Southern Research Station - Insects, Diseases and Invasive Plants Logo and header title

Project Leader: Kier Klepzig

Link to the Southern Research Station Home Page Link to the United States Department of Agriculture Home Page Link to the Southern Research Station - Insects, Diseases and Invasive Plants Home Page
Southern Research Station Headquarters
Web Links-
Asheville, NC



Welcome to the United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service - Southern Research Station Unit 4552 Web Site!!


The Navigation bar on the right are links to pages of the Southern Research Station Headquarters web site located in Asheville, North Carolina. Each headquarters link will open in a new window.


The tan navigation bar on the left will assist you in surfing within this web site. The buttons beneath the header picture will highlight red when you are in each team area. SRS Unit 4552 is comprised of three separate teams:

Southern Pine Beetle and Invasive Insects Team
(Team Leader: Brian Strom)

Diseases and Invasive Plants Team

(Team Leader: Bill Otrosina)

Termites Team

(Team Leader: Terry Wagner)

Use the buttons on the upper left navigation bar to switch between teams. This web site has been organized in such a way to make it easier to navigate and utilize information contained within it. If you come across any mistakes, errors or broken links, please let us know so we can maintain the best quality web site possible.


We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions. Please feel free to contact us by using the staff directories within each Unit or e-mail the web manager.