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Photo Library
of Maine Cranberry Weeds

CLICK images for larger views
NOTE: Does not include those everybody recognizes, like dandelion and clover.

For details about any of these weeds, visit http://www.umaine.edu/umext/cranberries/weedlist.htm

Barnyard GrassSeed head of Barnyard Grass
Barnyard Grass
Bluets, Quaker Ladies or Innocence
Common Cinquefoil - closer view
Common Cinquefoil
Creeping Yellow Cress
Creeping Yellowcress
Dodder and Dwarf St. Johnswort
Dwarf St Johnswort
Dwarf St.
photo of fireweed in Maine
(no photo yet)
Hair-cap Moss
Hairy Willowweed
Hairy Willowweed
(no photo yet)
Horsetail or Mare's Tail
Horsetail or Mare's Tail
(no photo yet)
Horseweed or Buttonweed
Flower of Ladysthumb or Smartweed
Ladysthumb or Smartweed
Low-hop Clover
Low-hop Clover
(no photo yet)
Narrow-leaved Goldenrod
Narrow-leaved or Lance-leaved Goldenrod
(no photo yet)
New York Aster
Prostrate Spurge
Prostrate Spurge
Purple Vetch
Purple Vetch or Cow Pea
Sand Spurry
Sandspurry or Red 
photo of small-flowered white aster in bloom
White Aster
2nd photo
Thyme-leaved Speedwell
Thyme-leaved Speedwell (or Common Speedwell)
Water Purslane
Water Purslane
White Violet photo
White Violet or Lance-leaved Violet
(no photo yet)
Yellow Loosestrife
Yellow Loosestrife
Yellow Wood Sorrel
Yellow Woodsorrel

Last addition of a specimen to this list:
February 13, 2008

If you have comments or questions about this page,
contact Charles Armstrong at: charlesa@umext.maine.edu
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These pages are currently being maintained by the Pest Management Office, University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Page Last Modified: 04/11/08

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