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 Research Highlights and Podcasts


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Image: Researcher taking a sample on ?? Mountain.Accessing Treatment Data for Drinking Water Quality - For more than 30 years, EPA has provided information to the U.S. drinking water systems—large and small—that serve millions of American consumers. In that time, EPA researchers have identified hundreds of potential contaminants to drinking water quality. To help stakeholders navigate this body of information, EPA recently commissioned a new online tool... Read more
Image: Researcher taking a sample on ?? Mountain.Gauging the Effectiveness of Riparian Buffers - Heavy loads of nutrients, sediments, pesticides, and other materials can be harmful to delicate aquatic ecosystems.  Riparian buffers – vegetated regions adjacent to streams and wetlands – are a common means of intercepting and controlling these pollutants as they enter water bodies.   EPA considers nitrogen one of the top stressors to aquatic ecosystem health.  To determine how to better protect these environments from excess nitrogen... Read more
Image: Researcher taking a sample on ?? Mountain.Unlocking the Climate Archives - Within our continent’s aquifers lie archives of long-term climate changes describing precipitation recharge in watersheds. Aquifers act as filters that smooth out short-term climate fluctuations and record continental climate signals. Past temperature signals (paleotemperatures) are stored with dissolved noble (inert) gases in groundwater. Using noble gases as proxies, NRMRL hydrologists are sampling paleotemperatures in the Elwha watershed on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. Read more

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Image: Renewable energy using a wind turbine.Technology Assessment for Investigating Future Air Quality - NRMRL’s Energy and Climate Assessment Team (ECAT) assesses emerging energy and pollution mitigation technologies and their potential effect on harmful emissions. With a focus on the energy and transportation sectors, ECAT helps EPA to better understand how technological evolution can impact future air quality. Read more

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Image: Diesel engine in a dynamometer test cell.ETV Verifies Diesel Emission Controls - NRMRL's Environmental Technology Verification Program is conducting verification testing on innovative technologies designed to reduce particulate matter, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide emissions from diesel engine exhaust. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (5:21 min, 4.9 MB)

Image: A schematic of the bench-scale porous pavement systemPorous Pavements: Managing Rainwater Runoff - NRMRL urban watershed researchers are evaluating the performance of a porous pavement system—interlocking concrete pavers with filter/gravel layers. This is just one of several types of porous pavements that filter rainwater runoff. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (4:35 min, 4.20 MB)

Image: Test tubes on a keyboardSustainable Approaches to Analyzing Chemical Toxicity - Each year many new chemicals join the thousands already in existence in the marketplace. Determining their potential hazard to humans and the environment is an ongoing challenge for EPA’s mission of sustainability in support of economic growth. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (3:43 min, 3.40 MB)

A friendly EPA welcome from Georgia Dunaway at a recent scientific conferenceExtending EPA’s Message - Wherever national scientific conferences and trade shows are held, EPA is there, thanks to a popular outreach program managed by NRMRL technical communication specialists. Read more

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Revitalizing Stella, MissouriRevitalizing Stella, Missouri—A Sustainability Model - NRMRL scientists are collaborating with residents to revitalize a community while learning about the effects of human decision making on natural resources. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (6:04 min, 5.55 MB)

SOS Subsoil Bioremediation A More Effective Remediation for Subsurface Pollutants - EPA researchers have developed an advanced hydraulic fracturing technology to help remediate subsoil contaminants. Read more

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A swale evaluation in progress Stormwater Management – NRMRL’s swales research at the Urban Watershed Research Facility in Edison, New Jersey, helps communities safely route stormwater runoff and reduce runoff-carried pollutants. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (4:31 min, 4.13 MB)

Earth Day CincinnatiEarth Day Activities Extend EPA Outreach – This April 19, EPA Cincinnati’s Office of Public Affairs will partner with the Greater Cincinnati Earth Coalition to present Earth Day as a major community event. Read more

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2008 EPA Science Forum2008 EPA Science Forum – Scientists from EPA's National Risk Management Research Laboratory will participate in the 2008 EPA Science Forum in Washington, DC, to highlight the role of innovative technologies in an expanding and sustainable economy. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (2:59 min, 2.74 MB)

Global Climate EffectsGlobal Climate Effects – The Water Resource Adaptation Program (WRAP) studies long-term effects of global climate change on U.S. water resources. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (5:18 min, 4.86 MB)

Arsenic RemovalArsenic Removal – When the federal rule limiting arsenic in drinking water was revised in 2001 to 10 parts per billion, it challenged small U.S. water systems (those serving 10,000 or fewer people) to find cost-effective ways to meet the new standards. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (4:45 min, 4.35 MB)

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Research PartnershipResearch Partnership – A new EPA water research partnership was formed during the 2007 Clean Water Partnership Summit. More than 200 global water quality specialists were present at the signing. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (3:13 min, 2.95 MB)

Water InfrastructureWater Infrastructure – America's drinking water and wastewater infrastructure is aging and the costs and environmental risks due to failure are sobering. As part of a larger EPA initiative, the Aging Water Infrastructure research program focuses on innovative technologies and approaches. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (3:55 min, 3.58 MB)

Urban Storm WaterUrban Storm Water – During a heavy rainfall, the impervious surfaces of urban environments—roadways, rooftops, and sidewalks—generate excess storm water runoff that can cause a long list of negative environmental impacts. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (4:37 min, 4.24 MB)

Pipeline ReplicationPipeline Replication – "Stuff grows on pipes." That's how one drinking water expert sums up the National Risk Management Research Laboratory's innovative research into the pipe-wall dynamics of the distribution systems that carry finished water from treatment plant to consumer tap. Read more

Listen to the podcast (MP3) (4:10 min, 3.83 MB)

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