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Acalypha  L.
Taxonomic Serial No.: 28178

Download Acalypha TSN 28178

 Taxonomy and Nomenclature
  Kingdom: Plantae  
  Taxonomic Rank: Genus  
  Common Name(s): acalypha
  Taxonomic Status:    
  Current Standing: accepted  
  Data Quality Indicators:    
  Record Credibility Rating: verified - standards met  
  Global Species Completeness: unknown    
  Latest Record Review: 1999    

 Taxonomic Hierarchy
 KingdomPlantae  -- Planta, plantes, plants, Vegetal  
    SubkingdomTracheobionta  -- vascular plants  
       DivisionMagnoliophyta  -- angiospermes, angiosperms, flowering plants, phanérogames, plantes à fleurs, plantes à fruits  
          ClassMagnoliopsida  -- dicots, dicotylédones, dicotyledons  
                   FamilyEuphorbiaceae  -- euphorbes, spurge  
                      GenusAcalypha L. -- acalypha, copperleaf  
    Direct Children:  
                         Variety Acalypha gracilens var. gracilens Gray -- slender threeseed mercury 
                         Variety Acalypha virginica var. virginica L. -- Virginia threeseed mercury 
                         Species Acalypha alopecuroidea Jacq. -- foxtail copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha amentacea   
                         Species Acalypha amentacea Roxb. -- match me if you can 
                         Species Acalypha arvensis Poepp.  
                         Species Acalypha australis L. -- Australian acalypha 
                         Species Acalypha berteriana Muell.-Arg. -- Berteron acalypha 
                         Species Acalypha bisetosa Bertol. ex Spreng. -- streambank copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha californica Benth. -- California copperleaf, Pringle threeseeded mercury 
                         Species Acalypha chamaedryfolia (Lam.) Muell.-Arg. -- bastard copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha deamii (Weatherby) Ahles -- Deam's threeseed mercury 
                         Species Acalypha glechomaefolia A. Rich.  
                         Species Acalypha gracilens Gray -- slender copperleaf, slender threeseed mercury 
                         Species Acalypha havanensis Mueller  
                         Species Acalypha hispida Burm. f. -- bristly copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha indica L. -- Indian copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha mexicana Muell.-Arg. -- Mexican copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha mogotensis Urban  
                         Species Acalypha monococca (Engelm. ex Gray) L. Mill. & Gandhi -- slender threeseed mercury 
                         Species Acalypha monostachya Cav. -- round copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha neomexicana Muell.-Arg. -- New Mexico copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha ostryifolia Riddell -- hophornbeam copperleaf, pineland threeseed mercury 
                         Species Acalypha phleoides Cav. -- shrubby copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha poiretii Spreng. -- Poiret's copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha portoricensis Muell.-Arg. -- Puerto Rico copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha radians Torr. -- cardinal's feather 
                         Species Acalypha reptans Sw.  
                         Species Acalypha rhomboidea Raf. -- Virginia threeseed mercury 
                         Species Acalypha setosa A. Rich. -- Cuban copperleaf 
                         Species Acalypha virginica L. -- mercuryweed, threeseeded mercury, Virginia copperleaf, Virginia threeseed mercury, wax balls 

  Expert: John Kartesz  
  Notes: Biota of North America Project (BONAP), University of North Carolina   
  Reference for: Acalypha   
  Other Source(s):    
  Source: NODC Taxonomic Code, database (version 8.0)  
  Acquired: 1996   
  Reference for: Acalypha   
  Source: The PLANTS Database, database (version 4.0.4)  
  Acquired: 1996   
  Notes: National Plant Data Center, NRCS, USDA. Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA.   
  Reference for: Acalypha   
  Source: The PLANTS Database, database (version 5.1.1)  
  Acquired: 2000   
  Notes: National Plant Data Center, NRCS, USDA. Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA.   
  Reference for: Acalypha   
  Publication Date:    
  Article/Chapter Title:    
  Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.:    
  Publication Place:    
  Reference for:    

 Geographic Information
  Geographic Division:    






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Wed Mar 4 2009 06:59:44 MST