Posters and Presentations pertaining to Pollution Assessment and Prevention

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Title Presenter
Effects of Atrazine on Insecticide Toxicity and Gene Expression in the Aquatic Midge, Chironomus Tentans (Diptera: Chiromomidae) - Abstract
Troy D. Anderson
Research on Farming Systems and Agro-Ecological Research with Implications for Water Quality - Abstract
Elaine Andrews
Effect of Grazing Management on Soil Solution Composition and Water Quality - Poster
G Anguelov
A Biological Assessment Based on Macroinvertebrates in the Boulder Creek Drainage of Owyee County, Idaho - Abstract
Michael Atchison
A Kansas Bacterial TMDL: Monitoring and Management
Philip Barnes
Golf Course Management Impacts on Water Quality in Delaware
Greg Binford
A Biological Assessment of the Myrtle Creek Watershed in Boundary County, Idaho - Abstract
Justin Boeck
Contributions of Suburban Land Cover to Stormwater Runoff - Abstract
Gregory K. Eaton
Service Learning in the Undergraduate Horticulture Curriculum Enhances Environmental Education and Outreach
Gregory K. Eaton
Monitoring Strategies for Changing Land Usage
Rockie English
Healthy Water, Healthy People Water Quality Education Program
Dana E. Flowers
Remote Sensing Monitoring Inland Water Quality: Principles and Algorithms
Anatoly Gitelson
Successes and Challenges of Volunteer Monitoring
Linda Green
Development of Predictive Geospatial Soil Nitrate-Nitrogen Models in the Santa Fe River Watershed
Sabine Grunwald
Applications of Changing Land Use Monitoring and Modeling
John Hayes
Best Management Practices for Selenium Prevention
Aung Hla
Development of DNA Sequencing Assays to Identify and Differentiate Host Sources of Fecal Pollution
Kathryn Ivanetich
Environmental Sustainability Project: Introducing Sustainability to the Ag-Water Quality Program
J. M. Jemison, Jr.
URIs Healthy Landscapes Program: Protecting Water Quality in Rural Landscapes
Alyson McCann
Water Quality Monitoring in Rural Mississippi - Presentation
Edmund Merem
Satellite Derived Impervious Surface Areas as an Indicator of Water Quality Impacts in a Semi-arid Environment - Presentation
Nancy Mesner
A Middle Pleistocene Lacustrine Delta Lobe in the Kern River Alluvial Fan and its Close Association with Groundwater Arsenic Concentrations - Poster
Assessment of Volatile and Semi-volatile Toxic Organic Contaminants in Drinking Water Sources
Massoudi Ruhullah
Training Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Professionals
Calvin Sawyer
Mapping Nutrient Inputs on a Watershed Scale
William Showers
Applicability of PCR-DGGE of the uidA Gene to Assess Structural Differences in Natural Water and Sediment E. coli Populations - Presentation
Von Sigler
Development of Taqman QPCR Assays for Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Host Sources of Fecal Pollution in Watersheds
Jennifer Weston
Reaching Target Audiences - Abstract
Robert Williamson
Agricultural Runoff and Water Quality: Field and Watershed Scale, Science-Teacher Education, Agricultural Extension
Expanding the Guide to Growing CSREEES Volunteer Monitoring Programs
Fate of 2-4 and 2-6 Dinitrotolune in a Soil Ecosystem
Research and Outreach on Pollution Reduction Methods for Louisiana and Mississippi Dairies Located in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin