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Launch Schedules Meteorological / Environmental Satellites

Updated: 12 December 2005.
This schedule is for Informational purposes only.  Future dates are subject to change.
Corrections to this launch forecast are welcome.  Please provide your source.
Email Corrections to NOAA's: Satellite Information Team

NOAA-18 - Launched May 20, 2005. Afternoon orbit.
NOAA-17 - Launched June 24, 2002. Mid-morning orbit.
NOAA-16 - Launched September 21, 2000. Afternoon orbit.
NOAA-N - May 11, 2005
NPOESS Preparatory Project - October 31, 2006
NOAA-N' - 2008 pending repairs
NPOESS C1 - October 2009
NPOESS C2 - October 2010
NPOESS C3 - October 2011
NPOESS C4 - June 2013
NPOESS C5 June 2016
NPOESS C6 June 2018

GOES-M - Launched July 23, 2001
GOES-N - June 23, 2005
GOES-O - July 2007
GOES-P - October 2008
GOES-Q - Canceled
GOES-R - April 2012

DMSP F19 April 2009
DMSP F20 October 2011

Meteosat Second Generation (MSG-1) - Launched August 28, 2002
MSG-2 - 2004 (approximately eighteen months after MSG-1)
MSG-3 - 2008 (approximately four years after MSG-2)
MetOp-A (MetOp-2) - June 2006
MetOp-B (MetOp-1) - January-June 2010

GOMS-N2 - 2005
Meteor 3M-N1 - launched December 10, 2001
Meteor 3M-N2 - December 2004

Japan Multifunctional Transport Satellite (MTSat)
MTSat-1R - Feb 24, 2005
MTSat-2 - 2005

China FY-2B geostationary satellite launched June 26, 2000
China FY-2C - 2004
China FY-2D - 2006
China FY-2E - 2009
China FY-1D polar orbiter launched May 15, 2002

For additional information about the launch of other satellites, including commercial and military space craft, see the Space Daily, and Spaceflight Now. A resource for current information about space technology, satellites, launch vehicles and the commercial space business, see Space news Online. [Note: You will leave the NOAASIS web site and NOAA domain when following these links. NOAA provides these links as information resources but does not endorse these sites and their content.]

NOAA-15 launch
NOAA-15 launch,
1552 UTC, 13 May
1998 (Image 509k)