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Theodor D.  Leininger
Theodor D. Leininger 

Employee Information

Name: Theodor D. Leininger 
Title: Project Leader
Unit: Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research (4155)
AD Unit - Integrated Assessment
Phone: 662-686-3178
Fax: 662-686-3195 - Location Fax

Location Information

USDA-Forest Service
Southern Hardwoods Laboratory

P.O. Box 227
Stoneville, MS 38776-0227
432 Stoneville Rd.
Stoneville MS 38776

Research Information


B.S., Albright College, Biology, Forestry, 1980; M.F., Duke University, Forestry, Plant Pathology, 1981; Ph.D., Virginia Tech., Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology, 1988

Current Research:

I have several studies designed to determine and evaluate the causes of hardwood declines in forest and plantation ecosystems and urban environments, with a view toward developing management strategies to minimize losses. Greenhouse and field studies have been employed to examine the interaction of biological (e.g., fungal and bacterial pathogens) and non-biological (e.g., moisture stress and elevated temperature) factors on tree health. I am developing and testing new ways of detecting pathogen-caused degrades in trees (e.g., bacterial wetwood and heart rots). Studies are underway to measure the effects of stand modification on ameliorating declines in stand health brought on by flooding and on insect and disease communities of bottomland hardwood forests.

Collaborative Research:

  • Developing seedling standards for afforestation of former agricultural land in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley
  • Developing accounting and monitoring guidelines for carbon sequestration in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley
  • Multi-disciplinary study of the field ecology, stress physiology, pathology, population genetics, seed biology, and dispersal ecology of the endangered pondberry (Lindera melissifolia)

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Theodor D. Leininger

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