Catalogue of the TIB (TIBORDER)


New Copyright Law / New Delivery Conditions

Electronic full text deliveries out of the publishing offerings IEEE available. All deliveries will be secured by DRM.

Electronic full text deliveries to the USA are possible again!
Overview of the publishing house offerings which can be delivered. Document deliveries to the USA (also by post and fax) only available out of these publishing house offerings.

Extensive electronic full text delivery within Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland are available.
Overview of the  publishing house offerings within G-A-L-S.

Electronic deliveries to non-German-speaking countries abroad (outside the boarders of Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) are available.
Overview of the publishing house offerings outside G-A-L-S.

All electronic full text deliveries will be secured by DRM.


IWF – Wissen und Medien gGmbH

IWF Göttingen und TIB Hannover schließen Kooperationsvertrag

Gmelin database is now searchable at chemistry portal

The German National Library of Technology and Science (TIB) and Elsevier are pleased to announce the integration of the Gmelin database into the search of the chemistry portal in October 2008.


TIB/UB zu Gast auf NDR 1


9th International Bielefeld Conference:  Visit Goportis on the 9th International Bielefeld Conference 2009. We are looking forward to present you our services from the 3th to 5th of February 2009 on stand 9.