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Consumer Information

NSCLC provides a limited amount of materials for consumers. The links below include valuable information on assisted living and Medicare Part D.

Please Read the Following Disclaimer

None of the information provided in this web site should be regarded as legal advice.

NSCLC is not responsible for the contents, information or services which may appear on any off-site pages, websites or links referenced. External links are provided for convenience only and their presence does not imply any kind of endorsement by NSCLC of those pages or links, or any endorsement of the contents or material on them.

NSCLC is an advocacy group that provides technical assistance to elder law and disability attorneys. We also write and publish manuals on law, and we work with lawmakers to adopt laws and regulations which benefit and protect older people and people with disabilities. Unfortunately, our resources do not permit us to handle individual complaints directly.

If you need legal advice, you should consult an attorney.

For help in locating an attorney, contact: information on legal aid legal aid information Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

Consumer Publications from NSCLC

20 Common Nursing Home Problems, and How to Resolve Them
The Baby Boomer's Guide to Nursing Home Care
Assisted Living Companion
10 Tips for Nursing Facility Residents in California
10 Tips for Assisted Living Residents in California

Consumer Information from NSCLC

Important Topics in Assisted Living
Paying for Assisted Living
Assisted Living: Strategies if Problems Arise
Consumer Information on Medicare Part D

Other Consumer Resources

Strength For Caring by Johnson & Johnson--This site from Johnson & Johnson provides family caregiving and eldercare information, including financial advice, medical articles, tips for bathing/dressing/daily care activities, and tips to reduce caregiver stress. Please note: This link is provided as a convenience and does not imply any kind of endorsement by NSCLC.