It is possible to order printed copies of Give Water A Hand. This may be useful if you are having trouble downloading our materials, or would, for other reasons, like to have a hard copy.

To order Give Water A Hand, call one of the following national Partner organizations. These groups will charge a small fee to cover printing & handling.

University of Wisconsin-Extension

Action Guide (4H855) $5.19
Leader Guidebook (4H850) $2.93
Minimum shipping and handling fee is $7.00

Call toll-free 877-947-7827
FAX (414) 389-9130
Click here for Internet order
Mail order: Coakley-Tech, P.O. Box 342831, Milwaukee, WI 53234-2831

Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC)

(765) 494-9555
Set of 1 Leader Guide and 1 Action Guide ($12.00)
Price includes shipping.

National Drinking Water Clearinghouse

(800) 624-8301
Item # DWPKPE49
Set of 1 Leader Guide and 1 Action Guide ($14.10)
Price DOES NOT include shipping.

Water Environment Federation

(800) 666-0206
Item # ZS2602
Sold as set of 10 Action Guides and 1 Leader Guide ($25.00)
Price DOES NOT include shipping.

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