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Farm Business and Household Survey Data: Customized Data Summaries from ARMS


Crop Production Practices


Crop Production Practices is a data file based on information collected through a series of annual field-level commodity surveys. Also known as Phase II of the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), this series is USDA's primary source of information about the current status and trends in crop production practices for several large-acreage field crops. This survey also obtains data on U.S. farmers' agricultural resource use, as well as data to assess potential environmental impacts associated with crop production practices. Crop Production Practices data also supplement ERS's Commodity Costs and Returns data.


The ARMS survey annually collects field-level information on chemicals and seeds, equipment, previous crops, highly erodible land, irrigation, and pest, nutrient, and crop residue management practices. The Crop Production Practices data can be summarized by crop, year, ERS Farm Resource Region, irrigation system, previous crop, highly erodible land, and tillage system.

Crop Production Practices provides customized annual data summaries for several field crops and production practice topics for production years beginning in 1996 (years available differ by commodity, see below).

Field Crops

• Corn (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005)
• Soybeans (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2006)
• Oats (2005)
• Spring, durum, and winter wheat (1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004)
• Cotton (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003)
• Sorghum (2003)
• Barley for malt, barley for feed (2003)
• Peanuts (1999, 2004)


• Irrigation technology and water use
• Nutrient use and management
• Crop residue management and previous crop
• Pest management
• Pesticide use
• Seed use
• Tillage systems
• Manure management

Note: Production practices, technologies, and inputs used by farmers vary widely by commodity and region. Hence, data are not available to summarize all of the above topics for each commodity or region in the crop production practices data.


The ARMS survey is conducted in three phases over the course of the survey year, which runs from June through April.

  • Phase I, conducted during the summer of the reference year:
    Farmers selected for inclusion in the survey sample are screened to verify their operating status and to determine whether they are producing commodities targeted for data collection.
  • Phase II, conducted in the fall and winter of the reference year:
    Randomly selected operating farms from Phase I are interviewed to collect information on their production practices and chemical use. Phase II mirrors the former Cropping Practices Survey. Phase II data are collected at the individual field or production unit level.
  • Phase III, conducted in the spring of the year following the reference year:
    A nationally representative sample of farmers is interviewed to obtain information on their costs and returns during the reference year. Farmers that reported production practices for specific commodities in Phase II are also contacted to obtain information on their costs and returns, including data needed to estimate the costs of production associated with their production practices. Phase III data are collected at the whole farm level. Phase III replaces the former Farm Costs and Returns Survey.

The time-series data presented in Crop Production Practices were generated from the ARMS Phase II sample data. Sampling weights provided by USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) were adjusted for each completed, usable sample by its share of the estimated acres planted with the target crop. A jackknife re-sampling process was used with 15 additional weights from NASS for each sample to estimate the Relative Standard Error (RSE) for each data item.

Phase II data include information on the field itself (such as the soil management practices, previous crops, highly erodible designation, and yield), size of the field, and the operator's tenure, including rental arrangements. Seed type, sowing rate, and cost are collected, as well as information on the tillage equipment used on the field. Amounts of fertilizer and methods of application for the crop are recorded, including information on how the nutrient management decisions are made. Pesticide-management variables include the amount and number of applications of each pesticide ingredient, and the management information used to make that determination. Additional information includes irrigation water applications and timing, drying costs and methods, and the use of crop insurance.

Additional crops, technologies, and practices will be added to Crop Production Practices as data are collected and processed.

For additional information on ARMS, see ARMS Documentation.

Get the Survey Questionnaires

For more information, contact: The ARMS Product Team

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Updated date: November 25, 2008