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Organic Production

Cow with calf.
Breeding and husbandry of organic cattle, swine, poultry and other livestock must meet National Organic Program Standards for livestock origin, feed, health and living conditions.
AFSIC Highlights
Organic Livestock Production: A Bibliography
USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.
A bibliography that addresses overall animal husbandry and health in organic livestock production and contains citations from 1974 - September 2004.
Dairy Production Supplement (February 2007. Covers 2004-January 2007.)
Organic Aquaculture
USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.
Includes industry overview, current status of United States and international standards, links to research and market reports and a bibliography.
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Information from Other Sources
Organic Livestock
National Center for Appropriate Technology. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agricultural Information Service.
Full-text publications cover organic livestock production practices and list subject experts, publications and Web sites. Includes highlights of the USDA National Organic Program Regulations and a workbook to help producers understand allowed practices and materials.
NCAT's Organic Livestock Workbook. A Guide to Sustainable and Allowed Practices
National Center for Appropriate Technology. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
Serves as a guide for farmers and growers who are transitioning to organic farming. Promotes sustainable practices and production strategies. See publication Summary.
Organic Livestock: What You Need To Know  (PPT|217 KB)
National Center for Appropriate Technology. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
Summarizes organic livestock production requirements and cites relevant sections of the National Organic Program Standards.
Organic Livestock Feed Suppliers
National Center for Appropriate Technology. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
"This resource list provides information on organic livestock feed suppliers. It includes a chart that lists the products offered by each company, and an appendix listing some dealerships."
Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers
Canadian Organic Growers; Certified Organic Assocations of British Columbia.
Works to facilitate organic food production in Canada and increase farmer access to electronic information. A "Learning" component, Organic Livestock - Dairy, Meat and Poultry Production links to U.S. and Canadian publications and fact sheets.
Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Farming
University of Reading (Canada). Department of Agriculture. Organic Livestock Research Group.
Compendium of resource material and training tool for "farmers, advisors, inspectors, veterinarians, organic sector bodies and policy makers on issues related to general and specific animal health and welfare aspects of organic livestock production."

Last Modified: Mar 3, 2009  
Organic Production
    Organic Culture: Crops and Gardening
    Organic Livestock
    Standards and Certification
    USDA Programs
Visit Organic Roots - Our collection of pre-1942 electronic publications from the United States Department of Agriculture related to organic agriculture
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