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  • § 2201. Establishment of Department
  • § 2202. Executive Department; Secretary
  • § 2203. Seal
  • § 2204. General duties of Secretary; advisory functions; research and development
  • § 2204a. Rural development; utilization of non-Federal offices; location of field units; interchange of personnel and facilities
  • § 2204b. Rural development policy
  • § 2204b-1. Rural development
  • § 2204c. Water management for rural areas
  • § 2204d. Encouragement of private contracting
  • § 2204e. Office of Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • § 2204f. Repealed.]
  • § 2204g. Authority of Secretary of Agriculture to conduct census of agriculture
  • § 2205. Duties of former Commissioner of Agriculture transferred to Secretary
  • § 2206. Custody of property and records
  • § 2206a. Conveyance of excess Federal personal property
  • § 2207. Reports
  • § 2207a. Reports to Congress on obligation and expenditure
  • § 2208. Expenditure of appropriations; accounting
  • § 2208a. Loan levels provided to Department of Agriculture
  • § 2209. Additional statement of expenditures
  • § 2209a. Advances to chiefs of field parties
  • § 2209b. Availability of appropriations
  • § 2209c. Use of funds for one-year contracts to be performed in two fiscal years
  • § 2209d. Statement of percentage and dollar amount of Federal funding
  • § 2209e. Prohibition on payments to parties involved with prohibited drug-producing plants
  • § 2209f. Restriction on commodity purchase program payments
  • § 2209g. Availability of funds for uniforms or allowances
  • § 2209h. Reimbursement of Office of the General Counsel
  • § 2209i. Funding for preparation of final agency decisions regarding discrimination complaints
  • § 2210. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture; appointment
  • § 2211. Powers and duties of Deputy Secretary of Agriculture
  • § 2211a. Omitted
  • §§ 2211b to 2212c. Repealed.]
  • § 2213. Omitted
  • § 2214. General Counsel; appointment
  • § 2215. Chief clerk
  • § 2216. Repealed.]
  • § 2217. Oaths, affirmations, and affidavits taken by officers, agents, or employees of Department; use and effect
  • § 2218. Fee for administering or taking oaths, affirmations, and affidavits
  • § 2219. Salaries; how paid
  • § 2219a. Overtime and holiday pay
  • § 2220. Certain officials and employees of Department and others not subject to restriction on payment of compensation to Government officials and employees
  • § 2221. Details of persons from or to office of Secretary
  • § 2222. Details of law clerks
  • § 2223. Details of employees from and to library and bureaus and offices
  • § 2224. Details of employees from and to Division of Accounts and Disbursements and bureaus and offices; traveling expenses
  • § 2224a. Utilization of employees of agencies for part-time and intermittent assistance to other agencies; exclusion of overtime resulting from natural disasters from staff year ceilings
  • § 2225. Employment of temporary personnel
  • § 2225a. Contracts for consulting services
  • § 2225b. Personal service contracts for veterinarians
  • § 2225c. Employment contracts for services abroad
  • § 2225d. Availability of Department of Agriculture funds for temporary employment
  • § 2226. Employment of persons for forest fire fighting, pest control, and handling of animals
  • § 2227. Traveling expenses
  • § 2228. Emergency subsistence for employees
  • § 2229. Travel and per diem expenses of temporary or seasonal employees
  • § 2230. Employees in Alaska; subsistence, equipment, and supplies
  • § 2231. Official expenses of employees stationed abroad
  • § 2231a. Reimbursement of employees for costs of State licenses and certification fees
  • § 2231b. First amendment rights of employees of the United States Department of Agriculture
  • § 2232. Stenographic reporting service
  • § 2233. Funds available for expenses of advisory committees
  • § 2234. Purchases for bureaus from appropriations for contingent expenses
  • § 2235. Working capital fund established; use of central services by bureaus, etc., of the Department
  • § 2235a. Deposit and retention of credit card refunds or rebates
  • § 2236. Working capital fund for Agricultural Research Center; establishment
  • § 2237. Use of field work funds for employment of men with equipment, etc.
  • § 2238. Use of field work funds for purchase of arms and ammunition
  • § 2239. Funds for printing, binding, and scientific and technical article reprint purchases
  • § 2240. Reimbursement of appropriation for salaries and compensation of employees in mechanical shops
  • § 2241. Sale or exchange of animals or animal products
  • § 2242. Repealed.]
  • § 2242a. User fees for reports, publications, and software
  • § 2242b. Translation of publications into foreign languages
  • § 2243. Sale of photographic prints and maps
  • § 2244. Repealed.]
  • § 2245. Sale of prints and lantern slides
  • § 2246. Loan, rental, or sale of films
  • § 2247. Sale of samples of pure sugars
  • § 2248. Statistics relating to turpentine and rosin
  • § 2249. Amount and character of cooperation
  • § 2250. Construction and repair of buildings and public improvements
  • § 2250a. Erection of buildings and other structures on non-Federal lands; duration of use of such lands; removal of structures after termination of use; availability of funds for expenses of acquiring long-term leases or other agreements
  • § 2251. Reimbursement of Production and Marketing Administration appropriations for expenses of maintaining registers of indebtedness and making set-offs
  • § 2252. Reimbursement of Production and Marketing Administration appropriations for costs of procuring agricultural commodities for nongovernmental agencies or foreign governments
  • § 2253. Adjustment by Secretary of titles to lands acquired by Government and subject to his control
  • § 2254. Operation, maintenance and purchase of aircraft by Agricultural Research Service; construction and repair of buildings
  • § 2255. Membership in International Wheat Advisory Committee, International Sugar Council, etc.
  • § 2255a. Financial assistance to national and international conferences
  • § 2256. Inspections, analyses, and tests for other Government departments and agencies; reimbursement
  • § 2257. Interchangeability of funds for miscellaneous expenses and general expenses
  • § 2258. Purchase of newspapers
  • § 2259. Market-inspection certificates as prima facie evidence
  • §§ 2260, 2260a. Repealed.]
  • § 2261. Credit of donations and proceeds from exhibitions to appropriations concerned with foreign market development programs
  • § 2262. Employee liability insurance on motor vehicles in foreign countries
  • § 2262a. Overseas tort claims
  • § 2263. Transfer of funds
  • § 2264. National Agricultural Library; acceptance of gifts, bequests, or devises; conditional gifts
  • § 2265. Deposit of money accepted for benefit of National Agricultural Library; disbursement
  • § 2266. Congressional reaffirmation of policy to foster and encourage family farms
  • § 2267. Repealed.]
  • § 2268. Public lands; relinquishment
  • § 2269. Gifts of property; acceptance and administration by Secretary of Agriculture; Federal tax law consideration; separate fund in Treasury; regulations
  • § 2270. Authority of Office of Inspector General
  • § 2270a. Office of Inspector General; transfer of forfeiture funds for law enforcement activities
  • § 2270b. Department of Agriculture Inspector General investigation of Forest Service firefighter deaths
  • § 2270c. Submission of results
  • § 2271. Marketing education programs for small and medium size family farm operations
  • § 2271a. Advanced marketing training for farmers and ranchers
  • § 2272. Volunteers for Department of Agriculture programs
  • § 2272a. Funds for incidental expenses and promotional items relating to volunteers
  • § 2273. Local search and rescue operations
  • § 2274. Firearm authority of employees engaged in animal quarantine enforcement
  • § 2274a. Firearm authority of employees conducting field work in remote locations
  • § 2275. Repealed.]
  • § 2276. Confidentiality of information
  • § 2277. Contracts by Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service for services to be performed abroad
  • § 2278. Consistency with international obligations of United States
  • § 2279. Outreach and assistance for socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers
  • § 2279-1. Transparency and accountability for socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers
  • § 2279a. Fair and equitable treatment of socially disadvantaged producers
  • § 2279b. Operation of Graduate School of Department of Agriculture as nonappropriated fund instrumentality
  • § 2279c. Student internship programs
  • § 2279d. Compensatory damages in claims under Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • § 2279e. Civil penalty
  • § 2279f. Subpoena authority
  • § 2279g. Marketing services; cooperative agreements
  • § 2279h. Cross-servicing activities of National Finance Center

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