Database details

Full name:

Catalogue of the Odonata of the World

Short name:



1.2, Jul 2006

Release date:

July 3rd, 2006


J van Tol

Taxonomic coverage:

Animalia - Arthropoda - Insecta - Odonata

Number of species names:

5,321 accepted names; 1,843 synonyms

Number of infraspecies names:

872 accepted names; 0 synonyms

Number of common names:


Total number of names:



The Global Species Database of Odonata is a list of all names of extant species of dragonflies and damselflies of the world. The present list is based on a database built during a period of twenty years. The original information was derived from a published catalogue by Davies & Tobin (1984, 1985). However, original publications were consulted to check the spelling and original combination of (virtually) all names. The present taxonomic status of every name in this list is based on published authoritative sources. Addition of the names of fossil taxa, and setting up a management committee for this database, are to be expected in the near future. The original information of the GSD Odonata is managed using a FoxPro application.


National Museum of Natural History (Naturalis), Leiden, The Netherlands

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