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This document lists by date the news items published on this portal.

Release date Issue Source
03 March 2009 GBIF seeks a Java consultant The GBIF Secretariat is seeking a motivated and experienced software developer for a one year consultancy
16 February 2009 Call for Nominations for the GBIF Metadata Implementation Framework Task Group (MIFTG) The current design of the GBIF data portal is focused on mobilising and making directly accessible primary species occurrence data delivered as Darwin Core or ABCD records with an emphasis on providing access to individual data records rather than describing and making accessible in a metadata catalogue general information on the parent datasets to which those records belong. However, providing users with ways that substantially increase their ability to discover and access relevant biodiversity datasets no matter where they occur across the network is a fundamental requirement, and this, in turn, obliges data publishers to document their datasets as fully as possible in conformance with international metadata standards.
12 February 2009 GBIF welcomes Uruguay as new Voting Participant The GBIF Secretariat is pleased to announce that it has received the signed Memorandum of Understanding from Uruguay.
12 February 2009 Paper Published December 2008 Actual usage of biological nomenclature and its implications for data integrators; a national, regional and global perspective
12 February 2009 GBIF and Landcare Research, NZ, collaborate on nomenclatural database A contract was signed on 20 January with Landcare Research in New Zealand to develop a pilot implementation of a cross-code nomenclatural database.
12 February 2009 GBIF and Fishbase collaborate on Fish Names evaluation A contract was signed on 20 January with the Fishbase Information and Research Group to perform an evaluation of scientific names surported to be fishes within the GBIF data portal.
12 February 2009 Paper submitted for Systema Naturae 250 David Remsen of the GBIF Secretariat submitted a paper for inclusion in the publication of Systema Naturae 250, a compilation of presentations made at the SN 250 symposium in Paris, Aug 2008.
12 February 2009 Specimen and specimen image Data Management System developed by GBIFS and the Zoology Museum, Copenhagen The GBIF Secretariat has helped develop a data management system for the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen
11 February 2009 GBIF Secretariat seeks Technical Writer The GBIF Secretariat seeks an external contractor to play a key role in the documentation process of the software tools developed by the Secretariat.
05 February 2009 Development of GBIF’s Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) Development of the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) is on-track and beta testing is underway with 46+ users already testing the software.
04 February 2009 New Financial Officer at GBIF Secretariat The GBIF Secretariat is pleased to welcome Bo Thorsteinsson as our new Financial Officer as of 1 January 2009
04 February 2009 Call for Nominations for the GBIF Task Group on a Data Publishing Framework For meaningful forecasting and sustainable use of biotic resources, a large volume of ‘fit-for-use’ primary biodiversity data is essential.
20 January 2009 Call for Participation in the Public Review of Proposed Natural Collections Description Metadata Standard Natural Collections Description (NCD) is a proposed metadata standard for describing collections of natural history materials at the collection level: one NCD record will describe one entire collection.
20 January 2009 GBIF commissions Task Group on Content Needs Assessment GBIF has constituted a Task Group on Content Needs Assessment to assess the needs for biodiversity data for multi-varied analysis, identify the gaps in biodiversity data presently accessible through GBIF, and make recommendations on data mobilisation strategies to bridge the gap between data needs and data access.
16 January 2009 GBIF seeks Head of Participation The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Secretariat seeks an experienced and energetic coordinator for our Participation portfolio.
13 January 2009 Harvard Museum first to pledge funds to support GBIF’s ‘Global Strategy and Action Plan for mobilisation of Natural History Collections data’ GBIF’s ‘Global Strategy and Action Plan for mobilisation of Natural History Collections data (GSAP-NHC)’ received a major boost through a pledge of USD 5000 by the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ)
16 December 2008 GBIF to convene expert workshop to prepare Darwin Core standard for ratification process The GBIF Secretariat will hold a three day programming workshop in Copenhagen on 21 - 23 January 2009 on the proposed Darwin Core (DwC) standard.
15 December 2008 New GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) beta testing opens in January The new Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) allows for publishing specimen and observational occurrence data, names data and dataset descriptive data to the internet in a single toolkit.
15 December 2008 GBIF Web Services Performance Improvement Due to increasing volumes of traffic on the portal web services - http://data.gbif.org/tutorial/services - it has become necessary to implement some performance improvements in these services.
15 December 2008 Development underway on GBIF Harvesting and Indexing Toolkit Development has started on the GBIF harvesting and indexing toolkit; a toolkit to simplify the job of harvesting datasources without the need for understanding the underlying protocols involved.
12 December 2008 Report of the 15th GBIF Governing Board Meeting (GB15) and Associated events GBIF's fifteenth Governing Board meeting (GB15) took place in Arusha, Tanzania, 31 October to 6 November 2008
11 December 2008 GBIF GSAP-NHC initial strategy document open for comments by Participants GBIF’s Global Strategy and Action Plan for mobilisation of Natural History Collections (GSAP-NHC) Data Task Group met in Copenhagen during August 2008 to develop the initial strategy document.
11 December 2008 Recommendation on Publishing and Discovery of Biodiversity Data Resources The GBIF Science Committee in its meeting in Arusha, Tanzania endorsed the draft of the ‘Recommendation on Publishing and Discovery of Biodiversity Data Resources’.
11 December 2008 Multimedia Resources Task Group sub-group meeting in February 2009 Based on the recommendation of the GBIF Science Committee, a sub-group of the GBIF Multimedia Resources Task Group (MRTG) will meet in Copenhagen 23-26 February 2009.
09 December 2008 GBIF Task Group on Content Needs Assessment Biodiversity Data are usually generated for a specific purpose, but are often used for multiple purposes. Some of the routine feedback from the users ranges from lack of sufficient data (volume, depth, and density), lack of fitness-for-use (precision, accuracy and authenticity), to lack of mechanism for data discovery, and access to data itself etc. The proposed ‘Content Needs Assessment’ exercise is an attempt to address these issues in an holistic manner.
09 December 2008 GBIF Science Symposium, “Biodiversity, Humans and Global Change in Africa” This year’s Symposium had the thought provoking theme of Biodiversity, Humans and Global Change in Africa.
09 December 2008 2008 Ebbe Nielsen Prize awarded at GB15 The Ebbe Nielsen Prize was awarded for the 7th time on 5 November 2008 in Arusha, Tanzania st GBIF’s fifteenth Governing Board meeting (GB15).
08 December 2008 Biodiversity Informatics session at European Geosciences Union meeting in Vienna, 19-24 April 2009 - Call for Participation
05 December 2008 GBIF Science Committee Seeks Nominations for 2009 Ebbe Nielsen Prize The Ebbe Nielsen Prize will be awarded for the eighth time in 2009 to a person or small team that is demonstrating excellence in combining biodiversity informatics and biosystematic research. The Science Committee of the GBIF Governing Board seeks nominations for the Prize, which are due by 31 March 2009.
03 December 2008 GBIF provides support for CBD Parties in the preparation of their 4th National Biodiversity Reports Following discussions on potential collaboration during 2008, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) invited GBIF to provide assistance to Parties with the preparation of their Fourth National Biodiversity Reports.
29 October 2008 Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and GBIF sign a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) GBIF and the Convention on Migratory Species have signed an agreement to work together to develop and share biodiversity data on migratory species.
28 October 2008 GBIF Programme Assistant appointed In recognition of the high administrative work loads of the GBIF Secretariat Programme Officers, a Programme Assistant has been appointed in order to allow the Programme Officers to focus more on the substantive areas of their portfolios.
28 October 2008 Strengthening of the GBIF Secretariat Informatics group In order to expand the GBIF Secretariat Informatics capacity, The GBIF Secretariat has hired two new programmers.
27 October 2008 GBIF participation at the IUCN World Conservation Congress The 4th IUCN World Conservation Congress was held in Barcelona, Spain, 5-14 October 2008.
24 October 2008 GBIF Posters now available for download GBIF has made a number of posters available for GBIF Participants to download from the GBIF website.
24 October 2008 ABBIF Campaign secures ~€400,000 in additional funding The Amazon Basin Biodiversity Information Facility (ABBIF) Campaign has secured ~€400,000 in funding support after submitting a proposal to the Andean Community of Nations.
23 October 2008 GBIF Data Citation Task Group (DCTG) The GBIF Nodes Committee members have identified the importance of adequately addressing the citation of biodiversity data served via the GBIF network, including providing attribution to the scientists and/or persons who are the original sources of such data.
23 October 2008 New GBIF Head of Participation Appointed GBIF is delighted to announce that Dr Sandy Andelman has been appointed as the new Head of Participation at the GBIF Secretariat.
21 October 2008 Task Group on a Global Strategy and Action Plan for Mobilisation of Natural History Collections (GSAP-NHC) As part of a broader Global Strategy for mobilising Primary Biodiversity Data, GBIF has convened a Task Group to catalyse the development of a Global Strategy and Action Plan for further mobilisation of natural history collections data worldwide(GSAP-NHC).
21 October 2008 GBIF Task Groups submit recommendations for mobilising biodiversity observational data and multimedia data resources Two GBIF convened Task Groups, on Observational Data (ODTG) and Multimedia Resources (MRTG) have submitted their recommendations towards mobilising biodiversity observational data and multimedia resources, respectively.
21 October 2008 GBIF co-sponsored nomenclatural workshops at ICZ In late August GBIF co-sponsored two workshops in conjunction with the International Congress of Zoology in Paris, France. The meetings were co-sponsored by EDIT, the European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy and PESI, the Pan-European Species--directories Infrastructure.
13 October 2008 Økonomimedarbejder (Financial Officer) GBIF søger pr. 1. januar 2009 eller tidligere en erfaren økonomimedarbejder m/k.
09 October 2008 NOW Available: White paper on Significance of Organism Observations Observations of nature are the foundation of ecological studies, which use observations to search for patterns in nature, and biodiversity conservation. Organism observations (observational) data is a major constituent of “primary biodiversity data”.
03 October 2008 GBIF and the IUCN World Conservation Congress (6-14 Oct 2008, Barcelona, Spain) The GBIF Secretariat will be participating in the forthcoming IUCN Congress (6-14) in Barcelona, Spain
29 August 2008 GBIF welcomes Cuba as new Associate Country Participant The GBIF Secretariat is pleased to announce that it has received Cuba's copy of the Memorandum of Understanding.
29 August 2008 GBIF welcomes ILTER as a new Associate Participant The International Long Term Ecological Research (ILTER) is a global network of research sites located in a wide array of ecosystems worldwide that can help understand environmental change across the globe.
29 August 2008 GBIF welcomes EWT as a new Associate Participant The GBIF Secretariat is pleased to announce that it has received the signed Memorandum of Understanding from the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT).
28 August 2008 GBIF-funded bee digitisation projects mobilise approx. 500,000 primary biodiversity records Two of the bee digitisation projects funded by GBIF as a contribution to the Global Pollinator Initiative are now complete and together they mobilise over 500,000 primary pollinator (biodiversity) records.
28 August 2008 GBIF CDs and DVDs with country information As part of GBIF's promotional and training digital material, GBIF has produced a number of CDs or DVDs for targeted countries.
27 August 2008 Integration of GBIF species occurrence data with the IUCN WDPA Integration of GBIF species occurrence data with the IUCN World Database on Protected Areas to be demonstrated in October 2008.
26 August 2008 GBIF Data Portal version 1.2.2. The GBIF Data Portal has reached version 1.2.2. Data is now searchable by altitude and depth and offers access to 147.5 million records.
08 August 2008 Call for nominations for a "Task Group on a Global Strategy and Action Plan for the Mobilisation of Natural History Data" GBIF Secretariat requests the nominations for membership in a GBIF Science Committee mandated “Task Group on a Global Strategy and Action Plan for Mobilisation of Natural History (GSAP-NHC)Data”
01 August 2008 GBIF-France to support the implementation of the SEP-CEPDEC collaboration GBIF-France, the French national Node (http://www.gbif.fr/) has agreed to serve as a mentor Node for the African and Asian countries participating in SEP-CEPDE
25 July 2008 GBIF welcomes Kenya as a new Associate Country Participant The GBIF Secretariat is pleased to announce that it has received Kenya's copy of the Memorandum of Understanding.
08 July 2008 GBIF bids farewell to Meredith Lane The GBIF Public and Scientific Liaison Officer (often called the Communications Officer), Meredith Lane, has decided to leave the GBIF Secretariat and return to the US to seek new challenges.
07 July 2008 GBIF seeks Java developers The GBIF Secretariat seeks two Java Software Developers. Deadline 28 July 2008.
02 July 2008 GBIF seeks Head of Participation The GBIF Secretariat seeks an experienced and energetic coordinator for our Participation work area. Deadline 4 August 2008.
01 July 2008 GBIF seeks Administrative Assistant The GBIF Secretariat, located in Copenhagen is seeking a highly-skilled and energetic Programme Assistant to assist our senior scientific staff with their main administrative tasks.
13 June 2008 Videos from the Workshop on Georeferencing Biodiversity Data now available from GBIF-ES Videos of some of the presentations delivered during 3rd Workshop on Georeferencing Biodiversity Data are now available. GBIF Spain
12 June 2008 GBIF launches online tabulation of hosted and shared data GBIF has launched an online tabulation of Data Sharing with Countries of Origin, which clearly demonstrates the efforts that the GBIF network puts in to making data from various parts of the world available to the whole world via the Internet. GBIF Secretariat
12 June 2008 First assembly of Spanish GBIF data providers and partners Representatives of 20 Spanish institutions that share data through the GBIF network gathered at a meeting hosted by GBIF-ES in April. GBIF Spain
11 June 2008 GBIF Secretariat staff enhanced by new intern A one-year internship to assist with CEPDEC activities has been added to the Secretariat. GBIF Secretariat
03 June 2008 Irish Node getting up to speed The National Biodiversity Data Centre (NBDC) of Ireland has been designated as GBIF's Irish Node. GBIF Secretariat
03 June 2008 The latest update (version 1.2) of the GBIF Data Portal user interface and database are now online The new version of the GBIF Data Portal contains 134.4 million occurrence records. GBIF Secretariat
13 May 2008 GBIF surveying observational datasets in biodiversity GBIF's Observational Data Task Group is conducting an online survey of observational data sources related to biodiversity GBIF Secretariat
08 May 2008 EDIT Summer School 2008 Call for the EDIT Summer School 2008: Modern Taxonomy and Field Work original
08 May 2008 Luxembourg has joined the GBIF family of participating countries GBIF welcomes Luxembourg as its newest Associate Participant. GBIF Secretariat
05 May 2008 GBIF is surveying biodiversity multimedia resources GBIF's Multimedia Resources Task Group is conducting a survey of multimedia resources related to biodiversity. GBIF Secretariat
23 April 2008 The French Node is offering GBIF training, 20-22 May, Montpellier The French node for GBIF is offering training in how to become a GBIF data provider. GBIF.FR
15 April 2008 Central African Biodiversity Information Network (CABIN) launched 1 April 2008 This project of the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) , in collaboration with several research institutions based in Central Africa (mainly Congo DRC, Rwanda and Burundi).
15 April 2008 GBIF-Sweden launches new portal On April 10, 2008, GBIF-Sweden released a new portal with an improved interface and some new functions.
07 April 2008 GBIF seeks comments on proposed metadata strategy GBIF is currently preparing a strategy that will take its network from proven prototype to full operational status, enabling it to scale exponentially and fulfill its goal of becoming the preferred gateway, worldwide, to a comprehensive array of primary species-occurrence data. GBIF Secretariat
02 April 2008 ZipCode Zoo and GBIF sign a Memorandum of Cooperation The data-exchange and web services interaction between GBIF and the internet portal ZipCode Zoo have been formalised in a Memorandum of Cooperation. GBIF Secretariat
02 April 2008 LIFEWATCH launched on 12 March 2008 LIFEWATCH is preparing the construction of a European infrastructure that will allow researchers and other user sectors to benefit from computational power for the analysis and modeling of vast amounts of biodiversity data, including GBIF-mediated data. LIFEWATCH, GBIF Secretariat
31 March 2008 Guide to Best Practices for Generalising Sensitive Species Occurrence Data now available in PDF This guide is the work of Arthur Chapman and Oliver Grafton, based on a survey and a GBIF workshop. GBIF Secretariat
19 March 2008 Third GBIF training workshop on georeferencing, 5 - 8 May 2008 The third offering of the GBIF TRAINING WORKSHOP ON GEOREFERENCING will be held at the Royal Botanical Garden (CSIC), Madrid (Spain), in English. GBIF Secretariat
12 March 2008 GBIF Data Portal bug fixes and functionality upgrades An updated version (1.1.2) of the GBIF Data Portal user interface and database went online on 21 February at http://data.gbif.org. GBIF Secretariat
11 March 2008 Multimedia Resources Task Group GBIF has constituted a Task Group to address means to include multimedia data resource types, as a step toward achieving the 1 Billion Records goal. GBIF Secretariat
07 March 2008 Chinese translations of popular GBIF documents are now available The GBIF booklet by Arthur Chapman on "Uses of Primary Species Occurrence Data" has been translated into Chinese, as has the Data Portal Tutorial. GBIF Secretariat
29 February 2008 GBIF welcomes SCAR On 18 February 2008, GBIF received a signed MOU from the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR), an Interdisciplinary Body of the International Council for Science (ICSU). GBIF Secretariat and SCAR
28 February 2008 GBIF's 4th ENM workshop judged a success The 4th GBIF Ecological Niche Modeling (ENM) workshop took place 26-30 November 2007 in Warsaw, Poland. This training event was co-organized with the University of Warsaw, The Polish GBIF Node, the Biodiversity Research Center (Kansas University) and UNAM (Mexico). GBIF Secretariat
28 February 2008 GBIF signs MoC with CYTED The Iberoamerican Project in Science and Technology for Development (CYTED) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with GBIF in December, 2007. GBIF Secretariat
25 February 2008 Discover Life joins GBIF Discover Life became an Associate Participant in GBIF as of 21 February, when the signed MOU arrived at the GBIF Secretariat. GBIF Secretariat
06 February 2008 New team on board at GBIF.fr A new node manager and web engineer have joined GBIF's French node. GBIF-FR
04 February 2008 In latest RFP, the JRS Foundation requires building on accomplishments of GBIF and TDWG In a recent request for pre-proposals, the JRS Foundation specifically states that applicants should build upon the work of GBIF and TDWG. JRS Foundation
29 January 2008 GBIF Participant Nordic Gene Bank (NGB) becomes NORDGEN Three Nordic genetic resource institutes have fused into one, and soon will be sharing more data through GBIF. NORDGEN
28 January 2008 GBIF-Spain adds videos to its training website Several videos are available for download or online display from the website of the Spanish GBIF Node. GBIF.ES
26 January 2008 Ireland is GBIF's newest Voting Participant GBIF extends a warm welcome to the Emerald Isle.
26 January 2008 EOL is newest GBIF Associate Participant GBIF extends a warm welcome to the Encyclopedia of Life. GBIF Secretariat
25 January 2008 Observational Data Task Group Observational data comprises 60% of GBIF's current 145 million primary biodiversity data records. Vishwas Chavan
20 December 2007 Position Opened: Head of Informatics The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Secretariat seeks a highly experienced Informatics/IT Manager to lead our Informatics team
10 December 2007 Bibliographies of GBIF citations accessible at EditGrid.com MOST RECENT UPDATE: 19 June 2008 GBIF Secretariat
29 November 2007 2007 GBIF Science Symposium presentations now available The PowerPoint presentations used by the speakers in the 2007 GBIF Science Symposium are now available. GBIF Secretariat
28 November 2007 Position open: GBIF seeks a Training Officer The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Secretariat seeks an experienced Training Officer (TO) to lead the development and implementation of training activities across the GBIF network. Closing date for applications is 16 January 2008. GBIF Secretariat
28 November 2007 GBIF formally accepted as a GEO Participant GBIF Executive Secretary Nick King represented GBIF at the GEO Plenary (in Cape Town, South Africa, 27 - 28 November, 2007) at which GBIF was formally accepted as a Participant in the Group on Earth Observations. Nick King, Executive Secretary of GBIF
15 November 2007 New publication reports on GBIF data coverage as of 2005 A paper published 7 Nov 2007 reports on a study of the geographical and taxonomic coverage provided by GBIF data that were current as of Oct 2005. authors
09 November 2007 GBIF documents about data now available in Korean "Uses of Primary Species-Occurrence Data", "Principles of Data Quality", and "Principles of Data Cleaning" are now available online in Korean. KBIF
08 November 2007 DanBIF international conference: Biodiversity Informatics and Climate Change Impacts on Life Denmark's GBIF Node to host its fifth international conference. DanBIF Secretariat
01 November 2007 GBIF-ES to host a workshop on digital imaging The workshop will be held at the Royal Botanic Garden, Madrid, 12 - 14 December 2007. GBIF-ES
13 October 2007 Call for Proposals: GBIF Node-to-Node mentoring Deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 13 November 2007, 2400 hrs (= 14 November, 0000 hrs) GMT+1. GBIF Secretariat
11 October 2007 GBIF seeks new Head of Informatics The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Secretariat seeks a highly experienced Informatics/IT Programme Manager to lead our Informatics team in the ongoing development of our informatics services and internal IT systems. The person will succeed Donald Hobern, who is taking up the post of Project Director for the Atlas of Living Australia. GBIF Secretariat
17 September 2007 Job opening - GBIF Web Developer The GBIF Secretariat is seeking a Web Developer. Deadline for applications is 28 October 2007, 2400 hrs (= 29 October 2007, 0000 hrs) GMT+1.
11 September 2007 GBIF and FAO sign Memorandum of Cooperation GBIF and the FAO have agreed to work together in support of the International Pollinator Initiative. GBIF Secretariat
11 September 2007 GBIF and ALARM work toward a Pollinator Information System GBIF, through a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Integrated Project ALARM (Assessing LArge scale environmental Risks for biodiversity with tested Methods), is helping in the development of a Pollinator Information System. GBIF Secretariat
01 September 2007 New DIGIT Programme Officer to join GBIF Secretariat Vishwas Chavan will join the GBIF Secretariat as Programme Officer for the DIGIT work programme later this month (September 2007). GBIF Secretariat
31 August 2007 GBIF is requesting proposals for 2007 - 2008 Seed Money The request for proposals (RFP) for the 2007 - 2008 GBIF Seed Money is now available. GBIF Secretariat
23 August 2007 Job opening - Office Manager/Personal Assistant The Secretariat of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)seeks a temporary Office Manager/Personal Assistant
14 August 2007 Fourth GBIF Ecological Niche Modelling Workshop The 4th GBIF Ecological Niche Modeling Workshop will take place 26-30 November 2007 in Warsaw, Poland. This is a GBIF training opportunity for persons who wish to use ENM based on GBIF-mediated data in their research or applied work. GBIF Secretariat
26 July 2007 GBIF data provider seeking user feedback The United States National Museum of Natural History is working to improve access to its data. NMNH
09 July 2007 CETAF the newest GBIF participating organisation The Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF)is now officially an organisational Associate Participant in GBIF. GBIF Secretariat
14 May 2007 New GBIF Data Portal now in beta-test GBIF is seeking beta-testers who are willing to take a little time to try out the new Data Portal user interface and send us comments. GBIF Secretariat
30 March 2007 GBIF to hold e-conferences on Content seed money prioritisation GBIF will make seed money awards in 2007-2008. Advice and input is sought concerning priorities for these awards. GBIF Secretariat
23 March 2007 Advisory report on IPR now available to GBIF GBIF is benefitting from a report containing the advice of 10 IPR experts from around the world, which is now available. GBIF Secretariat
27 February 2007 Training for Dutch and Belgian data providers NLBIF and BeBIF have teamed up to offer training in data validation methods, in Brussels (19 - 20 April 2007) and Amsterdam (26 - 27 April 2007). NLBIF & BeBIF
21 February 2007 DanBIF is organising a fourth international conference The fourth in DanBIF's biodiversity conference series is entitled "Biodiversity Informatics and the Barcode of Life" DanBIF Secretariat
19 February 2007 Governing Board elects 3rd Vice-Chair Gladys Cotter has been elected to serve in the position. GBIF Secretariat
15 February 2007 Respected Head of a GBIF Delegation has passed away Dr. Bent Skovmand, Director, and Head of GBIF Delegation for the Nordic Gene Bank (NGB), has passed away. Nordic Gene Bank
07 February 2007 The French Node is offering GBIF training, 4-6 April The French node for GBIF is offering training in how to become a GBIF data provider. GBIF.FR
07 February 2007 GBIF Georeferencing Training Workshop in Argentina ... to be held in Buenos Aires, 19-23 March 2007 (workshop language will be Spanish). GBIF Secretariat
06 February 2007 SPNHC has joined GBIF ... ... as the newest organisational Associate Participant. GBIF Secretariat
02 February 2007 GBIF Spain Training program for 2007 released The 12 training opportunities will take place at the Real Jardin Botanico (Madrid). GBIF.ES
23 January 2007 GB 14 will be in Amsterdam in October The next Governing Board meeting will take place the week of 14 October 2007. GBIF Secretariat
11 January 2007 GBIF Participants invited to submit Campaign pre-proposals Campaign pre-proposals are due to the Secretariat by 31 March 2007. GBIF Secretariat
10 January 2007 Denmark continues assisting developing countries to participate in GBIF Recently, the Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided 1.5M Danish kroner (approximately €200,000) to the GBIF Supplementary Fund. GBIF Secretariat
19 December 2006 GBIF Secretariat to be hosted by the University of Copenhagen for another five years On 12 Dec 2006, Rektor Ralf Hemmingsen and Executive Secretary James L. Edwards signed a new Institutional Host Agreement between the University of Copenhagen and GBIF. GBIF Secretariat
01 December 2006 Position Announcment - Senior Program Officer DIGIT GBIF Secretariat
30 November 2006 DanBIF Conference 2006 materials available online Speaker presentations and posters from the 2006 DanBIF Conference on ecosystem-level biodiversity are now available online. DanBIF
15 November 2006 Position Announcement: GBIF Executive Secretary The GBIF Governing Board is seeking a highly qualified individual to take up the duties of GBIF Executive Secretary as of 1 November 2007. Applications are due by 28 February 2007. GBIF Governing Board
08 November 2006 GBIF's French Node now online As of early November 2006, the French national Node in the GBIF network is online. GBIF Node (France)
20 October 2006 GBIF Participants are endorsing the new MOU On Monday, 2 October, the GBIF Governing Board determined that there is indeed commitment among the Participants to the continuation of GBIF through at least 2011. GBIF Secretariat
23 August 2006 GBIF Joins with FAO to Add Content to the Pollinator Information Management System GBIF Secretariat
22 August 2006 Now available: Guide to Best Practices for Georeferencing This publication is one of the outputs from the BioGeomancer project and discusses in depth best practices for georeferencing biological species (specimen and observational) data. The publication presents examples of how to georeference a wide range of different location types, and provides information and examples on how to determine the extent and maximum uncertainty distance for locations based on the information provided. Biogeomancer project and GBIF Secretariat
26 July 2006 Registration site for GB13 now open Governing Board delegations can register online for GB13 and obtain travel, lodging and tourism information about the venue at the link provided. GBIF Secretariat and Peruvian Organising Committee
05 July 2006 GBIF MOU for 2007 - 2011 open for signature The Memorandum of Understanding that will continue GBIF for the next five years is open for signature and available in English (the official version), French and Spanish. GBIF Secretariat
28 June 2006 Proceedings of the Third GBIF Science Symposium available online The Symposium was on the overall topic of "Tropical Biodiversity: Science, Data, Conservation", and featured biodiversity research by Belgian scientists. Belgian Biodiversity Platform
27 June 2006 GBIF's Newest Associate Participants Two new international organisations have joined GBIF, bringing the total number of organisational Associate Participants to 34. GBIF Secretariat
16 June 2006 Helena Eklund is the new Node Manager for GBIF-Sweden As of 12 June 2006, Helena Eklund holds the post GBIF-Sweden Node Manager.
06 June 2006 Two vacancies for Programme Officer positions in the GBIF Secretariat The GBIF Secretariat in Copenhagen, Denmark, seeks to hire a Programme Officer for NODES and a Programme Officer for Data Access and Database Interoperability (DADI) GBIF Secretariat
31 May 2006 Staffing changes at the GBIF Secretariat Dr. James Edwards, Director of the GBIF Secretariat, has announced some staffing changes at the GBIF Secretariat. The new job descriptions will be posted by 1 June. GBIF Secretariat
10 May 2006 The NODES mentoring process for 2006 has been initiated Mentors will assist in establishing and/or developing the Mentee Node and/or a national network of data users and providers promptly and effectively. GBIF Secretariat
02 May 2006 Jim Croft elected Vice Chair of Nodes Committee At GB12 in Cape Town, Jim Croft (Australia) was elected Vice Chair of the GBIF Nodes Committee. GBIF Secretariat
02 May 2006 Finalised dates for GBIF Governing Board 13 The thirteenth meeting of the GBIF Governing Board will take place in Iquitos, Peru, from 2 to 4 October, 2006. Committees will meet 1 October. GBIF Secretariat
28 April 2006 Extraordinary Meeting of the GBIF Governing Board Also known as GB12.5, the meeting will be held in Madrid, Spain, 15-16 June 2006. GBIF Spain
19 April 2006 GBIF mirror site in Asia opened Located at Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) in Daejon, Republic of Korea, a new mirror site of GBIF Data Portal has been opened. Hannu Saarenmaa and Giorgos Ksouris
28 March 2006 Three Nodes mentoring projects have been funded Mentors will assist in establishing or developing the mentee Nodes. GBIF Secretariat
17 March 2006 Call for technical author to assist TDWG subgroups TDWG is seeking a technical author to assist with a range of documentation for its data standards GBIF Secretariat
17 March 2006 Survey: Feedback and Requirements for GBIF Data Portal Please visit our online survey to gather user requirements for the development of the GBIF Data Portal as a public tool providing access to biodiversity data at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=279441780723 GBIF Secretariat
15 March 2006 Program for GBIF's Fourth Science Symposium available now The fourth GBIF Science Symposium, titled "GBIF and other new technologies in conservation and monitoring biodiversity" will be held 5 - 6 April in Cape Town, South Africa. GBIF Secretariat
13 March 2006 GBIF welcomes newest Participant The Major Systematic Entomology Facilities group has joined GBIF. GB Chair
07 March 2006 GBIF Survey on Custodianship of Sensitive Data Underway Please take the online survey, which can be found at the "concerned URL" in this news item. GBIF
08 February 2006 RSS feeds from GBIF "Rich site summaries" (RSS) of newly added data providers, new resources/collections, and taxa with new records can be followed from the GBIF home page. Hannu Saarenmaa
07 February 2006 Press Clippings about GBIF Available Online Articles from throughout GBIF's history available through the online Press Room. GBIF Secretariat
02 February 2006 GB12 Web Site Registration and full information package available. SABIF and GBIF Secretariat
25 January 2006 BIS Colombia News The Biodiversity Information System of Colombia posts new information products and services on the Web. Biodiversity Information System of Colombia (Coordinator Team) - Instituto Humboldt
03 January 2006 Use of GUIDs to strengthen biodiversity informatics infrastructure A globally unique identifier is a permanent identifier used to identify, reference and retrieve data resources (i.e. information) on the Web. GUIDs solve the problem of broken links (common in regular URLs) as they can be used to retrieve the associated resource regardless of changes in its location. GUIDs also provide a fundamental infrastructure to improve systems interoperability. GBIF Secretariat
22 December 2005 GBIF Secretariat will be closed for holidays
13 December 2005 GBIF seeks experts to serve on its Science Subcommittees Persons with expertise in the areas of GBIF's work programmes are needed to provide advice to GBIF. Those interested in advising GBIF should contact their country's, or an appropriate Associate Participant's, delegation as soon as possible. GBIF Secretariat
12 December 2005 Second GBIF ecological niche modelling workshop concludes GBIF has sponsored two workshops on ecological niche modelling to date, one in Mexico and the second at the University of Kansas (pictured). GBIF Secretariat
28 November 2005 GBIF's Governing Board Chair appears in the news David Penman, new Chair of the Governing Board, was recently featured in several New Zealand newspapers and on the stuff.nz.co website. www.stuff.co.nz
17 November 2005 GBIF seeks Programme Officer for ECAT GBIF seeks a dynamic individual to assume leadership in completing the Electronic Catalogue of Names of Known Organisms (ECAT).
21 October 2005 Developers of implementations of TDWG TAPIR protocol will meet to ensure compatibility A revision of the DiGIR and BioCASe protocols, known as the TDWG TAPIR protocol, has been in design over the last two years. The two project teams from the US and Germany are meeting to ensure that their implementations of the protocol are compatible.
17 October 2005 Mirror site of GBIF data portal opens in Berlin The first of several GBIF mirror sites is now operational. Users of the data portal will be redirected to the closest or most available site. Hannu Saarenmaa
07 October 2005 GBIF Science Committee Seeks Nominations for 2006 Ebbe Nielsen Prize The Ebbe Nielsen Prize will be awarded for the fifth time in 2006 to a person or small team that is demonstrating excellence in combining biodiversity informatics and biosystematic research. The Science Committee of the GBIF Governing Board seeks nominations for the Prize. GBIF Secretariat
28 September 2005 Costa Rica's GBIF Node's Web Site Won National Prize INBio’s web page won first place at the II National Contest of Web Sites, organized by Costa Rica's Ministry of Science and Technology, RACSA and ICE. Later, it won won second place in the Latin American competition. INBio
20 September 2005 Call for Proposals: 2005 GBIF Demonstration Project The GBIF demo projects aim at developing applications and/or tools that utilize GBIF data in new and innovative ways. These applications are meant to be reused meaningfully with different data sets and addressing different end users. Deadline for receipt of proposals is 20 October 2005. GBIF Secretariat
15 September 2005 GBIF Training Workshop in Asia The purpose of the workshop is to inform representatives of the countries in South and South-East Asia about GBIF’s vision and working practices, as well as to provide practical information and technology solutions that are available for making scientific biodiversity data available on the Internet. GBIF Secretariat
31 August 2005 Call for Contractors for GBIF Data Portal Experienced Java Developers and a Data Administrator are sought to work on the GBIF Data Portal and web services.
25 August 2005 TDWG Project Team appointed with funds from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Three contractors have been appointed to work over the next two-and-a-half years to help TDWG improve its development of data standards.
17 August 2005 GBIF 2nd Workshop on Ecological Niche Modelling GBIF together the University of Kansas Biodiversity Research Center (KU) and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), are organizing a hands-on Ecological Niche Modeling training workshop in Lawrence, Kansas from 5-9 December 2005. Deadline for applications is 22 September 2005. BT & MAL; approved: JLE
11 August 2005 Correction of deadline for ECAT pre-proposals In the news item below this one, the deadline is stated to be 15 September, but within the document itself, the deadline was given as 15 August. MAL; approved: JLE
28 June 2005 2005 - 2006 Request for proposals for GBIF seed money The requests for proposals to the GBIF programmes DIGIT and ECAT have been released. GBIF Secretariat
22 June 2005 Governing Board 11th meeting website Registration is now open for the Stockholm meeting. GBIF Sweden
14 June 2005 Data sharing report from Spanish GBIF Node A short report on Spanish data provision to the GBIF Network is already available. Data sharing with countries of origin is also analysed in brief, with a distribution map of the Spanish data in the GBIF Network. GBIF.ES Coordination Unit
07 June 2005 SABIF sets sail The South African Biodiversity Information Facility (SABIF) was today launched at the Innovation Hub in Pretoria by Science and Technology Deputy Minister Derek Hanekom. South Africa National Research Foundation
03 June 2005 GBIF Switzerland is online! Call on Swiss institutions for data digitization projects, and announcement of the new web site of the Swiss GBIF participant node. GBIF.ch
24 May 2005 Two job openings TDWG and GBIF are seeking a Data Architect and Project Manager. Donald Hobern
20 May 2005 Invitation to contribute to the Amazonian biodiversity data survey GBIF is working towards the development and establishment of the Amazon Basin Biodiversity Information Facility (ABBIF). GBIF Secretariat
20 May 2005 E-conferences to be held on GBIF seed money priorities As part of the process of formulating the 2005-2006 requests for proposals for the GBIF seed money competitions, a discussion of priorities will be carried out through e-conferences. GBIF welcomes your insights about what taxonomic groups or regional floras/faunas should be priorities for the GBIF seed money programmes. Two simultaneous e-conferences will take place from 25 May through 1 June, 2005. GBIF Secretariat
19 May 2005 GBIF participating in the International Day for Biological Diversity With its node in Denmark (DanBIF), the Danish National Museum for Nature, and the European Environment Agency (EEA), GBIF is participating in the International Biodiversity Day (IBD). GBIF Secretariat
19 May 2005 GBIF seeks advice and input regarding participation in GEOSS GBIF has been called upon to lead two of the work packets of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) process. GBIF Secretariat
19 May 2005 GBIF servers down today Due to electical work between 17-23 hours. Hannu Saarenmaa
06 May 2005 How to cite GBIF data Now also in Spanish! Public commenting period of draft documents until end of June. Hannu Saarenmaa
03 May 2005 Austria proud to announce a total of 10 institutions providing data In a joint effort co-ordinated by the Umweltbundesamt, 10 of Austria's natural history institutions have become GBIF data providers. Michael Malicky
22 April 2005 GBIF welcomes WDCBE as newest Associate Participant At the 10th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board, the World Data Center for Biodiversity and Ecology (WCDBE) was welcomed as the 77th Participant in GBIF. GBIF Secretariat
20 April 2005 GBIF Secretariat in transition to a new IP network class Expect temporary interruptions in access to GBIF internet services over the next several days.
18 March 2005 First insect observation data from the Netherlands connected to GBIF Nearly 87,000 observational records of insects over a 200-year period have been made available through GBIF. European Invertebrate Survey (EIS-NL)
11 March 2005 Nodes Liaison Officer soon to join the GBIF Secretariat staff Dr. Francisco "Paco" Pando has accepted the position of Nodes Liaison Officer. He will begin working at the Secretariat as of 30 March 2005. GBIF Secretariat
02 March 2005 PowerPoint / Word files from the Species Banks workshop are available online PowerPoint or Word files of the talks given by the invited speakers at the "Building Species Banks: How Shall We Shape the Future?" workshop are available online. GBIF Secretariat
16 February 2005 Participants for the SpeciesBanks workshop The GBIF - NLBIF - ETI workshop on "Building SpeciesBanks: How Shall We Shape the Future?" is fully subscribed. Registration closed on 31 January, and participants were notified of their status on 2 February 2005. GBIF Secretariat
09 February 2005 NL-BIF brings three new species banks online Two projects in the series Arthropods of Economic Importance (Agromyzidae and Tortricidae), and Flora of NW Europe, are accessible online via the NL-BIF portal. NL-BIF
31 January 2005 GBIF welcomes two new associate participants Signed MOUs were received by the Secretariat in December 2004 from the Republic of Benin and from the Natural Science Collections Alliance. GBIF Secretariat
19 January 2005 GBIF's Executive Secretary celebrates decadal birthday The GBIF Secretariat, working with Jim Edwards' spouse, arranged a surprise birthday party. GBIF Secretariat
17 January 2005 Mirroring and replication of GBIF data services Call for proposals for GBIF Participant Nodes and current data providers. GBIF Secretariat
05 January 2005 Happy Holidays to GBIF from Denmark The Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made a substantial grant in support of GBIF. GBIF Secretariat
03 January 2005 GBIF Workshop on Biodiversity Data Modelling GBIF, in close collaboration with CONABIO (Mexico) and the University of Kansas Biodiversity Research Center (KU), is organizing a hands-on biodiversity data modelling workshop in Mexico City from 4-8 April 2005. Deadline for applications is 17 January 2005. GBIF Secretariat
17 December 2004 Open-invitation workshop: Building SpeciesBanks How should speciesbanks be shaped for the future? What are the user demands? What information resources are available? What are the technological challenges and needs to make the visions possible? GBIF Secretariat
16 December 2004 Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-9, available online A compilation of approximately 347,000 zoological genera and subgenera from 1758-1994 is now digitally available. uBio
16 December 2004 Electronic conference: “Improving European participation in GBIF" The third ENBI forums electronic conference will run from 14th to 28th February 2005. European Network for Biodiversity Information
26 November 2004 13,000 records of type specimens online from Herbar Z + ZT Focal points of this collection are New Caledonia and South Africa. It is also probable that many types that went lost during World War II destructions in Berlin may be found in this type collection. Donat Agosti
23 November 2004 GBIF & DanBIF hear Arthur D. Chapman seminar On Tuesday, 23 November 2004, Arthur D. Chapman of Australian Biodiversity Information Services presented a seminar on data quality and data cleansing, sponsored by DanBIF and GBIF. GBIF Secretariat
17 November 2004 Travel Grants to Attend the ‘From Ink to Electrons - Challenges and Solutions in Digitising Herbaria’ Workshop To be held in 20-22 January 2005 in Chania, Crete, Greece, at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, a limited number of ‘Travel Grants’ are available on a competitive basis to support GBIF participation in the Advanced Workshop ‘From Ink to Electrons - Challenges and Solutions in Digitising Herbaria’ Workshop. Larry Speers
16 November 2004 GBIF welcomes Indonesia as newest Associate Participant It was a great pleasure for Governing Board Chair Christoph Haeuser to welcome Indonesia in his letter of reply to Indonesian officials. GBIF Secretariat
02 November 2004 New GBIF literature materials available Several new printed documents that explain various aspects of GBIF are now available from the Secretariat and in PDF format online. GBIF Secretariat
08 October 2004 Travel support is available for First International Conference on the Barcode of Life Scientists from less-developed countries may apply for travel assistance in order to attend the barcode of life conference in London in February of 2005. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/science/BOL/bursary.htm
23 September 2004 New GBIF Associate Participant The GBIF Secretariat has just received the signed copy of the GBIF MoU from the Pacific Biodiversity Information Forum.
09 August 2004 GBIF Secretariat closed 10 - 12 August The GBIF Secretariat will be closed from 10 August through 12 August, and open again on 13 August. GBIFS
15 July 2004 Online GBIF prototype data portal user survey GBIF is in the midst of an independent, external review. A user survey questionnaire has been developed as part of the review process. External Review Team
15 July 2004 Call for nominations for 2005 Ebbe Nielsen Prize Nominations for the 2005 Ebbe Nielsen Prize for innovation in combining biodiversity informatics with biosystematics are being sought by the GBIF Science Committee. GBIF Science Committee
13 July 2004 GBIF recognised as an important initiative In a recent Experts' Group report, GBIF was cited as an important initiative, and that IODE should work closely with GBIF. UNESCO / IOC / IODE Experts' Group Report
09 July 2004 GBIF demonstration project 2004 Call for tenders is now open. Beatriz Torres
09 July 2004 Director for the IABIN Secretariat Sought With funding having been secured, IABIN is ready to establish its Secretariat, and is searching for a Director. IABIN Council
29 June 2004 Netherlands provides major funding for digitisation projects The Netherlands is fulfilling Paragraph 3.3d of the GBIF MoU by making "...other investments in biodiversity information infrastructure in support of GBIF". A recent grant of €2.35 million to a consortium of natural history collections will enable digitisation of 1.5 million records. NL-BIF
26 June 2004 GBIF (prototype) Data Portal Provides View to 35+ Million Data Records The prototype GBIF Data Portal now provides access to nearly 37 million specimen-data records from 66 data providers, as well as over 600,000 name-data records from 21 providers. These specimen- and name-data providers come from 21 GBIF member countries and 4 organisational associate participants. GBIF Secretariat
17 June 2004 Unambiguously identifying taxonomic concepts Will GUIDs such as LSIDs help to solve a problem common to many information systems: How does one make sure that all data and information objects are uniquely identified as to type, source, version, etc? GBIF Secretariat
10 June 2004 GBIF appears in June, 2004 BioScience Dr. James L. Edwards was invited by the Editor to write a Viewpoint article for the journal BioScience. GBIF Secretariat
04 June 2004 CIRCA down for maintenance On Sunday 6 June between 9-18 hours Copenhagen time circa.gbif.net will be down for maintenance. GBIF Helpdesk
22 April 2004 DanBIF Conference on Molecular Biodiversity PowerPoint presentations from the DanBIF Conference on Molecular Biodiversity are now available. DanBIF
20 April 2004 Explore the results of the 2003 GBIF demonstration project GBIF commissioned the development of a demonstration about how GBIF-type data can be put to use by people in different walks of life. GBIF Secretariat
16 April 2004 GBIF and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) GBIF convened an Experts' Meeting to solicit advice on biodiversity data, databases and intellectual property rights. GBIF-OCB
30 March 2004 GBIF gains another Associate Participant The copy of the GBIF MoU signed by the Nordic Gene Bank has just been received by the Secretariat. GBIF Secretariat
29 March 2004 GBIF-Sweden website now also in English Since the 29th of March, the Swedish GBIF node's website is also available in English. GBIF Sweden
29 March 2004 ICIPE is a new GBIF Associate Participant In a letter to the Director General of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Governing Board Chair Christoph Häuser welcomed the organisation as GBIF's newest member. GBIF Secretariat
29 March 2004 GBIF servers scheduled to be down Tuesday 6 April between 8-11 hours MET DST for electrical work in the building. Hannu Saarenmaa
18 March 2004 GBIF report on Data Sharing with Countries of Origin A report commissioned by GBIF and prepared by CRIA is now available. It presents the experiences of primarily developed-world institutions in the process of sharing data with countries of origin of specimens the institutions house. GBIF Secretariat
15 March 2004 GBIF appoints new members of its Science Subcommittees Following the election of the chairs of the Science Subcommittees at GB7 in Tsukuba in October, the nomination process for members of the Subcommittees was carried out. GBIF Secretariat
15 March 2004 GBIF welcomes Norway as newest Voting Participant Governing Board Chairman Christoph Häuser has sent his letter of welcome to Norway. GBIF Secretariat
04 March 2004 Papua New Guinea joins GBIF The most recent new Associate Participant of GBIF is Papua New Guinea. GBIF Secretariat
10 February 2004 GBIF's information architecture praised by independent review A technical review of its network architecture praised GBIF for accomplishments. GBIF Secretariat
04 February 2004 GB8 registration is open. GBIF goes to Mexico! The website of the 8th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board and associated meetings is now open. The Mexican Organisation Committee
27 January 2004 GBIF and uBio to develop Memorandum of Cooperation David Remsen of uBio visited GBIF Secretariat to attend an expert meeting of the nomenclators. In this picture he is talking with Donald Hobern (DADI) and Per de Place Bjørn (ECAT) of GBIF. GBIF Secretariat
23 January 2004 Call for pre-proposals: GBIF/UNESCO Chairs in Biodiversity Informatics (deadline for submission 15 March 2004) Beatriz Torres
20 January 2004 DIGIT and ECAT 2004 Request for Proposals Per de Place Bjørn , Larry Speers
08 January 2004 GBIF welcomes new Associate Participant ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation (ARCBC) has recently joined GBIF as an Associate Participant. GBIF Secretariat
05 January 2004 WFCC invites applications for the Skerman Award The aim of the Skerman Award is to encourage taxonomic research by young microbiologists and to reward excellence in taxonomic research and significant contributions to the discipline. WFCC (GBIF Associate Participant)
19 December 2003 GBIF Secretariat closed for the holidays.... The GBIF Secretariat is closed from 20 December 2003 until 5 January 2004. GBIF Secretariat
28 November 2003 Pre - Announcement: GBIF 2004 RFP In early 2004, GBIF will issue two new Requests for Proposals (one each in DIGIT and ECAT). This pre-announcement is for information only. GBIF Secretariat
12 November 2003 GBIF seeks experts for its Science Subcommittees A call for nominations has been sent to all members of the GBIF Governing Board. Nominations are due by 15 December 2003. GBIF Secretariat
24 September 2003 Major blackout in Denmark and Sweden.
18 September 2003 Announcing WFCC/GBIF e-conference The Electronic conference related to the workshop "Towards a Global Infrastructure for Microbial Information" (Brussel October 27th and 28th) will start on Monday September 22nd François Guissart and Patricia Mergen
27 August 2003 Austria publishes inventory of collections and databases Austria has made available the inventory conducted of collections and databases within its borders. Martin Götzl
05 August 2003 Announcing GBIF training Seven regional workshops on the subject "Becoming a GBIF data provider" will be offered. Hannu Saarenmaa
20 June 2003 Call for nominations: The 2004 Ebbe Nielsen Prize GBIF Participants should send their nomination(s) to proposals@gbif.org by 15 December. GBIF Secretariat
18 June 2003 GBIF Demonstration Project launched. "Promotion of GBIF, expansion of GBIF membership and catalyzation of fundraising efforts" is the title of the Finnish proposal that was chosen from among the twelve tenders received. The GBIF Demonstration Project aims at producing a functional demonstration of the web services of GBIF, and demonstrates how end-users will benefit from accessing intuitive and interactive interfaces.
16 June 2003 Joint International Forum on Biodiversity Information:Building Capacity in Asia and Oceania Announcement of Joint International Forum in Tsukuba, Japan 2003 Local organising committee
13 June 2003 Call for expression of interest Provision of information technology development and support services for the GBIF. Open for companies, non-profit research organisations and departments. GBIF Secretariat
09 May 2003 South Africa is the newest Voting Participant As of April 30, GBIF welcomes the Republic of South Africa as a new Voting Participant.
30 April 2003 His Royal Highness Prince Henrik inaugurated the new GBIF building A new building for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat was officially inaugurated by HRH Prince Henrik on 30 April 2003. A grant from the Aage V. Jensen Foundation made it possible for the University of Copenhagen to offer this new building, which is attached to the Zoological Museum, to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). GBIF Secretariat staff have until recently been housed in temporary facilities furnished by the University. Hans Christian Schmidt, the Danish Minister for the Environment, spoke on behalf of the Danish government at the inauguration. Meredith Lane
30 April 2003 Representatives of world governments gather in Copenhagen Meeting for the sixth time, in as many cities around the world, the Governing Board of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) will convene in Eigtved's Pakhus (pictured) Copenhagen this week. Representatives of 41 countries and 8 international organizations will attend the meeting, which is surrounded by a number of side events, including the inauguration of a new building for the GBIF Secretariat, the awarding of the prestigious Ebbe Nielsen Prize, and a day-long science symposium. Meredith Lane
22 April 2003 Norway taking steps towards membership in GBIF After following the development of GBIF, the Research Council of Norway now announces that the country wants to become a GBIF member. The Research Council Norway
01 April 2003 Website overhaul GBIF website has now been replaced by a dynamic communications portal. hsaarenmaa
04 March 2003 We are moving! There will be interruptions in telephone access and responses to emails while the GBIF Secretariat moves to its new building 5-7 March.
11 February 2003 CIRCA improvements Several enhancements have been made and bugs eliminated this year so that the system now better fulfils user expectations. Hannu Saarenmaa
11 February 2003 Assembling the Tree of Life To construct a phylogeny for the 1.7 million described species of life. Program solicitation by NSF. Deadline 5 May 2003. NSF announcement
06 January 2003 New year flood GBIF Secretariat mail and web down due to flooding in computer room. Gradual recovery expected from Monday 6 January onwards... Hannu Saarenmaa
20 December 2002 GB6 registration site The website of the GBIF 6th Governing Board meeting is now available.
10 December 2002 CIRCA is available GBIF now opens its CIRCA services for general use.
29 November 2002 Early alpha of the new portal is in place The early alpha stage of the new GBIF portal is in place

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