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Cancer Risk and Nutrition
Fresh vegetablesWondering about the connection between nutrition and cancer? Learn how to reduce the risk of certain types of cancers with healthy eating and physical activity.
Diabetes and Prediabetes
Diagram of Insulin Actvitiy in CellsWhat is diabetes? Do you have it or are you at risk for developing it? Learn about type 1, type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. Get information to help reduce your risk of developing diabetes or better manage diabetes if you have it.
Dietary Guidelines
Dietary GuidelinesThe Dietary Guidelines represent the best in science-based advice to promote health and reduce risk of disease through healthy eating and physical activity. Find great info and practical tips. Read the consumer brochure or key recommendations.
Dietary Supplement Information
PillsLearn about dietary supplements and how to evaluate health claims. Read about government regulation of supplements and what this means for the consumer.
Eating Disorders
Child with daisiesGain a better understanding of eating disorders (binge eating and anorexia nervosa), signs and symptoms and where to find help. Includes resources for parents and teachers.
Eating Smart
Farmers MarketLearn the basics of a healthy, balanced diet and apply these concepts to your next family meal or other eating occasion. You can also rate your diet using the USDA MyPyramid Tracker.
Chili with CornbreadWhy is fiber important? Learn about the role of fiber in your body, its disease preventing properties, and the major sources in your diet. You can also read about its nutrition recommendations here.
Food Allergies and Sensitivities
PeanutsLearn about various types of food allergies and hidden sources of allergens. Also find information on the difference between food allergy and food intolerance.
Food Guide Pyramid - MyPyramid
My Pyramid logoLearn to incorporate foods from each food group into your daily diet through this series of educational and interactive resources. Resources are designed for adults, children, and families.
Fruits & Vegetables
Cover of Are you eating 5 to 9 each day? Find out how you can increase your intake of fruits and vegetables each day. You can also find information on the nutrients in fruits and vegetables as well as fun facts and games.
Healthy Restaurant Eating
New American Plate logoYou can eat healthfully when eating out. Find suggestions for making healthy choices at restaurants and tips for keeping your portion sizes under control.
Heart Nutrition and Recipes
Heart Truth logoHeart-healthy eating can reduce your chances of developing heart disease, America's biggest killer. Find ways to make healthy and tasty food choices, and learn how to control blood pressure and blood cholesterol.
Hunger and Food Aid
Large baskets of fresh fruits and vegetables at the USDA FarmerWant to find your local food bank or organize a food drive? Learn more about organizations committed to food security. Also find out how your company can donate excess food from corporate events.
Major Nutrients: Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats
Whole grain foodsLearn about these major nutrients in your diet: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Find resources on the role of each in your diet as well as the amount you should eat each day as part of a healthy diet.
Online Health Information
Person searching on computerDon't believe everything you read. Learn to evaluate the health information you read on-line. Includes tips for effective searches for reliable health information. Links to the Federal Trade Commission's program to educate consumers about health fraud.
Osteoporosis and Bone Health
OrganWise Guys Calci M. Bone CharacterWant to find information on keeping bones healthy? Click here to learn about dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk of osteoporosis. You can also find information on food and supplement sources of calcium.
Sports and Exercise Nutrition
Family playing togetherThinking of starting an exercise program, or already a seasoned athlete? Find out about the benefits of exercise and what nutrients are important when engaging in physical activity. Also learn about feeding children who are active in sports.
Vegetarian Eating
Watch Your Garden Grow logoExplore the different aspects of vegetarian eating and the nutrients necessary for a balanced diet. Find resources for athletes and for parents raising vegetarian children.
Vitamins and Minerals
Learn about the role of vitamins and minerals in your body; where you get them and how much is required. Information also available in Spanish.
Water and Fluid Needs
A Drop of Water Creates Ripples Around ItAre you getting enough to drink? Learn about your fluid needs, proper hydration, and the importance of sodium and potassium in your diet.
Weight Management
Feet on a ScaleFind information on assessing your weight for disease risk, changing your behavior to eat healthfully and lose weight, and maintaining your weight for the long term. Information here can help you develop skills for safe, healthy weight control and avoid fad diets.

Last Modified: Feb 27, 2009  
    All About Food
    Eating for Health
					   Cancer Risk and Nutrition
					   Diabetes and Prediabetes
					   Dietary Guidelines
					   Dietary Supplement Information
					   Eating Disorders
					   Eating Smart
					   Food Allergies and Sensitivities
					   Food Guide Pyramid - MyPyramid
					   Fruits & Vegetables
					   Healthy Restaurant Eating
					   Heart Nutrition and Recipes
					   Hunger and Food Aid
					   Major Nutrients: Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats
					   Online Health Information
					   Osteoporosis and Bone Health
					   Sports and Exercise Nutrition
					   Vegetarian Eating
					   Vitamins and Minerals
					   Water and Fluid Needs
					   Weight Management
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