United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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2008 Network Effects Diagrams

The table below is the current list of National conservation practices and their network effects diagrams in alphabetical order by practice name. Practice code are listed in parentheses next to the practice name.

NRCS prepares network diagrams of featured practices, or related sets of practices which act together to achieve desired purposes. Network diagrams are flow charts of direct, indirect and cumulative effects resulting from installation of the practices.

Completed network diagrams are an overview of expert consensus on the direct, indirect and cumulative effects of installing proposed practice installation. They show the potential positive and negative outcomes of practice installation, and are useful as a reference point for next steps, and as a communication device with partners and the public.

The documents in the table below require either Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word.

Conservation Practice Name (Units) (Code) (Date Issued)

Network Effects Diagram

Hillside Ditch (Ft.) (423) (5/08) (PDF, KB)
Irrigation Canal or Lateral (Ft.) (320) (3/03) (PDF, KB)
Irrigation Field Ditch (Ft.) (388) (3/03) (PDF, KB)
Irrigation Land Leveling (Ac.) (464) (9/01) (PDF, KB)
Irrigation Storage Reservoir (No. and Ac-Ft) (436) (7/02) 436 (PDF, 104KB)
436 (DOC, 211KB)
Irrigation System, Microirrigation (No. and Ac.) (441) (8/06) 441 (PDF, 104KB)
441 (DOC, 128KB)
Irrigation System, Sprinkler (No. and Ac.) (442) (12/03)  442 (PDF, 98KB)
442 (DOC, 126KB)
Irrigation System, Surface and Subsurface (No. and Ac.) (443) (3/03) (PDF, KB)
Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery (No.) (447) (6/07) 447 (PDF, KB)
  447 (DOC, 116KB)
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Flexible Membrane (Ft.) (428B) (12/03) (PDF, KB)
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Galvanized Steel (Ft.) (428C) (3/03) (PDF, KB)
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining,  Plain Concrete (Ft.) (428A) (3/03) (PDF, KB)
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline  (Ft.) (430AA-GG) (10/78) 430 (DOC, 3.33MB)
430 (PDF, 163KB)
Irrigation Water Management (Ac.) (449) (2/05) 449 (DOC, 3.33MB)
449 (PDF, 163KB)
Land Clearing (Ac.) (460) (9/03) 460 (PDF, 399KB)
460 (DOC, 7.44MB)
Land Reclamation, Landslide Treatment (No. and Ac) (453) (2/05) (PDF, KB)
Land Reclamation, Toxic Discharge Control (No.) (455) (4/05) (PDF, KB)
Land Reclamation, Abandoned Mined Land (Ac.) (543) (8/06) (PDF, KB)
Land Reclamation, Currently Mined Land (Ac.) (544) (8/06) (PDF, KB)
Land Smoothing (Ac.) (466) (7/02)  466 (PDF, 399KB)
466 (DOC, 119KB)
Lined Waterway or Outlet (Ft.) (468) (7/02) 468 (PDF, 115KB)
468 (DOC, 131KB)
Manure Transfer (No.) (634) (9/03) (PDF, KB)
Mine Shaft and Adit Closing (No.) (457) (2/05) (PDF, KB)
Mole Drain (Ft.) (482) (3/03) (PDF, KB)
Monitoring Well (No.) (353) (9/03) (PDF, KB)
Mulching (Ac.) (484) (9/08) 484 (PDF, 114 KB)
484 (DOC, 3.33MB)
Multi-Story Cropping (Ac.) (379) (1/06) 379 (PDF, 91KB)
379 (DOC, 464 KB)
Nutrient Management (Ac.) (590) (8/06) 590 (PDF, 132KB)
590 (DOC, 3.33MB)
Obstruction Removal (Ac.) (500) (4/02) (PDF, KB)
Open Channel (Ft.) (582) (10/87) 582 (PDF, 110KB)
582 (DOC, 137KB)
Pasture and Hay Planting (Ac.) (512) (9/03) 512 (PDF, 159KB)
512 (DOC, 3.6MB)
Pest Management (Ac.) (595) (3/01) 595 (DOC, 3.33MB)
595 (PDF, 141KB)
Pipeline (Ft.) (516) (8/00) 516 (PDF, 109KB)
516 (DOC, 3.78MB)
Pond (No.) (378) (7/02) 378 (PDF; 139KB)
378 (DOC; 4.6MB)
Pond Sealing or Lining (No.) (521ABCD) (9/01)  521 (PDF, 159KB)
521 (DOC, 157KB)
Precision Land Forming (Ac.) (462) (7/02) (PDF, KB)
Prescribed Burning (Ac.) (338) (1/06) 338 (PDF, 217KB)
338 (DOC, 3.33MB)
Prescribed Forestry (Ac.) (409) (5/06) 409 (PDF, 122KB)
409 (DOC, 3.33MB)
Prescribed Grazing (Ac.) (528) (6/07) 528 (PDF, 85KB)
528 (DOC, 3.33MB)
Pumping Plant (No.) (533) (7/02) 533 (PDF, 84KB)
533 (DOC, 143KB)
Range Planting (Ac.) (550) (10/03) 550 (DOC, 3.33MB)
550 (PDF, 121KB)
Recreation Area Improvement (Ac.) (562) (10/77) 562 (PDF, 93KB)
562 (DOC, 181KB)
Recreation Land Grading and Shaping (Ac.) (566) (4/02) 566 (PDF, 119KB)
566 (DOC, 181KB)
Recreation Trail and Walkway (Ft.) (568) (4/02) 568 (PDF, 111KB)
568 (DOC, 104MB)
Residue and Tillage Management, Mulch Till (Ac.) (345) (8/05) 345 (PDF, 130KB)
345(DOC, 2.69KB)
Residue and Tillage Management, No-Till/Strip Till/Direct Seed (Ac.) (329) (5/06) 329 (PDF, 85KB)
329 (DOC, 3.33MB)
Residue and Tillage Management, Ridge Till (Ac.) (346) (8/05) 346 (PDF; 179KB)
346 (DOC, 3.8MB)
Residue Management, Seasonal (Ac.) (344) (9/08) 344 (DOC, 3.33MB)
344 (PDF, 199KB)
Restoration and Management of Rare and Declining Habitats (Ac.) (643) (8/05) 643 (PDF, 170KB)
643 (DOC, 410KB)
Riparian Forest Buffer (Ac.) (391) (1/06) 391 (PDF, 173KB)
391 (DOC, 4.57MB)
Riparian Herbaceous Cover (Ac.) (390) (8/05) 390 (PDF, 113KB)
390 (DOC, 198KB)
Rock Barrier (Ft.) (555) (7/02) 555 (PDF, 849KB)
555(DOC, 750KB)
Roof Runoff Structure (No.) (558) (9/01) 558 (PDF, 92KB)
558 (DOC,  699KB)
Row Arrangement (Ac.) (557) (11/02) 557 (PDF, 86KB)
557 (DOC, KB)
Runoff Management System (No. and Ac.) (570) (10/78) (PDF, KB)
Salinity and Sodic Soil Management (Ac.) (610) (5/04) 610  (DOC, 3.33MB)
610 (PDF, 197KB)
Sediment Basin (No.) (350) (9/03) 350 (PDF, 196KB)
350 (DOC, 85KB)
Shallow Water Development and Management (Ac.) (646)(8/05) 646 (PDF, 86KB)
 646(DOC, 93KB)
Silvopasture Establishment (Ac.) (381) (5/06) 381 (PDF, 117KB)
381 (DOC, 308KB)
Sinkhole and Sinkhole Area Treatment (No.) (527) (6/07) 527 (PDF, 124KB)
527 (DOC, 343KB)
Solid/Liquid Waste Separation Facility  (No.) (632) (4/05) 632 (PDF, 85KB)
632 (DOC, 169KB)
Spoil Spreading (Ac.) (572) (9/03) 572 (PDF, 129KB)
572 (DOC, 520KB)
Spring Development (No.) (574) (5/06) 574 (PDF, 78KB)
574(DOC, 83KB)
Streambank and Shoreline Protection (Ft.) (580) (4/05)  580 (PDF, 86KB)
580 (DOC, 98KB)
Stream Crossing (No.) (578) (12/03) 578 (PDF; 131KB)
578 (DOC, 162KB)
Stream Habitat Improvement and Management (Ac.) (395) (8/06) 395 (PDF, 97KB)
395 (DOC, 107KB)
Stripcropping (Ac.) (585) (9/08) 585 (PDF; 86KB)
585 (DOC, 110KB)
Structure for Water Control (No.) (587) (12/03) 587 (PDF; 114KB)
587 (DOC, 146KB)
Subsurface Drain (Ft.) (606) (9/03) 606 (PDF, 99KB)
606 (DOC, 97KB)
Surface Drainage, Field Ditch (Ft.) (607) (3/03) 607 (PDF, 93KB)
607 (DOC, 101KB)
Surface Drainage, Main or Lateral (Ft.) (608) (7/02) 608 (PDF, 102KB)
608 (DOC, 101KB)
Surface Roughening (Ac.) (609) (9/01) 609 (PDF, 131KB)
609 (DOC, 679KB)
Terrace (Ft.) (600) (9/08) 600 (PDF, 149KB)
600 (DOC, 3.27MB)
Tree/Shrub Establishment (Ac.) (612) (1/06) 612 (PDF, 183KB)
612 (DOC, KB)
Tree/Shrub Pruning (Ac.) (660) (1/06) 660 (PDF, 58KB)
660 (DOC, 113KB)
Tree/Shrub Site Preparation (Ac.) (490) (1/06) 490 (PDF, 152KB)
490 (DOC, 441KB)
Underground Outlet (Ft.) (620) (9/08) 620 (PDF, 79KB)
620 (DOC, 78KB)
Upland Wildlife Habitat Management (Ac.) (645) (8/05) 645 (PDF, 76KB)
645 (DOC, 73KB)
Vegetative Treatment Area (Ac.) (635) (5/08) 635 (PDF, 85KB)
635 (DOC, 96KB)
Vegetative Barriers (Ft.) (601) (10/03) 601 (PDF; 63KB)
601 (DOC, 372KB)
Vertical Drain (No.) (630) (5/04) 630 (PDF, 62KB)
630 (DOC, 105KB)
Waste Facility Cover (No.) (367) (9/03) 367 (PDF, 62KB)
367 (DOC, 75KB)
Waste Storage Facility (No.) (313) (10/03) 313 (PDF; 133KB)
313 (DOC, 1.1MB)
Waste Treatment (No.) (629) (4/05) 629 (PDF, 94KB)
629 (DOC, 118KB)
Waste Treatment Lagoon (No.) (359) (10/03) 359 (PDF; 152KB)
359 (DOC; 8.2MB)
Waste Utilization (Ac.) (633) (10/03) 633 (PDF; 129KB)
633 (DOC, 3.7MB)
Water and Sediment Control Basin (No.) (638) (9/08) 638 (PDF; KB)
638 (DOC; 87KB)
Water Harvesting Catchment (No.) (436) (9/03) 436 (PDF, 105KB)
Water Well (No.) (642) (2/05) 642 (PDF; 72KB)
642 (DOC; 72KB)
Watering Facility (No.) (614) (8/06) 614 (PDF; 97KB)
614 (DOC; 4.2MB)
Waterspreading (Ac.) (640) (7/02) 640 (PDF, 87KB)
640 (DOC, 363KB)
Well Decommissioning (No.) (351) (12/03) 351 (PDF, 141KB)
351 (DOC, 140KB)
Well Water Testing (No.) (355) (5/04) (PDF, KB)
Wetland Creation (Ac.) (658) (8/05) 658 (PDF, 103KB)
658 (DOC, 311KB)
Wetland Enhancement (Ac.) (659) (8/06) 659 (PDF, 93KB)
659 (DOC, 112KB)
Wetland Restoration (Ac.) (657) (8/05)  657 (PDF, 165KB)
Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management (Ac.) (644) (8/05) 644 (PDF, 208 KB)
644 (DOC, 2.2MB)
Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment (Ft.) (380 and 650) (1/06) 380 and 650(PDF, 85KB)
380 and 650(DOC, 96KB)