AgCensus Home Page About AgCensus Albert R. Mann Library USDA Economics & Statistics System


The Census of Agriculture provides a complete picture of the agricultural sector in the U.S. Economy by county, state, or ZIP code.

Select a single state from the map, or one or two states from the scrollable list by using shift/control keys. You can select a maximum of two states from the scrollable list.

Please Note: A new version of the 1997 Census of Agriculture as well as the 2002 Census of Agriculture are available at the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.



Alaska Washington Oregon California Idaho Nevada Hawaii Arizona Utah Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Texas Wisconsin Michigan1 Michigan2 Illinois Indiana Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Georgia Florida Ohio Pennslyvania West Virginia Virginia North Carolina South Carolina New York Vermont Vermont New Hampshire New Hampshire Maine Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland



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