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The Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on the Phytoremediation of Persistent Organic Pollutants by Zucchini and Clover

EPA Grant Number: F5A20106
Title: The Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on the Phytoremediation of Persistent Organic Pollutants by Zucchini and Clover
Investigators: Ross, Daniel W.
Institution: Yale University
EPA Project Officer: Thompson, Delores
Project Period: June 1, 2005 through May 1, 2006
Project Amount: $74,000
RFA: STAR Graduate Fellowships (2005)
Research Category: Academic Fellowships



In this research zucchini and clover will be grown in three contaminated soils. One soil will be from a PCB contaminated brownfield, another will be a DDE contaminated farm soil, and the third will be a DDE and Chlordane contaminated farm soil. For each soil and each plant type there will be controls and two treatments. In one treatment both plant species will be amended with BioVAM (a commercially available powder containing arbuscular mycorrhizal spores). In the other treatment both plant species will be amended with a mix of spores from four arbuscular mycorrhizae (Glomus sp.). At the beginning of each experiment and throughout the growing period, soil samples will be taken.

To examine the relationship between the relationship of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization on the capacity of plants to sequester pollutants


At the end of the growing period, roots, stems, leaves, and soil will be analyzed for the presence of pollutants using Gas Chromatography. By measuring each of these compartments a mass balance can be obtained. Further, root sub-samples from each plant will stained and analyzed for mycorrhizal colonization using the gridline-intersect method.

Expected Results:

I expect to see an increase in pollutant sequestration by the plant coupled with an increase in mycorrhizal colonization.

Supplemental Keywords:

Mycorrhizae, Arbuscular, Phytoremediation, Gridline Intersect, , Water, Scientific Discipline, Waste, Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Contaminated Sediments, phytoremediation, persistent organic pollutants, clover, contaminated sediment, bioremediation of soils, PCB, agrichemicals, zucchini

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