Purple Loosestrife
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Purple Loosestrife Online Report Form


Purple Loosestrife - Wanted! Volunteer "Beetle Farmers"  Information for Beetle Farming  Now on its own page!

About Purple Loosestrife

  • Purple Loosestrife is Not Just Another Pretty Plant
  • Purple Loosestrife: Beauty or Beast?
  • Purple Loosestrife Posters and Pamphlet Feb 2003
  • Help Us Track Purple Loosestrife   (Purple Loosestrife Field Report EMail Form)
  • Biological Control of Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) in Connecticut - 1999 Annual Report
  • Other Related Websites:

  • Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group
  • Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS): overview of the CAPS Program.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): IPM activities in the northeastern U.S.
  • Biological control: Cornell University site.
  • Galerucella spp.: purple loosestrife biological control agents.
  • Invasive Plants and Animals:

  • Hosta Virus X Identified in Connecticut  December 2006
  • New Pest Concern in New England:  Winter Moth  May 2006
  • Sudden Oak Death Syndrome
  • Giant Hogweed in Connecticut
  • Not All Alien Invaders Are From Outer Space (Information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture APHIS website in the form of factsheets in card format for newly invasive plants, insects and animals. The files are in Adobe Portable Document format (.pdf files) and require Adobe Reader)get acrobat reader
  • Other Links:

  • UConn IPM Reports to the Connecticut State Legislature
    ( .pdf files require Adobe Reader)
    get acrobat reader

    page last updated March 200505
