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Animal & Plant Biosecurity

One of our nation's premier concerns since September 11, 2001 is biosecurity. This concern not only includes defending the nation from direct attacks to people, but also from attacks that attempt to disrupt America's ability to feed itself and the world and unintentional events that could have the same devastating effects. A single plant or animal disease outbreak not brought quickly into check could drastically affect our ability to keep our animals and plants healthy. Furthermore, an outbreak even on a very limited scale could undermine consumer confidence in the food supply, if it is mishandled. CSREES and its land-grant university partners play a major role in helping to monitor and prevent such outbreaks. CSREES is working with its partner institutions to continue research on understanding disease transmission and early detection; accurate and speedy diagnosis of plant and animal diseases by laboratories; and extension efforts that provide producers with information on disease prevention and control, as well as keeping consumers properly informed in the event of a perceived or actual national crisis.

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Last Updated: January 28, 2009

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