Southern Research Station Headquarters - Asheville, NC
Main Logo of Southern Research Station, Stating: Southern Research Station - Asheville, NC, with a saying of 'Science you can use!'
[Images] Five photos of different landscape

Author and Editor Toolkit:
USDA/FS Southern Research Station

 [ Editor at work ]

The 135 (+/-) scientists at the Southern Research Station are authors or coauthors for 600 to 700 publications a year. These include journal articles, conference proceedings papers, books and book chapters, bibliographies, management guidelines, guest editorials, and assessments.

In addition, the Station publishes the results of its scientists and their cooperators in four technical series:

  • Research papers--Results, analyses, conclusions of formal studies or experiments
  • General technical reports--Information of a technical nature, but not an original report; proceedings, computer programs, annotated biographies, guidebooks
  • Research notes--Observational information on new techniques or instruments, especially of how-to-do-it type or incidental discovery
  • Resource bulletins--Economic information of permanent value on timber and other forest resources or their utilization

The following materials were designed to help reduce manuscript turnaround time, improve communications with authors, and reduce costs while maintaining the Station's reputation for high quality, credible publications:

 [ Get Acrobat ] All links above, except for the publication tracking system, are to portable document format or PDF files. Get Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these documents.