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Addressing the Role of Place in Local Climate Change Mitigation: Emissions and Sprawl in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

EPA Grant Number: F5C20415
Title: Addressing the Role of Place in Local Climate Change Mitigation: Emissions and Sprawl in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Investigators: Knuth, Sarah
Institution: Pennsylvania State University - Main Campus
EPA Project Officer: Manty, Dale
Project Period: August 5, 2005 through August 6, 2005
Project Amount: $74,102
RFA: STAR Graduate Fellowships (2005)
Research Category: Academic Fellowships



The purpose of this study is to investigate how place-specific conditions and trends in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania drive county greenhouse gas emissions and how knowledge of these local driving forces can be harnessed to develop innovative greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies. I will focus particularly on greenhouse gas emissions and emissions reduction strategies related to urban sprawl. Myriad local changes in transportation, energy consumption, and land-use patterns associated with sprawl are likely linked to significant national emissions, but more local research is needed to investigate and quantify sprawls influence. By targeting sprawl, I will capture a dominant process driving Montgomery Countys emissions and uncover opportunities for climate change mitigation that are tailored to local stakeholder objectives - combating sprawl is vitally important to county officials and residents.


I will work with local stakeholders in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania to develop a county greenhouse gas emissions inventory, exploring local emissions in much greater-than-usual detail and making a special effort to draw out and quantify emissions trends related to sprawl. With stakeholder input, I will translate inventory results into a county climate change mitigation plan, developing a series of emissions reduction strategies that target place-specific trends driving emissions and that make the most of local stakeholders power over these trends.

Expected Results:

This study will produce a comprehensive emissions inventory and climate change mitigation plan for Montgomery County. Results will help advance understanding of climate changes complex and scale-dependent drivers, especially sprawl, and identify novel ways to reduce emissions from these sources.

Supplemental Keywords:

climate change mitigation policy, urban sprawl, land-use change, local place, stakeholder interaction, Philadelphia, , Air, Scientific Discipline, RFA, climate change, Air Pollution Effects, Atmosphere, Environmental Monitoring, community structure, Global Climate Change, urban sprawl, decision making, land use, policy making, climate variability, global change, green house gas concentrations, urban growth, greenhouse gases

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