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Title: Moderation of [CO2]-induced gas exchange responses by elevated tropospheric O3 in trembling aspen and sugar maple

Author: Sharma, Pooja; Sober, Anu; Sober, Jaak; Podila, Gopi P.; Kubiske, Mark E.; Mattson, William J.; Isebrands, Judson G.; Karnosky, David F.

Year: 2003

Publication: Ekologia. 22(Supplement 1): 304-317.

Abstract: The greenhouse gases CO2 and 03 are increasing in the earth's atmosphere. Little is known about long-term impacts of these two co-occurring gases on forest trees. We have been examining the impacts of these two gases on the physiology and growth of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum) in an open-air exposure system in northern Wisconsin, USA for the past 5 years.

Last Modified: 10/21/2008

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