USDA Forest Service

North Central Research Station


North Central Research Station
1992 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

(651) 649-5000

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service., the U.S. government's official web portal.
Northern Research Station

Introducing the Northern Research Station

The North Central Research Station and the Northeastern Research Station have joined to form the Northern Research Station. Our 20-state region spans the Midwest from Minnesota to Missouri and the Northeast from Maine to Maryland. Please change your bookmarks and learn more about our research by visiting us at our NEW web address:

Science and the good life

We believe the good life has its roots in clean air, sparkling water, rich soil, healthy economies, and a diverse living landscape. Maintaining the good life for generations to come begins with everyday choices about natural resources. We provide the knowledge and the tools to help people make informed choices. That's how the science we do enhances the quality of people's lives. 

Hot off the Press
New on our Web
A revised managers handbook for red pine in the North Central Region. More on Great Lakes Silviculture Summit
Black walnut in a new century, proceedings of the 6th Walnut Council research symposium. More on black walnut in a new century.
North Central Region Forest Management Guides ... for landowners and natural resources professionals are being developed. The red pine guide is on-line now.  More on North Central Region Forest Management Guides
Featured Products
[photo:] Adult emerald ash borer emerging from exit hole.
Browse the geospatial data layers created for the
Changing Midwest Assessment
using an interactive web interface. More on the Changing Midwest: Internet Mapping Server
Exotic Invaders: Emerald Ash Borer. More on Emerald Ash Borer


Hot Topics

[Publication cover:] Estimating riparian area extent and land use in the Midwest.  Bulleted item

Sudden Oak Death - Should you be concerned?

 Bulleted item
Estimating riparian area extent and land use in the Midwest.
 Bulleted item Shared Wisdom - Negotiating Nature - NCRS Social scientist Paul Gobster explores the controversial nature of urban park restoration.
 Bulleted item Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks--A comprehensive guide
 Bulleted item The Right Tools: Managing for Fire
[image:] TreeSearch, links to

Giving you access to over 17,000 online USDA Forest Service Research publications.


North Central Research Station scientists win 2006 Research Award of Honor from American Society of Landscape Architects.

Research  Programs
Landscape Change
Forest Productivity
Riparian Landscapes

Fish & wildlife
Insects & disease
Climate & weather

Our Research Staff
Scientist Directory
Research Work Units

USDA Forest Service - North Central Research Station
Last Modified: Tuesday, February 27, 2007

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.