
Electronic Sites of Leading Botany, Plant Biology and Science Journals

These are links to journals in which articles concerning plant biology are published. The sites will almost always have a Tables of Contents available free and may frequently have selected articles, or the entire text online. Some sites are free; others require registration or paid subscriptions. Many journals have free "trial" periods, or bundle online with print subscriptions, so check the site to test availability. Links are checked monthly. Last revised Thursday, 15-Jan-2009 08:41:48 CST.

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New Journals Added - January, 2009

Changed URLs - January, 2009

Delisted Journals - January 2009

    To top of page A Go down 1 letter To bottom of page     To top of page[Ab-Ac][Ad-Ag][Al-Am][An-Aq][Ar-Az]Go down 1 letter
  1. Abhandlungen im Verlag der Gesellschaft in Österreich, Die
  2. Abstracta Botanica (became Community Ecology)
  3. Acarologia
  4. Acta Agriculturæ Scandinavica, Section B - Soil and Plant Science
  5. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica
  6. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica
  7. Acta Botanica Sinica - old issues (1982-2004) = Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (2004-current)
  8. Acta Biológica Colombiana - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  9. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica
  10. Acta Biologica Szegediensis
  11. Acta Biotechnologica - effective Jan 2004, merged with Engineering in Life Sciences
  12. Acta Biotheoretica
  13. Acta Borealia
  14. Acta Botanica Brasilica
  15. Acta Botanica Croatica
  16. Acta Botanica Fennica
  17. Acta Botanica Hungarica
  18. Acta Botanica Gallica - linked through Société Botanique de France
  19. Acta Botanica Malacitana
  20. Acta Botanica Mexicana
  21. Acta Botanica Sinica - old content | continued as Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (2005-present)
  22. Acta Botánica Venezuelica
  23. Acta Botanica Yunnanica
  24. Acta Ecologica Sinica
  25. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica - Scientific Journal for Phytotechnics and Zootechnics (Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra)
  26. Acta Horticulturae
  27. Acta Hydrobiologica
  28. Acta Oecologica
  29. Acta Palaeobotanica
  30. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum [2007-current] [1996-2006]
  31. Acta Phytogeographica Suecica - Swedish Phytogeographical Society
  32. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica
  33. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
  34. Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences
    Go up 1 letter [Ab-Ac][Ad-Ag][Al-Am][An-Aq][Ar-Az]Go down 1 letter
  35. Adansonia
  36. Advances in Agronomy
  37. Advances in Botanical Research
  38. Advances in Bryology
  39. Advances in Horticultural Science
  40. African Crop Science Journal
  41. African Journal of Agricultural Research
  42. African Journal of Biotechnology
  43. African Journal of Ecology
  44. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
  45. African Journal of Range and Forage Science
  46. AFZ der Wald (Allgemeine Forstzeitschrift)
  47. AgBioForum
  48. Agribusiness
  49. Agricell Report
  50. Agricoltura Mediterranea
  51. Agricultura Técnica
  52. Agricultural and Food Science (formerly Agricultural and Food Science in Finland)
  53. Agricultural and Forest Entomology
  54. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
  55. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review
  56. Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology
  57. Agricultural Chemistry (Agrokhimiya)
  58. Agricultural History
  59. Agricultural Economics
  60. Agricultural Economics (Zemìdìlská Ekonomika) (Czech)
  61. Agricultural Systems
  62. Agricultural Water Management
  63. Agriculture and Human Values
  64. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
  65. Agrociencia - Mexico
  66. Agrociencia - Uruguay
  67. Agroforestry Abstracts
  68. Agroforestry Systems
  69. Agronomia Colombiana
  70. Agronomia Mesoamericana
  71. Agronomie (in 2005 became Agronomy for Sustainable Development)
  72. Agronomia Tropical (in Spanish)
  73. Agronomy for Sustainable Development (formerly Agronomie)
  74. Agronomy Journal
  75. AgroThesis - (some articles only Greek)
    Go up 1 letter [Ab-Ac][Ad-Ag][Al-Am][An-Aq][Ar-Az]Go down 1 letter
  76. Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research
  77. Algologia
  78. Algological Electronic Newsletter
  79. Aliso (archives) Aliso (journal info)
  80. Aloe - Journal of the Succulent Society of South Africa
  81. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sci
  82. American Fern Journal
  83. American Forests
  84. American Gardener
  85. American Journal of Agricultural Economics
  86. American Journal of Botany
  87. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
  88. American Journal of Potato Research
  89. American Midland Naturalist
  90. American Naturalist, The
  91. American Nurseryman
  92. American Scientist
    Go up 1 letter [Ab-Ac][Ad-Ag][Al-Am][An-Aq][Ar-Az]Go down 1 letter
  93. Anales de Biologia - Universidad de Murcia
  94. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid - en Español
  95. Angewandte Chemie International Edition
  96. Annales Botanici Fennici
  97. Annales des Sciences Forestieres - now Annals of Forest Science
  98. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine [1994-2000]
  99. Annals of Applied Biology [2005-current] [2000-2004]
  100. Annals of Botany
  101. Annals of Forest Science - formerly Annales des Sciences Forestieres
  102. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
  103. Annals of Science - a history of science journal
  104. Annual Reviews: Biomedical Sciences Suite
  105. Annual Review of Biochemistry
  106. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology
  107. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics
  108. Annual Review of Genetics
  109. Annual Review of Microbiology
  110. Annual Review of Plant Biology (formerly Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology)
  111. Annual Review of Phytopathology
  112. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
  113. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
  114. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  115. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
  116. Applied Soil Ecology
  117. Applied Vegetation Science
  118. Aquatic Botany
  119. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management
  120. Aquatic Gardener, The Journal of the Aquatic Gardener's Association
  121. Aquatic Sciences
    Go up 1 letter [Ab-Ac][Ad-Ag][Al-Am][An-Aq][Ar-Az]Go down 1 letter
  122. Arboricultural Journal
  123. Arboriculture (formerly Arbor Age)
  124. Archiv der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg
  125. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science
  126. Archives of Biological Sciences
  127. Archives of Microbiology
  128. Archives of Natural History
  129. Archives of Nature Conservation and Landscape Research
  130. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection
  131. Arctoa: A Journal of Bryology
  132. Arnaldoa - Revista del Herbario HAO
  133. Arnoldia (the quarterly magazine of the Arnold Arboretum)
  134. Aroideana
  135. Arthropod-Plant Interactions
  136. Asia-Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
  137. Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences
  138. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology
  139. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
  140. ASPT Newsletter
  141. Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, serie B (September 22)
  142. Australian and New Zealand Wine Industry Journal
  143. Australian Cottongrower
  144. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
  145. Australian Journal of Botany
  146. Australian Journal of Crop Science
  147. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
  148. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
  149. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology - in January 2002, relaunching as "Functional Plant Biology"
  150. Australian Journal of Soil Research
  151. Australian Systematic Botany
  152. Australasian Plant Pathology
    To top of page Go up 1 letter B Go down 1 letter To bottom of page     Go up 1 letter [Ba-Biology][Biological-Bj][Bl-Bq][Br-Bz]Go down 1 letter
  153. Bamboo Science and Culture - journal of the American Bamboo Society
  154. Basic and Applied Dryland Research supercedes Gesellschaft für Ökologie
  155. Belgian Journal of Botany
  156. BIOAGRO (in Spanish)
  157. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
  158. Biochemical Genetics
  159. Biochemical Journal
  160. Biochemical Journal Reviews
  161. Biochemical Society Transactions
  162. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
  163. Biochemistry and Cell Biology
  164. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
  165. BioControl
  166. Biocontrol News and Information
  167. Biocontrol Science and Technology
  168. Biocycle
  169. Biodiversity and Conservation
  170. Biodiversity Science
  171. BioEnergy Research
  172. BioEssays
  173. Biogeochemistry
  174. Bioinformatics
  175. Biologia (Bratislava) Botany, Zoology and Cellular and Molecular Biology (from 2006-present) Biologia (Bratislava) Section Botany (archive)
  176. Biologia (Bratislava) Section Cellular and Molecular Biology
  177. Biologia Plantarum
    Go up 1 letter [Ba-Biology][Biological-Bj][Bl-Bq][Br-Bz]Go down 1 letter
  178. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture
  179. Biological Chemistry (formerly Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler)
  180. Biological Conservation
  181. Biological Conservation Newsletter - Smithsonian Institute
  182. Biological Control
  183. Biological Invasions
  184. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
  185. Biologie in unserer Zeit
  186. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
  187. Biology and Fertility of Soils
  188. Biology Letters
  189. Biology of the Cell [2005-] [1988-2004]
  190. Biomass & Bioenergy
  191. Biometals
  192. Biomolecular Engineering
  193. Biophysical Journal
  194. Bioresource Technology
  195. Bioseparation - discontinued after 2000
  196. BioScience
  197. Bioscience, Biotechnology,and Biochemistry (BBB)
  198. Bioscience Research
  199. Biota Neotropica
  200. Biotechniques
  201. Biotechnology
  202. Biotechnology Advances
  203. Biotechnology and Bioengineering
  204. Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment
  205. Biotechnology and Development Monitor
  206. Biotechnology Letters - incorporated in Biotechnology Techniques in 2000
  207. Biotechnology Techniques (Now: Biotechnology Letters)
  208. BioTerra: Revista de Biologia e Ciências da Terra - English and Portugeuse from Brazil
  209. Biotropica [1995 - present] [1969 to 2003 (JSTOR)]
    Go up 1 letter [Ba-Biology][Biological-Bj][Bl-Bq][Br-Bz]Go down 1 letter
  210. Blumea
  211. Blyttia, Norsk Botanisk Forenings Tidsskrift - Journal of the Norwegian Botanical Association [in Norwegian]
  212. BMC Biochemistry from BioMed Central
  213. BMC Bioinformatics from BioMed Central
  214. BMC Biology from BioMed Central
  215. BMC Biotechnology from BioMed Central
  216. BMC Cell Biology from BioMed Central
  217. BMC Developmental Biology from BioMed Central
  218. BMC Ecology from BioMed Central
  219. BMC Evolutionary Biology from BioMed Central
  220. BMC Genetics from BioMed Central
  221. BMC Genomics from BioMed Central
  222. BMC Molecular Biology from BioMed Central
  223. BMC Plant Biology from BioMed Central
  224. BMC Structural Biology from BioMed Central
  225. Boissiera
  226. Boletín de Entomología Venezolana (in Spanish)
  227. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica
  228. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología
  229. Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México
  230. Bonplandia - Instituto de Botanica del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina
  231. Botanica Complutensis (at Universidad Complutense, Madrid) Botanica Complutensis (at Unirioja.Es)
  232. Botanica Helvetica
  233. Botanica Lithuanica
  234. Botanica Macaronesica - Jardín Botánico Viera y Clavijo
  235. Botanica Marina
  236. Botanica Slovenica [no connect 7 Jan 2005]
  237. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica (Taiwan) has become Botanical Studies
  238. Botanical Electronic News
  239. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
  240. Botanical Journal of Scotland, The
  241. Botanical Review
  242. Botanical Studies - formerly Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
  243. Botanika Steciana
  244. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie
  245. Botanische Rundbrief für den Bezirk Neubrandenburg
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  246. Bragantia: Journal of Agronomic Sciences
  247. Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Research
  248. Brazilian Journal of Biology formerly Revista Brasileira de Biologia
  249. Brazilian Journal of Genetics is now known as Genetics and Molecular Biology
  250. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology
  251. Brazilian Phytopathology (=Fitopatologia Brasileira)
  252. Breeding Research
  253. Breeding Science (formerly Japanese Journal of Breeding)
  254. Brittonia
  255. Bryological Times
  256. Bryologist, The
  257. Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology - is now General and Applied Plant Physiology
  258. Le Bulletin de la Linnéenne de Lyon
  259. Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists, Biological Series
  260. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society
  261. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
  262. Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH Zurich
  263. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum London (Botany)
  264. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Biological Sciences
  265. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Society - continuation of Journal of the Torrey Botanical Club
    To top of page Go up 1 letter C Go down 1 letter To bottom of page     Go up 1 letter [Ca-Ci][Ch-Cq][Cr-Cz]Go down 1 letter
  266. Cactus & Co.
  267. Caesiana (Italian Journal of Orchidology)
  268. Canadian Biosystems Engineering (formerly Canadian Agricultural Engineering)
  269. Canadian Forest Industries
  270. Canadian Journal of Botany
  271. Canadian Journal of Forest Research
  272. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology
  273. Canadian Journal of Plant Science
  274. Canadian Journal of Soil Science
  275. Canadian Plant Disease Survey
  276. Candollea
  277. Capsicum Eggplant Newsletter
  278. Carbohydrate Polymers
  279. Carbohydrate Research
  280. Caribbean Journal of Science - An International Journal of Caribbean Natural Science
  281. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter
  282. Caryologia
  283. Cell
  284. Cell and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS)
  285. Cell and Tissue Research
  286. Cell Biology International
  287. Cell Metabolism
  288. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton
  289. Cell Research
  290. Cell Stress & Chaperones
  291. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters (2006-current) [1996-2005)]
  292. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS)
  293. Central European Journal of Biology
  294. Cereal Chemistry
    Go up 1 letter [Ca-Ci][Ch-Cq][Cr-Cz]Go down 1 letter
  295. Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal, The
  296. Chemoecology
  297. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology
  298. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology (1993-1997)
  299. Chloris Chilensis - Revista chilena de flora y vegetación
  300. Chromosoma
  301. Chromosome Research
  302. Chronicle of Higher Education, The
  303. Chronobiology International
  304. Ciência e Agrotecnologia
  305. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
  306. Ciência Rural
  307. City Trees
  308. Cladistics
  309. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols
  310. Communications in Biometry and Crop Science
  311. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis
  312. Community Ecology
  313. Comparative and Functional Genomics
  314. Comptes Rendus Biologies - formerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de la Vie
  315. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
  316. Conservation Biology
  317. Conservation Biology In Practice
  318. Conservation Ecology is now Ecology and Society
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  319. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  320. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology
  321. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
  322. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
  323. Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter
  324. Crop Protection
  325. Crop Science
  326. Cryobiology
  327. CryoLetters
  328. Cryptogamie Bryologie
  329. Cryptogamie Mycologie
  330. CSH Protocols (synonymous with Cold Spring Harbor Protocols)
  331. Cunninghamia: A Journal of Plant Ecology for eastern Australia
  332. Current Advances in Plant Science
  333. Current Biology
  334. Current Genetics
  335. Current Issues in Molecular Biology
  336. Current Opinion in Biotechnology
  337. Current Opinion in Cell Biology
  338. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development
  339. Current Opinion in Plant Biology
  340. Current Science
  341. Curtis's Botanical Magazine [1790 - 1804] [1787 - 1807 (images only)] [1997 - present]
  342. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (Genetika a Šlechtìní)
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  343. Darwiniana Revista de Instituto de Botánica Darwinion (Argentina, en Español)
  344. Davidsonia - A Journal of Botanical Garden Science
  345. Dendrobiology
  346. Development
  347. Development Genes and Evolution
  348. Developmental Biology
  349. Developmental Cell
  350. Developmental Review
  351. Differentiation
  352. DNA Research
  353. Mitochondrial DNA The Journal of DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis (formerly DNA Sequence - The Journal of Sequencing and Mapping)
  354. Doklady Botanical Sciences
  355. Dominguezia - journal of Museo de Farmacobotánica "Juan A. Dominguez", Universidad de Buenos Aires
    To top of page Go up 1 letter E Go down 1 letter To bottom of page    Go up 1 letter [Ea-Em][En-Ez]Go down 1 letter
  356. Ecography
  357. Ecology - current issues
  358. Ecology and Society (formerly Conservation Ecology)
  359. Ecological Bulletins
  360. Ecological Entomology
  361. Ecological Research
  362. Ecological Monographs
  363. Ecological Applications
  364. Ecology Letters
  365. Economic Botany
  366. Edinburgh Journal of Botany
  367. E-Floras - online versions of Floras of Nepal, Chile, China, Missouri, North America, Pakistan, mosses of China, trees and shrubs of the Andes of Ecuador
  368. Ekoloji - Turkish and English
  369. Electronic Green Journal - professional librarians' journal of international environmental issues
  370. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
  371. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities
  372. Electrophoresis
  373. embnet.news: The European Molecular Biology Network Newsletter
  374. EMBO Journal [Archives 1982-2005]
  375. EMBO Reports
  376. Emirates Journal of Agricultural Sciences
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  377. Engineering in Life Sciences (merges/continues Acta Biotechnologica)
  378. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
  379. Entomological Review (Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie)
  380. Environment and Development Economics
  381. Environmental and Experimental Botany
  382. Environmental Conservation
  383. EPPO Bulletin - European and Mediterranean Plant
  384. Erwerbs-Obstbau
  385. Estuaries
  386. Ethnobotanical Leaflets
  387. Euphytica
  388. Eurasian Soil Science (Pochvovedenie)
  389. European Journal of Agronomy
  390. European Journal of Entomology
  391. European Journal of Forest Pathology
  392. European Journal of Forest Research
  393. European Journal of Horticultural Science - formerly Gartenbauwissenschaft
  394. European Journal of Phycology
  395. European Journal of Plant Pathology
  396. European Journal of Soil Science
  397. European Review of Agriculture Economics
  398. Evansia (information on North American bryophytes and lichens)
  399. Evolution
  400. Evolutionary Ecology
  401. Evolutionary Ecology Research
  402. Experimental Agriculture
  403. Experimental and Applied Acarology
  404. Experimental Biology Online ceased publication 2001
  405. Experimental Cell Research
    To top of page Go up 1 letter F Go down 1 letter To bottom of page     Go up 1 letter [Fa-Forest Products][Forest Science-Fz]Go down 1 letter
  406. FEBS Letters
  407. Feddes Repertorium (Journal of Botanical Taxonomy and Geobotany) (former Zeitschrift für botanische Taxonomie und Geobotanik)
  408. Field Crop News, Penn State
  409. Field Crops Research
  410. Fitopatologia Brasileira (=Brazilian Phytopathology)
  411. Fitopatologia Venezolana (in Spanish)
  412. Fitoterapia
  413. Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants
  414. Flora Montiberica
  415. Flora Online (1987-1993) - originally published on the Bulletin Board System named Taxacom
  416. Flowering Newsletter - online only
  417. Folia Amazónica - Publication of Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana
  418. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica
  419. Folia Geobotanica - A Journal of Plant Ecology and Systematics
  420. Folia Horticulturae
  421. Food and Agricultural Immunology
  422. Forest Ecology and Management
  423. Forest Genetics
  424. Forest Pathology
  425. Forest Policy and Economics
  426. Forest Products Abstracts
  427. Forest Products Journal
    Go up 1 letter [Fa-Forest Products][Forest Science-Fz]Go down 1 letter
  428. Forest Science
  429. Forest Snow and Landscape Research
  430. Forestry
  431. Forestry Abstracts
  432. Forestry Chronicle, The
  433. Forestry Source
  434. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt
  435. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
  436. Fruits
  437. Functional & Integrative Genomics
  438. Functional Ecology
  439. Functional Plant Biology - (formerly Australian Journal of Plant Physiology)
  440. Fundamental and Applied Nematology
  441. Fungal Genetics & Biology
    To top of page Go up 1 letter G Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  442. Garance Voyageuse, La (in French)
  443. Garden, The (Royal Horticultural Society)
  444. Garden Gate
  445. Gardens Illustrated
  446. Gartenbauwissenschaft - European Journal of Horticultural Science
  447. Gayana Botanica
  448. Gene
  449. General and Applied Plant Physiology - formerly Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology
  450. Genes & Development
  451. Genes & Genetic Systems
  452. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
  453. Genetica
  454. Genetics
  455. Genetics and Molecular Biology (formerly Brazilian Journal of Genetics)
  456. Genome
  457. Genome Biology
  458. Genome Research
  459. Genomics
  460. Geomicrobiology Journal
  461. Gesunde Pflanzen
  462. Gleditschia (journal of botanical taxonomy)
  463. Global Change Biology
  464. Gramene News - cereal genomics news
  465. Grana (general information) Grana (current table of contents
  466. Grass and Forage Science
  467. Grassland Science
    To top of page Go up 1 letter H Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  468. Hacquetia
  469. Harvard Papers in Botany
  470. Herba: The Moscow Electronic Botanical Journal
  471. HerbalGram
  472. Herbarist - just TOC
  473. Heredity
  474. Hereditas
  475. Hickenia - Boletín del Darwinion
  476. Highlights of Agricultural Research (ceased publication)
  477. Histochemistry and Cell Biology
  478. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff (European Journal of Wood and Wood Products)
  479. Holz-Zentralblatt
  480. Holzforschung (International Journal of the Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Technology of Wood)
  481. Horticultura Brasileira - en português (with English abstracts)
  482. Horticultural Research (Japan)
  483. Horticultural Reviews
  484. Horticultural Science Abstracts
  485. Horticultural Science (Zahradnictví)
  486. Horticulture & Home Pest News
  487. Horticulturist
  488. HortScience
  489. HortTechnology
  490. Hortus: A Gardening Journal
  491. Huntia
  492. Hydrobiologia
    To top of page Go up 1 letter I Go down 1 letter To bottom of page    Go up 1 letter [Ia-International E][International J-Iz]Go down 1 letter
  493. Ibugana - journal of plant systematics, taxonomy, plant physiology of Universidad de Guadalajara (en Espanñol)
  494. Indian Farming
  495. Indian Forester, The
  496. Indian Horticulture
  497. Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry
  498. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
  499. Indian Journal of Biotechnology
  500. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
  501. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology
  502. Industrial Crops and Products
  503. Insect Science and its Application
  504. Integrated Crop Management, Iowa State
  505. Integrated Pest & Crop Management Newsletter
  506. Integrated Pest Management Reviews
  507. Interciencia - en Español
  508. International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA) Journal
  509. International Camellia Journal
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  510. International Journal of Acarology
  511. International Journal of Algae
  512. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology
  513. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, The
  514. International Journal of Botany
  515. International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment (JFAE)
  516. International Journal of Forest Engineering
  517. International Journal of Fruit Science - 2005-present
  518. International Journal of Mycology and Lichenology
  519. International Journal of Pest Management
  520. International Journal of Phytoremediation
  521. International Journal of Plant Genomics
  522. International Journal of Plant Production
  523. International Journal of Plant Sciences
  524. International Journal of Plant Genomics
  525. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation
  526. International Journal of Sustainable Crop Production (IJSCP)
  527. International Rice Research Notes (IRRN)
  528. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant
  529. IPMnet NEWS
  530. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology (IJB)
  531. Irish Timber and Forestry Journal
  532. Irrigation and Drainage Abstracts
  533. Irrigation and Drainage Systems
  534. Irrigation Science
  535. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences
  536. Italian Journal of Agronomy
  537. Itinera geobotanica - Universidad de León
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  538. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
  539. Japanese Journal of Crop Science
  540. Joannea Botanik Landesmuseum Joanneum (Graz, Austria, in German)
  541. Journal de Botanique - linked through Société Botanique de France
  542. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
  543. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  544. Journal of Agricultural and Food Information
  545. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics [2001-current] []
  546. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research
  547. Journal of Agricultural Genomics
  548. Journal of Agricultural Science, The
  549. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (JAST)
  550. Journal of Agromedicine
  551. Journal of Agronomy
  552. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science
  553. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality / Angewandte Botanik (formerly Journal of Applied Botany & formerly Angewandte Botanik)
  554. Journal of Applied Genetics
  555. Journal of Applied Horticulture
  556. Journal of Applied Phycology
  557. Journal of Arboriculture
  558. Journal of Arid Environments
    Go up 1 letter [Ja - J of Az][J of B - J of E][J of F - J of O][J of P - J of S][J of T - Jz]Go down 1 letter
  559. Journal of Bacteriology
  560. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan
  561. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  562. Journal of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics
  563. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes
  564. Journal of Biogeography
  565. Journal of Biological Chemistry
  566. Journal of Biological Rhythms
  567. Journal of Biological Sciences
  568. Journal of Biology
  569. Journal of Biomedicine & Biotechnology
  570. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering Former title: Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering
  571. Journal of Biosciences (Indian Academy of Sciences)
  572. Journal of Biotechnology
  573. Journal of Bryology
  574. Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology - publication of Golden Horn University, Turkey
  575. Journal of Cell Biology
  576. Journal of Cell Science
  577. Journal of Central European Agriculture
  578. Journal of Cereal Science
  579. Journal of Chemical Ecology
  580. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
  581. Journal of Citriculture (under development)
  582. Journal of Coastal Conservation
  583. Journal of Cotton Science
  584. Journal of Crop Production
  585. Journal of Ecology
  586. Journal of Economic Entomology
  587. Journal of Ecosystems and Management
  588. Journal of Electron Microscopy
  589. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
  590. Journal of Environmental Horticulture
  591. Journal of Environmental Quality
  592. Journal of Ethnopharmacology
  593. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
  594. Journal of Experimental Biology
  595. Journal of Experimental Botany
    Go up 1 letter [Ja - J of Az][J of B - J of E][J of F - J of O][J of P - J of S][J of T - Jz]Go down 1 letter
  596. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
  597. Journal of Forest Research
  598. Journal of Forestry
  599. Journal of Forest Science (Lesnictví)
  600. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research
  601. Journal of General Biology
  602. Journal of General Plant Pathology
  603. Journal of General Virology
  604. Journal of Genetics (Indian Academy of Sciences)
  605. Journal of Genetics and Breeding
  606. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants
  607. Journal of Heredity, The
  608. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
  609. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology
  610. Journal of Industrial Hemp - first issue in Spring 2002
  611. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
  612. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (2005-present) = former Acta Botanica Sinica (from 1952 to present)
  613. Journal of Japanese Botany
  614. Journal of Japanese Gardening
  615. Journal of Membrane Biology, The
  616. Journal of Microscopy
  617. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biology
  618. Journal of Molecular Biology
  619. Journal of Molecular Evolution
  620. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology
  621. Journal of Natural Products
  622. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
  623. Journal of Nematology
  624. Journal of New Seeds
  625. Journal of Oil Palm Research
  626. Journal of Pesticide Science
    Go up 1 letter [Ja - J of Az][J of B - J of E][J of F - J of O][J of P - J of S][J of T - Jz]Go down 1 letter
  627. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology
  628. Journal of Phycology
  629. Journal of Phytopathology
  630. Journal of Plankton Research
  631. Journal of Plant Biology [1958-2008] [2009-] (formerly Korean Journal of Botany)
  632. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  633. Journal of Plant Biotechnology (Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology)
  634. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection
  635. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
  636. Journal of Plant Interactions
  637. Journal of Plant Nutrition
  638. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde)
  639. Journal of Plant Pathology - formerly Rivista di Patologia Vegetale
  640. Journal of Plant Physiology
  641. Journal of Plant Registrations
  642. Journal of Plant Research
  643. Journal of Russian Phytopathological Society
  644. Journal of Soil Contamination
  645. Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics
  646. Journal of Structural Biology
  647. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture [2000 - current] [1995-1999]
  648. Journal of Sustainable Forestry
  649. Journal of Sustainable Forestry (old)
  650. Journal of Swiss Agricultural Research (also known as Agrarforschung)
    Go up 1 letter [Ja - J of Az][J of B - J of E][J of F - J of O][J of P - J of S][J of T - Jz]Go down 1 letter
  651. Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan
  652. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
  653. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory
  654. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
  655. Journal of the North American Benthological Society
  656. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development
  657. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
  658. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, The
  659. Journal of Theoretical Biology
  660. Journal of Thermal Biology
  661. Journal of Tissue Culture Methods (now Methods in Cell Science)
  662. Journal of Tree Fruit Production [2000-current] [1996-1999]
  663. Journal of Tropical Biology
  664. Journal of Tropical Ecology
  665. Journal of Tropical Forest Science [Archives]
  666. Journal of Vegetable Crop Production [2000-current] [1995-1999]
  667. Journal of Vegetation Science
  668. Journal of Virological Methods
  669. Journal of Virology
  670. Journal of Wood Science
    To top of page Go up 1 letter K Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  671. Kew Bulletin (2008-current issues) Kew Bulletin (past issues)
  672. Komarovia
  673. Krylovia: Siberian Botanical Journal
  674. Kuru: Revista Forestal (in Spanish w/English abstracts)
    To top of page Go up 1 letter L Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  675. Lagascalia - Universidad de Sevilla
  676. Land and Water
  677. Land Degradation & Development
  678. Landscape Ecology
  679. Lazaroa (direct asscess to issues) and
  680. Lazaroa alternate site - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  681. Lichenologist, The
  682. Lindbergia - a journal of bryology
  683. Logging and Sawmilling Journal
    To top of page Go up 1 letter M Go down 1 letter To bottom of page     Go up 1 letter [Ma-Molecular D][Molecular E-Mz]Go down 1 letter
  684. Madras Agricultural Journal
  685. Madroño A Western American Journal of Botany
  686. Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter
  687. Malaysian Journal of Agricultural Economics, The
  688. Mangroves and Salt Marshes - continued as part of Wetlands Ecology and Management, December 1999
  689. Maydica
  690. Medicinal Plant Conservation - MPSG Newsletter
  691. Metabolic Engineering
  692. Methods in Cell Science
  693. Microbial Ecology
  694. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
  695. Micron
  696. Minerva Biotecnologica - A Journal on Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
  697. Molecular and Cellular Biology
  698. MGG - Molecular & General Genetics
  699. Molecular Biology (Molekulyarnaya biologiya)
  700. Molecular Biology and Evolution
  701. Molecular Biology of the Cell
  702. Molecular Biology Reports
  703. Molecular Biology Today
  704. Molecular Biotechnology
  705. Molecular Breeding
  706. Molecular Cell
    Go up 1 letter [Ma-Molecular D][Molecular E-Mz]Go down 1 letter
  707. Molecular Ecology
  708. Molecular Ecology Notes
  709. Molecular Engineering
  710. Molecular Genetics & Genomics
  711. Molecular Genetics & Metabolism
  712. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
  713. Molecular Plant
  714. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
  715. Molecular Plant Pathology continues Molecular Plant Pathology Online [1996-1999]
  716. Molecular Systems Biology
  717. Molecules and Cells
  718. Mutagenesis
  719. Mutation Research (three parts)
  720. Mycologia [2002-current] [1998-2001*] *abstracts only
  721. Mycological Research
  722. Mycologist
  723. Mycology and Phytopathology
  724. Mycopathologia
  725. Mycorrhiza
  726. Mycoscience
  727. Mycotaxon
    To top of page Go up 1 letter N Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  728. Native Plants Journal
  729. Natura Montenegrina
  730. Natural Areas Journal
  731. Nature
  732. Nature Biotechnology
  733. Nature Cell Biology
  734. Nature Chemical Biology
  735. Nature Genetics
  736. Nature Methods
  737. Nature Reviews Genetics
  738. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
  739. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
  740. Naturwissenschaften
  741. Neilreichia - linked through Flora of Austria site
  742. Nematological Abstracts
  743. Nematology
  744. Nematropica
  745. Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Newsletter (July 8)
  746. Nepal Agricultural Research Journal
  747. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science
  748. New Disease Reports
  749. New Forests
  750. New Phytologist
  751. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
  752. New Zealand Journal of Botany
  753. New Zealand Journal of Forestry
  754. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science
  755. Nordic Journal of Botany
  756. North American Native Orchid Journal
  757. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry
  758. Northwestern Naturalist
  759. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (English w/Romanian abstracts)
  760. Nova Hedwigia
  761. Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature
  762. Nucleic Acids Research [PMC: Nucleic Acids Research]
  763. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
  764. Nuytsia Western Australia systematics journal
    To top of page Go up 1 letter O Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  765. Oasis Journal, The - quarterly international orchid publication
  766. Observatorio Medioambiental
  767. Oecologia
  768. Ohio Journal of Science
  769. Oikos
  770. Oklahoma Academy of Science
  771. Oléagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides (en français) (literally Oilseeds, Greasy Substances and Lipids)
  772. Opera Botanica
  773. Orchid Digest
  774. Orchid Review, The
  775. Orchids - only PDFs of subjects, authors, illustrations
  776. Orchids Australia
  777. Organisms, Diversity & Ecology
  778. Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere
  779. Ornamental Horticulture
    To top of page Go up 1 letter P Go down 1 letter To bottom of page     Go up 1 letter [Pa-Pho][Phy-Plant B][Plant C-Plant Z][Planta-Pz]Go down 1 letter
  780. Pacific Northwest Fungi
  781. Pakistan Journal of Agronomy
  782. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
  783. Pakistan Journal of Botany
  784. Pakistan Journal of Plant Pathology
  785. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
  786. Paleontologia Electronica
  787. Palaeontology
  788. Palms
  789. Pedobiologia
  790. Periodicum Biologorum
  791. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
  792. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira
  793. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira (The Brazilian Journal of Forestry Research)
  794. Pest Management & Crop Development
  795. Pest Management Science (formerly Pesticide Science)
  796. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
  797. Pharmaceutical Biology
  798. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Biological Sciences
  799. Photochemistry and Photobiology
  800. Photosynthesis Research
  801. Photosynthetica
    Go up 1 letter [Pa-Pho][Phy-Plant B][Plant C-Plant Z][Planta-Pz]Go down 1 letter
  802. Phycological Research
  803. Phycologia
  804. Phyloinformatics - journal of informatics in taxonomy and phylogenetics
  805. Physiologia Plantarum
  806. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
  807. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
  808. Phytochemistry
  809. Phytochemistry Reviews
  810. Phytologia Balcanica - Balkan plants
  811. Phytomorphology
  812. Phyton (Annales Rei Botanicae)
  813. Phytoparasitica
  814. Phytopathology
  815. Phytopathology News
  816. Pisum Genetics
  817. Plant and Cell Physiology
  818. Plant and Soil
  819. Plant Biology (2008-present) (1999-2007)
  820. Plant Biosystems (2004-present Plant Biosystems (1997-2003) Formerly "Giornale Botanico Italiano" (from 2004)
  821. Plant Biotechnology (1997-present; formerly "Plant Tissue Culture Letters")
  822. Plant Biotechnology Journal
  823. Plant Biotechnology Reports
  824. Plant Breeding
  825. Plant Breeding Abstracts
  826. Plant Breeding Reviews
    Go up 1 letter [Pa-Pho][Phy-Plant B][Plant C-Plant Z][Planta-Pz]Go down 1 letter
  827. Plant Cell, The
  828. Plant, Cell & Environment
  829. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
  830. Plant Cell Reports
  831. Plant Disease
  832. Plant Ecology (formerly Vegetatio)
  833. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (Formerly Qualitas Plantarum)
  834. Plant Gene Research. Basic Knowledge and Application
  835. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization
  836. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter (aka PGR Newsletter)
  837. Plant Growth Regulation
  838. Plant Growth Regulator Abstracts
  839. Plant Health Progress - online only
  840. Plant Journal, The
  841. Plant Methods
  842. Plant Molecular Biology
  843. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
  844. Plant Omics
  845. Plant Pathology
  846. Plant Pathology Journal
  847. Plant Physiology
  848. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
  849. Plant Production Science
  850. Plant Protection Science (Ochrana Rostlin)
  851. Plant Science
  852. Plant Science Bulletin
  853. Plant Sciences Letters 1973-1985 (continued as Plant Science)
  854. Plant Signaling and Behavior
  855. Plant, Soil and Environment (Rostlinná Výroba)
  856. Plant Species Biology
  857. Plant Systematics and Evolution
  858. Plant Tissue Culture
  859. Plant Tissue Culture Letters (1984-1996) Currently "Plant Biotechnology")
    Go up 1 letter [Pa-Pho][Phy-Plant B][Plant C-Plant Z][Planta-Pz]Go down 1 letter
  860. Planta
  861. Planta Medica
  862. Plants
  863. Plantula - la revista del Centro Jardín Botánico de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida (Venezuela)
  864. PLoS Biology
  865. PLoS Genetics
  866. Polar Bioscience
  867. Polibotánica - National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
  868. Polish Botanical Journal (continues Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica)
  869. Polish Journal of Ecology
  870. Population Ecology
  871. Portugaliae Acta Biologica (in Portuguese)
  872. Postharvest Biology and Technology
  873. Postharvest News and Information
  874. Potato Journal (Formerly Journal of the Indian Potato Association)
  875. Potato Research
  876. Prace Botaniczne - Wydawnictwa Instytutu Botaniki UJ
  877. Precision Agriculture
  878. Preslia
  879. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology. Ecology
  880. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society
  881. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
  882. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences
  883. Propagation of Ornamental Plants
  884. Protein Science
  885. Proteomics
  886. Protoplasma
  887. Pteridologia
  888. Purdue Pest and Crop Newsletter
    To top of page Go up 1 letter Q Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  889. Quantitative Microbiology - publication discontinued, June 2000
  890. Quarterly Review of Biology, The
  891. Quarterly Journal of Forestry, The
    To top of page Go up 1 letter R Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  892. Radiation Research
  893. Regnum Vegetabile
  894. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (formerly American Journal of Alternative Agriculture)
  895. Research in Agricultural Engineering (Zemìdìlská Technika)
  896. Review of Agricultural Economics, The
  897. Review of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
  898. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
  899. Review of Plant Pathology
  900. Revista Agro-Ciencia - Chile
  901. Revista Agronomía Colombiana (in Spanish)
  902. Revista Agronomía Costarricense
  903. Revista Árvore
  904. Revista Bouteloua
  905. Revista Brasileira de Biociências
  906. Revista Brasileira de Biologia now Brazilian Journal of Biology
  907. Revista Brasileira de Botânica
  908. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo
  909. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura
  910. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais
  911. Revista CERNE - en português
  912. Revista Chapingo - Serie Horticultura
  913. Revista Científica UDO Agrícola
  914. Revista de Biología Tropical
  915. Revista de Investigación Agrícola DANAC (in Spanish)
  916. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (in Spanish)
  917. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad del Zulia de Venezuela (in Spanish)
  918. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana (in Spanish)
  919. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología (in Spanish)
  920. Revista Investigación Agraria. Serie Sistemas y Recursos Forestales
  921. Revista Mexicana de Fitopatología (Mexican Journal of Phytopathology)
  922. Revista Manejo Integrado de Plagas y Agroecología
  923. Revista Peruana de Biologia - Universidad de San Marcos, Peru
  924. Revista Planta Daninha
  925. Rhodora
  926. Rice
  927. Rice Genetics Newsletter (@Gramene) Rice Genetics Newsletter (@Shigen)
  928. Rice Today
  929. Richardiana - La revue trimestrielle, éditée par Tropicalia, consacrée aux Orchidées
  930. Rodriguésia - Revista do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro
  931. Russian Journal of Ecology (Ekologiya)
  932. Russian Journal of Genetics
  933. Russian Journal of Nematology
  934. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology (Fiziologiya Rastenii)
    To top of page Go up 1 letter S Go down 1 letter To bottom of page    Go up 1 letter [Sa-Sm][Sn-Sz]Go down 1 letter
  935. Saúde and Ambiente em Revista - Universidade Unigranrio (en português)
  936. Saussurea - Société botanique de Genève
  937. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
  938. Science
  939. Science Asia - quarterly journal of the Science Society of Thailand
  940. Sciences of Soils [1997-1998] [1999-current]
  941. Scientia Agricola [1992-1995] [1996-current]
  942. Scientia CUCBA - general biology publication of Universidad de Guadalajara (en Espanñol)
  943. Scientia Horticulturae
  944. Scientia Forestalis
  945. Scientific American
  946. Scientific Journal of Agriculture
  947. Scientist, The
  948. Seed & Crops Digest
  949. Seed Abstracts
  950. Seed Science and Technology
  951. Seed Science Research
  952. Seed Technology
  953. Selbyana (the journal of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens)
  954. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology
  955. Seminars in Cell Biology
  956. Sendtnera
  957. Sexual Plant Reproduction
  958. Siberian Botanical Journal
  959. Sida
  960. Silva Fennica
  961. Silvae Genetica
  962. Small Fruits Review [1993-1997] [1998-recent]
  963. Small-Scale Forestry
    Go up 1 letter [Sa-Sm][Sn-Sz]Go down 1 letter
  964. Soil and Tillage Research
  965. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
  966. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
  967. Soil Science
  968. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
  969. Soil Science Society of America Journal
  970. Soils and Fertilizers
  971. South African Journal of Botany [2006-current] [2002-2005]
  972. Southeastern Naturalist
  973. Southwestern Naturalist
  974. Southern African Forestry Journal
  975. Southern Hemisphere Forest Industry Journal
  976. Southern Hemisphere Forestry Journal
  977. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry
  978. Southwestern Naturalist
  979. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research
  980. Sportsturf
  981. Studia Botanica Hungarica
  982. Summa Phytopathologica
  983. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift
  984. Swedish Journal of Agricultural Research
  985. Sydowia - an International Journal of Mycology
  986. Sylwan
  987. Symbiosis
  988. Systematic & Applied Acarology Special Publications
  989. Systematic Biology
  990. Systematic Botany
  991. Systematic Botany Monographs
  992. Systematic Parasitology
  993. Systematics and Biodiversity
  994. Systematics and Geography of Plants
    To top of page Go up 1 letter T Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  995. Taiwan Journal of Forest Science (formerly Bulletin of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute)
  996. Taxon
  997. Telopea
  998. TERRA - Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de la Ciencia del Suelo, A. C.
  999. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany)
  1000. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics
  1001. Thaiszia – Journal of Botany - Slovakia
  1002. Theoretical Population Biology
  1003. Timber Harvesting
  1004. Timber Mart-South - Quarterly Newsletter
  1005. Timberjack News
  1006. Traditional Gardening
  1007. Transgenic Research
  1008. Tree Genetics & Genomics
  1009. Tree Physiology
  1010. Tree-Ring Research
  1011. Trees: Structure and Function
  1012. Trends in Biochemical Sciences
  1013. Trends in Biotechnology
  1014. Trends in Cell Biology
  1015. Trends in Ecology and Evolution
  1016. Trends in Genetics
  1017. Trends in Plant Science
  1018. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems
  1019. Tropical Biodiversity
  1020. Tropical Bryology
  1021. Tropical Ecology
  1022. Tropical Plant Biology
  1023. Tropical Science
  1024. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
  1025. Turkish Journal of Biology
  1026. Turkish Journal of Botany in English
    To top of page Go up 1 letter U Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  1027. Unasylva
    To top of page Go up 1 letter V Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  1028. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
  1029. Vegetatio (see Plant Ecology)
  1030. Veld & Flora
  1031. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Österreich
  1032. Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins von Berlin und Brandenburg
  1033. Virus Genes
  1034. Virus International
  1035. Virus Research
  1036. Vitis
  1037. Vulpia (North Carolina State University)
    To top of page Go up 1 letter W Go down 1 letter To bottom of page
  1038. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
  1039. Water Science Technology
  1040. Watsonia - Journal of the Botanical Society of the British Isles
  1041. Weed Abstracts
  1042. Weed Research
  1043. Weed Science
  1044. Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research
  1045. Weed Technology
  1046. Weeds World - Arabidopsis newsletter
  1047. Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin
  1048. Western Journal of Applied Forestry
  1049. Western North American Naturalist
  1050. Wetlands Ecology and Management - incorporating "Mangroves and Salt Marshes"
  1051. Wheat Information Service
  1052. Wiadomos´ci Botaniczne
  1053. Wildflower
  1054. Willdenowia Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem
  1055. Wisconsin Crop Manager
  1056. Wood and Fiber Science
  1057. WoodNotes Quarterly
  1058. Wood Science and Technology
  1059. Wood Science Digest
  1060. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences
  1061. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
  1062. World Pollen and Spore Flora - ceased publication
  1063. World Wide Web Journal of Biology, The - online only
    To top of page Go up 1 letter X Y Z To bottom of page
  1064. Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft
  1065. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C
  1066. Zeitschrift für Mykologie formerly Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde
  1067. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science)
  1068. Zygote

Send corrections, new URLs and nominations for additional journals to be added to this list to Scott Russell. When suggesting new journals, if you have the URL, please send it. Last revised Thursday, 15-Jan-2009 08:41:48 CST.

From 329 links in 2000 to 707 at the end of 2001, 771 at the end of 2002, 837 at the end of 2003, 896 at the end of 2004, 960 at the end of 2005, 1017 at the end of 2006, 1047 at the end of 2007, 1063 at the end of 2008! Thanks for all of your nominations! If you are looking for the history of this site, you might enjoy the Internet Archive where you can insert any URL and see an archived version of the past. If you are interested in the most current version, please bookmark THIS site. Thanks for visiting!