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1997 Census Publications
  Note: These documents are in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF). If you need the Acrobat Reader, it is available for free from the Adobe web site.

Introduction & General Explanation HTML
Map of Guam PDF

Description of Tables
Farms, Land in Farms, and Land Use: 1998 and 1993
Farms and Land in Farms by Size of Farm: 1998 and 1993
Tenure and Characteristics of Operators: 1998 and 1993
Farm Characteristics: 1998 and 1993
Irrigation: 1998 and 1993
Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1998 and 1993
Selected Farm Production Expenses: 1998 and 1993
Root Crops: 1998 and 1993
Vegetables and Melons: 1998 and 1993
Fruits, Nuts, and Nursery Crops (including ornamental plants): 1998 and 1993
Livestock, Poultry, and Their Products: 1998 and 1993
Fish and Other Aquaculture Products: 1998 and 1993
Farms, Land in Farms, and Land Use by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Farms, Land in Farms, and Size of Farm by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Type of Organization and Labor Status by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Farms, Land in Farms, Cropland Used for Crops, and Tenure of Operator by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Irrigation by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Root Crops by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Vegetables and Melons by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Fruits, Nuts, and Nursery Crops (including ornamental plants) by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Livestock, Poultry, and Their Products, and Aquaculture by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Selected Equipment by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Selected Farm Production Expenses by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993

Off-Farm Work of Operators by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993

Operator Characteristics by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993
Farms, Land in Farms, and Type of Land Ownership by Election Districts: 1998 and 1993

Summary by Tenure of Operators: 1998

Summary by Age of Operator: 1998

Summary by Size of Farm: 1998

Summary by Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1998




Last modified: 12/08/08

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