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Abstract Guidelines

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All abstracts must be received by Friday, January 25, 2008 via the Science Forum abstract submission system. Abstract submission instructions are available on the Forum web site at www.epa.gov/scienceforum. When submitting your abstract, if you are not an EPA employee, please indicate your affiliation with EPA, i.e., technology verified by EPA program, technology developed in cooperation with EPA, etc. Please include in your abstract the weight and dimensions (footprint) of your equipment. All abstract entries will receive a confirmation of receipt of the abstract.

Technology Selection Process

After the abstract submission deadline, EPA’s technical committee will review and select the technologies to be included in this year’s Forum. Selection and rejection notifications will be distributed via e-mail in mid February 2008. The acceptance e-mail will contain specific guidance regarding the poster design and template, shipping and handling and other pertinent details for poster presenters.

See the Science Forum Call for Technologies page for more details.

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