USDA Economic Research Service Briefing Room
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Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS): What type of information is collected in the survey?


A combination of factors guide the type and scope of questions asked in ARMS. ARMS supports key uses of enterprise, farm, and household data that correspond with mandated activities required by the U.S. Congress, governmentwide responsibilities delegated to USDA, assessment of USDA policies and programs, and research to inform public and private decisionmakers on agricultural and farm issues.

Standardization of components and definitions for financial statements also help to determine the necessary data to collect. For example, the Farm Financial Standards Council develops and publishes standardized Financial Guidelines for Agricultural Producers that incorporates generally accepted accounting practices (GAAP) for income statement, balance sheet, and financial ratios to the extent feasible for farming businesses. Commodity costs and returns are estimated according to the guidelines established by a task force created by the American Agricultural Economics Association. Guidelines for sector accounting are part of the governmentwide standards for national, regional, industry, and international economic accounts. ARMS is unique in that the collection of information to support financial statements covers all four major levels of interest (commodity enterprises, farm businesses, farm operator households, and the farm sector) within one sample design and set of survey instruments.

For more information on the exact data collected, see the full ARMS Documentation.

For more information, contact: Robert Dubman

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Updated date: September 14, 2006