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Welcome to the Ethnobotanical Resource Directory. The purpose of this feature is to unify global information regarding ethnobotanical research and documentation on the Internet. You can use this website to find a variety of information related to ethnobotany. The Ethnobotanical Resource Directory is a collection of more than 150 links which are divided into 12 areas. Please send us any suggestions on how we can continue to improve this service.

mail us at with your comments, suggestions, and feedback.

Shaman Pharmaceuticals: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge, Tropical Medicinal Plants, Medicine, Modern Science and Reciprocity into a Novel Drug Discovery Approach, Donald E. Bierer, Thomas J. Carlson, and Steven R. King
Some Common Medicinal And Poisonous Plants Used In Ethiopian Folk Medicine, Amare Getahun,
Screening plants for new medicines, Norman Farnsworth, PhD.

Ethnobotany and Cultural Resources of the Washington State, Scott T. Clay-Poole, Ph.D.
University of Washington Ethnobotany/Biology Website
On Health with WebMD - Hazards of Unregulated Herbal Preparations
Society for Medical Anthropology
Pharmaceutical Biology - Abstracts of Articles Published - A Shaman's Wisdom
Ethnobotany - A Reader edited by Paul Minnis
Floristics and Economic Botany of Acre, Brazil
EJB Review Article - Medicinal plants: a re-emerging health aid
Ethnobotanist - A Definitive Directory to the Top Careers in the Outdoors

W. McClatchey, A. Paul, T. Flaster and V. McClatchey. 1999. An Evaluation of Educational Trends in Economic and Ethnobotany. (112 K) | Abstract | Resumen |

- Listing of Graduate Courses and Programs in Ethnobotany
- Listing of Undergraduate Courses and Programs in Ethnobotany
Ethnobiology education in the UK - a survey

  • Bishop Museum Press: Plants - Botany and Ethnobotany
  • Bookshelf Page
  • Balogh Scientific Books
  • HerbalGram
  • Herb Research Foundation Bookstore
  • Natural Health and Longevity Resource Center
  • NHBS Book Net: Subject Economic Botany
  • People and Plants Initiative/The Ethnobotany Sourcebook
  • Sacred Earth - An Educational Forum and Networking Resource for Ethnobotany and Ecotravel
  • Vedams Books International: Medicinal Plants & Ethnobotany of India
  • Bibliographies
  • Literature Useful to the Study of Florida Plants, Ethnobotany
  • Ethnobotany and Paleoethnobotany: A Bibliography by Michael Pfeiffer
  • Professional Societies
  • Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge: May 28 - June 3, 2001, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Society of Economic Botany (SEB)
  • Society for Ethnobiology
  • German Society for Ethnomedicine
  • Society for Medical Anthropology
  • Society for Medicinal Plant Research
  • International Society of Ethnobiology (ISE)
  • The American Society of Pharmacognosy - July 22-26, 2000
  • The Phytochemical Society of Europe
  • Journal of Ethnopharmacology: Online Abstracts
  • German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG)/Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft
  • Ethnopharmacology: Challenges for the New Millenia
  • XVI International Botanical Congress: August 1-7, 1999
  • Databases
  • AGIS, EthnobotDB--worldwide plant uses
  • AGIS, FoodplantDB--Native American food plants
  • AGIS, MPNADB--medicinal plants of Native America
  • AGIS, PhytochemDB--plant chemicals
  • American Indian Ethnobotany Database
  • Brunei Dunsun Database, by Roy Ellen
  • Herbage, 4th Edition
  • Medicinal and Poisonous Plant Databases, University of Maryland
  • Medicinal Plants of the Prarie
  • Medicinal Veterinary Plants in Sub Saharan Africa
  • Online Directory for Medicinal Plant Conservation
  • Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
  • SEPASAL: Survey of Economic Plants for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands
  • The Gatherer & Plant Use Multiple Database Search Engine
  • Educational Opportunities
  • ACEER Foundation
  • American Botanical Council
  • Baca Institute of Ethnobotany
  • Botanical Preservation Corps Intensive Field Courses
  • Experiences: food plants, medicines and people
  • Graduate Educational Programs in Economic Botany and Ethnobotany
  • Laboratories of Ethnobiology, Univ. of Georgia
  • SPIRIT QUEST: Workshop Retreat Exploring Ethnobotany and Applied Shamanism in the Upper Amazon
  • Tlahui Educational Ethnomedicinal Courses, Mexico
  • The Ayurvedic College - Online
  • Undergraduate Educational Programs in Economic Botany and Ethnobotany
  • Wild Food Adventures
  • 'Plants as Teachers' Experimental Workshops at La Sachamama Ethnobotanical Garden
  • Grupo Osanimi - "New" Ethnobotany projects in the Upper Amazon
  • Research Projects
  • Online Directory for Medicinal Plant Conservation
  • People and Plants Online
  • PROSEA: Plant Resources for the Far East
  • Universities/Institutions
  • Herb Research Foundation
  • National Cancer Institute
  • Royal Botanical Garden, Kew - Center for Economic Botany
  • Shaman Botanicals
  • SW School of Botanical Medicine
  • The Ethnobiology and Conservation Team
  • The Laboratory of Ethnobotany, Univ. of Michigan
  • The Missouri Botanical Garden
  • The National Tropical Botanical Garden
  • The New York Botanical Garden
  • University of Hawaii, Dr. Will McClatchey
  • University of Arizona - Program of Integrative Medicine, Dr. Andrew Weil
  • Cool Sites
    Miscellaneous Sites
  • Chez Marco
  • Dr. Browers Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Homepage
  • EthnoMedicinals Home Page
  • Howie Brounsteins's Home Page
  • Interesting Sites Related to Ethnobotany
  • Internet Directory for Botany: Economic Botany, Ethnobotany
  • Legendary Ethnobotanical Resources
  • LEVITY: Psychadelics
  • The World-wide Web Virtual Library: Pharmacy

    Scientific Societies

    Society for Economic Botany
    Annual meeting
    [ Vol 55(2) ]

    Society of Ethnobiology

    Society of Ethnobiology

    [ Abstracts ]

    [ Abstracts ]


    Educational Resources

    Medicinal Plants
    of Madagascar

    Plantas Medicinais

    Mayan Ethnomedical Encylopedia CD-ROM

    Herbal Remedies

    Rainforest Researchers

    Tom Snyder Productions

    [ CONTACT US | Call for Newsworthy Items ]

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    Information on this site is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional.
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