NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Articles

    October 2008

    Mirror-Image Clues to Life's Origins

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / October 8

    NASA Selects New Science Teams for Astrobiology Institute

    NAI Feature Stories / October 2

    "Little Bang" triggered Solar System formation

    NAI / October 2

    ASTID Funds 15 New Projects

    ASTID Feature Stories / October 1

    September 2008

    NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past

    Feature Stories / September 30

    XV International Conference on the Origin of Life – a Personal Perspective

    NAI Feature Stories / September 26

    New 2008 NASA Astrobiology Roadmap Available

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / September 23

    Diving for the Moon

    ASTEP Feature Stories / September 22

    NAI Launches FAR Seminar Series on October 6th

    NAI / September 19

    Early Earth Primed for Later RNA and DNA Production

    NAI Research Highlights / September 19

    Molecules in the Atmospheres of Extrasolar Planets - A Workshop in Paris

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / September 19

    Cyanobacterial Biomarkers in Ancient Rocks

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / September 19

    Evolution of the Gut

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / September 19

    Jill Tarter and Will Wright Talk Gaming, Education, and Evolution in Seed Magazine's Video 'Salon'

    NAI Feature Stories / September 16

    NASA Chooses MAVEN as the Next Mars Scout Mission

    Feature Stories / September 15

    NASA's Carl Sagan Fellows to Study Extraterrestrial Worlds

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / September 8

    Looking for Life on Mars in a Canadian Lake

    ASTEP Feature Stories / September 8

    Mars Research in Polar Bear Country

    ASTEP Feature Stories / September 3

    August 2008

    Iron Isotope Record Reflects Microbial Metabolism Through Time

    NAI Research Highlights / August 27
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    Silicate Mineralogy on Mars Indicates Wet Past

    NAI Research Highlights / August 27

    Jack Hills Zircons: New Information About Earth's Earliest Crust

    NAI Research Highlights / August 27
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    Liquid Water in the Martian North? Maybe.

    Feature Stories / August 22
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    Astrobiology Rap

    / August 20

    The Nordic Invasion: Astrobiology Magazine, European Edition

    Feature Stories / August 20

    Astrobiology Leadership Changes at NASA HQ

    Feature Stories / August 11

    AMASE 2008 Blog

    ASTEP / August 11

    World Summit on Ancient Microscopic Fossils

    / August 4

    July 2008

    Liquid Lake Confirmed on Titan

    Feature Stories / July 31

    Phoenix Confirms Martian Water, Mission Extended

    Feature Stories / July 31
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    Reading Archaean Biosignatures

    Exobiology Feature Stories / July 30

    Machine Evolution

    Exobiology Feature Stories / July 24

    Marine Subsurface is a Distinct Microbial Habitat

    NAI Research Highlights / July 24

    New ASTEP Projects Reach from Arctic to Antarctic, Mars to Europa

    ASTEP Feature Stories / July 22

    Washington Post Covers Astrobiology

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / July 21

    New Extrasolar Planetary System May Be Much Like Our Own

    NAI Research Highlights / July 18
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    Moon Samples Found to Contain Water

    NAI Research Highlights / July 18
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    NAI Announces 2008 Director's Discretionary Fund Awards

    NAI Feature Stories / July 17

    Signals from an Infant Earth

    Exobiology Feature Stories / July 15

    Astrobiologist Eigenbrode profiled in Goddard Tech Trends

    Feature Stories / July 9
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    Deep-sea Discoveries on Expedition Using ASTEP AUVs

    ASTEP Feature Stories / July 8

    Phoenix Scrapes 'Almost Perfect' Icy Soil For Analysis

    Research Highlights / July 1
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    June 2008

    First IAA Symposium on Searching for Life Signatures

    / June 28

    Calling All Exoplanet Hunters….

    Feature Stories / June 27
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    Phoenix Returns Treasure Trove for Science

    / June 26
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    NAI Scientist Receives Guggenheim Fellowship

    NAI Feature Stories / June 25
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    Can the Martian Arctic Support Extreme Life?

    Feature Stories / June 25
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    Extraterrestrial Nucleobases in the Murchison Meteorite

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / June 25
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    NAI Twitters and Tweets

    NAI / June 25
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    For Alien Life-Seekers, New Reason to Hope

    Feature Stories / June 24
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    Astrobiologists Study Microbial Life in Canadian Lake

    ASTEP Feature Stories / June 23

    Phoenix Shake and Bake

    Feature Stories / June 23
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    Bright Chunks At Phoenix Lander's Mars Site Must Have Been Ice

    Research Highlights / June 19
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    Ocean on Enceladus May Be Short-Lived

    Feature Stories / June 19
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    NASA Phoenix Lander Bakes Sample, Arm Digs Deeper

    Feature Stories / June 17
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    Deep Hydrogen

    Exobiology Feature Stories / June 16
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    NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Inspects Delivered Soil Samples

    Feature Stories / June 13
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    NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Delivers Soil Sample To Microscope

    Feature Stories / June 13
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    NASA's Phoenix Lander Has an Oven Full of Martian Soil

    Feature Stories / June 11
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    Sprinkle to Taste

    / June 10
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    Making Sense of Mars Methane

    Exobiology / June 9
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    NAI Ames Team Scientists Receive Honors

    NAI Feature Stories / June 4

    Astrobiologist Discusses Her Highly Cited Work in Astrochemistry

    NAI Feature Stories / June 4

    Novel Species of Bacteria Found Deep Within Greenland Glacier

    / June 4
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    May 2008

    Phoenix Links for May 29th

    Feature Stories / May 29
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    Seafloor Microbes Abundant and Thriving....An Alternative Cradle for Life?

    NAI Research Highlights / May 28
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    Josep Comas i Sola International Summer School in Astrobiology 2008

    / May 28

    8th European Workshop on Astrobiology EANA 08

    / May 28

    Phoenix Lander Link Round-up

    Feature Stories / May 28
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    Erosion on Earth and Mars: Mere Seepage or Megaflood?

    NAI Research Highlights / May 28
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    Enzyme's Active Site Revealed

    NAI Research Highlights / May 27
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    NAI Member Receives Sagan Medal

    NAI Feature Stories / May 27
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    MRO Snaps Phoenix

    Feature Stories / May 27
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    NASA Phoenix: Sharing the data from Mars

    Feature Stories / May 23
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    Inside NASA's Mars Mission

    Feature Stories / May 23
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    Planetary Habitability for Everybody: An Innovative E-Text

    Feature Stories / May 23
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