for forwarding or mail them to the NACD National Office at 509 Capitol Court NE, Washington, D.C. 20002. We will collect these well wishes until August 1, 2008, at which time we will pass them all along to Maxine.

9. New EPA Report Available on Ecosystems and Climate Change
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a report that identifies strategies to reduce the impact of climate change on the nation’s forests, estuaries, wetlands and other ecosystems. The detailed document identifies ways that managers can increase the amount of disruption an area can absorb before it changes completely.

Scientists studied federal lands to determine best practices that reduce the impact of stressors, such as pollution or habitat destruction, which may be worsened by climate change. These guidelines can be useful to both federal agencies and other organizations concerned with land and resource management.

The report can be accessed at http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/recordisplay.cfm?deid=180143.

10. NACD Calendar of Events
July 18-23, NACD Summer Board Meeting and Legislative Conference, Washington, D.C.
August 3-5, Northeast Region Meeting, Portsmouth, NH
August 10-12, Southeast Region Meeting, Biloxi, MS
August 21-23, South Central Region Meeting, Hot Springs, AR
September 14-16, Southwest and Pacific Region Meeting, Aptos, CA

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For queries about this newsletter or if you are unable to automatically subscribe, contact editor Lisa Lerwick, NACD Director of Communications, at Lisa-Lerwick@nacdnet.org or 202-547-6223.