Southern Research Station Headquarters - Asheville, NC
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John A.  Stanturf
John A. Stanturf 

Employee Information

Name: John A. Stanturf 
Title: Project Leader
Unit: Center for Forest Disturbance Science (4156)
AD Unit - Threats
Phone: 706-559-4316
Fax: 828-257-4313
706-559-4287 - Location Fax

Location Information

USDA-Forest Service
Forestry Sciences Laboratory

320 Green Street
Athens, GA 30602-2044

Research Information


Montana State University, Plant and Soil Science, BS-1974; Cornell University, Forest Soils, MS-1979; Cornell University, Forest Soils, PhD-1983

Current Research:

My major research interests are ecology and sustainable management of pine and pine/hardwood ecosystems in the South. My work fits into three broad categories: ecosystem renewal, ecosystem restoration, and intensive planation culture. Areas of work in Ecosystem Renewal include: effects of fire and other disturbances on site productivity, nutrient cycling, and maintenance of coarse woody debris. In the arena of Ecosystem Restoration, my work includes: effects of restoration on soil quality, especially carbon sequestration, and methods for evaluating restoration success. I am finishing a research program on Intensive Plantation Culture, which includes intensive fiber production of Eastern cottonwood using fertigation technology.

Collaborative Research:

Expanded work on any of the above areas; carbon allocation patterns and productivity; developing criteria and indicators of sustainability.

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John A. Stanturf

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