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Dairy Cattle Nutrition of Milking and Dry Dairy Cows

Last Updated: March 05, 2009 Related resource areas: Dairy

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Feed costs for the dairy cattle herd represent 50 to 60% of the total cost associated with the production of milk. In addition, properly implemented dairy cattle nutrition programs can improve milk production, health, and reproductive performance of dairy cows for both the milking herd and dry cows. In this section, articles on various aspects of dairy cow nutrition and feeding and dairy feeding management are provided. Articles pertaining to acidosis and lameness in dairy cattle, feed additives, the use of by-products in dairy cattle diets, fats, water quality, protein nutrition, minerals and vitamins, feeding management, troubleshooting nutritional problems, and forage information for dairy diets are available below.

Acidosis and Laminitis



Dry and Transition Cows


Feed Management


Minerals and Vitamins


Troubleshooting Tools


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