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High-resolution Large-eddy Simulations of Terrain-induced Rotors

EPA Grant Number: F5B10194
Title: High-resolution Large-eddy Simulations of Terrain-induced Rotors
Investigators: Bela, Megan
Institution: Stanford University
EPA Project Officer: Willett, Stephanie H.
Project Period: January 1, 2006 through March 1, 2007
Project Amount: $57,678
RFA: STAR Graduate Fellowships (2005)
Research Category: Academic Fellowships



(1) Investigate and understand the 3-D evolution of terrain-induced rotors, atmospheric phenomena with significant impacts on particulate and pollution transport; and (2) Improve modeling of mesoscale and microscale meterological processes.


A large-eddy simulation (LES) numerical model will be used to simulate valley winds to predict the environmental conditions in which terrain-induced rotors occur. These predictions will be used to aid in planning of the Terrain-induced Rotor EXperiment (T-REX) field campaign to be conducted in the Owens Valley of California in spring 2006. T-REX will include a soil moisture sensor network to gather data on soil moisture variability, as well as meterological towers, radiosondes, aircraft measurements, and remote sensing platforms.

The model is based on the ARPS (Advanced Regional Prediction System) mesoscale model, with the addition of a dynamic reconstruction model (DRM) to improve representations of turbulent motions and a high-resolution land-surface model. Simulation results will be compared with T-REX experimental data to develop and implement further model improvements in the representation of land-surface type and conditions.

Supplemental Keywords:

terrain-induced rotor, mountain meteorology, pollutant transport, complex terrain, ARPS, T-REX, aerosol suspension, windstorm, aviation hazard, large-eddy simulation (LES), land surface model, turbulence model, , Air, Scientific Discipline, RFA, Air Quality, Air Pollutants, particulate matter, Ecology and Ecosystems, Environmental Monitoring, aerosols, hazardous waste incinerators, ambient air quality, fate and transport, urban air, airborne aerosols, air sampling, environmental health effects, aersol particles, terrain induced rotors, air quality models, air toxics, human health effects, air pollution, large eddy simulations, airborne particulate matter, ambient aerosol, human exposure, PM, aerosol composition

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