- HIKING TRAILS AND WILDFLOWERS by Keith and Barbro McCree -

Wildflowers of the Oregon Cascades

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Photography by Keith McCree, Botany by Barbro McCree

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Calochortus subalpinus
(Lobb's Mariposa Tulip, Cat's Ear)
Lily with large, hairy creamy-white petals and a yellow center. Found in dry meadows.

Castilleja miniata
(Common Paintbrush)
One of many species of Castilleja that grow in this area. Found in dry meadows and rock outcrops.

Erysimum asperum
(Rough Wallflower, Prairie Rocket)
Wallflower with showy orange or yellow flowers and long seedpods. Found in meadows at higher elevations.

Erythronium oregonum
(Oregon Fawn Lily, Trout Lily)
White lily with leaves dappled like a fawn. Found in open areas of forest at low elevations.

Fritillaria lanceolata
(Mission Bells, Checker Lily, Chocolate Lily)
Lily with bell-shaped brownish-purple flowers, mottled with yellow and purple spots. Found in meadows and open areas of the forest.

Linnaea borealis
A forest ground cover with twin pale pink flowers and shiny leaves on trailing stems. Found in moist, shady habitats.


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Lonicera ciliosa
(Orange Honeysuckle, Trumpet Honeysuckle)
Trailing vine with orange trumpet-like flowers and saucer-shaped upper leaf. Found in open areas of the forest at low elevations.

Penstemon rupicola
(Rock Penstemon)
Penstemons are bushy plants that grow in dry, sunny habitats. This bright red one is commonly found on cliffs, growing in the clefts of rocks.

Pyrola secunda
(One-sided Wintergreen)
Forest floor plant with plain green leaves, a green stem, and greenish-white flowers that are all on the same side of the stem.

Mimulus alsinoides
(Chickweed Monkeyflower)
Spreading plant with small yellow flowers with a single red spot. Found in moist areas of rock outcrops

Sedum oreganum
(Oregon Stonecrop)
A succulent with deep yellow flower and rosettes of small green (sometimes reddish) leaves. Common throughout the Pacific Northwest. Found on rock outcrops.

Synthyris reniformis
(Spring Queen)
A perennial forest plant with underground stems and blue flowers. Spring Queen grows in moist, shady habitats, and is one of the first plants to flower in the spring (as early as February at low altitudes).

Trillium ovatum
(Western Trillium, Wake-robin)
Solitary flower standing above a whorl of three leaves. The white petals turn purple with age. Common springtime forest plant.

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