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Interaction of Chromium and Arsenic in Human Lung Cells and the Role of the Fanc Pathway

EPA Grant Number: F5D40827
Title: Interaction of Chromium and Arsenic in Human Lung Cells and the Role of the Fanc Pathway
Investigators: Savery, Laura C.
Institution: University of Southern Maine
EPA Project Officer: McClure, Karen
Project Period: September 6, 2005 through September 6, 2008
Project Amount: $96,175
RFA: STAR Graduate Fellowships (2005)
Research Category: Academic Fellowships



To examine the toxic interactions between chromium and arsenic and determine if co-exposure to arsenic exacerbates the toxic effects of chromium.


Integrate toxicogenomic and genetic toxicology approaches using cytotoxicity and uptake assays, chromosome damage assays, comet assays and microarrays to investigate the toxic interactions of chromium and arsenic.

Expected Results:

Arsenic potentiates the carcinogenicity of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) by inhibiting the repair of chromate-induced DNA lesions leading to an increase in chromate-induced chromosomal instability and alterations in gene expression.

Supplemental Keywords:

chromium, arsenic, genotoxicity, chromosome damage, chromosome instability, , Scientific Discipline, Health, Risk Assessments, Health Risk Assessment, Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, arsenic, chemical mixtures, ultrafine particles, biochemical research, nanotechnology, respiratory impact, inhalation study, analysis of chemical exposure, fanc pathway, inhalation toxicology, cytokines, chromosome damage assays, human health risk, lung injury, particle exposure, ambient particle health effects, acute lung injury, metals, particulate matter, chemical exposure, chromium speciation, human exposure, particle size, combustion emissions

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