Surface Water & Floodplain Information Services Home

The Surface Water & Floodplain Information program at the Illinois State Water Survey offers a wide range of information services related to the management and study of the state's surface water resources. Public service activities include dissemination of general and technical information, and data collection.

Note: Charges for some data retrieval and analytical services do apply. Please see our Policy Statement and Itemization of Charges for additional details.



General Surface Water Information and Technical Services

Requests for information regarding surface water are directed to the information services staff. Professional and technical staff are available to answer questions from the general public, engineers, realtors, developers, and other government agencies; to provide information and data; or to perform engineering analyses. Staff use the Water Survey's collection of surface water data, reports, and maps to answer questions regarding Illinois water resources. Program staff may make referrals to other Water Survey offices or agencies as appropriate.



Data Collection and Reporting

Surface water conditions in Illinois are summarized by Surface Water & Floodplain Information in the monthly Illinois Water and Climate Summary newsletter available from the State Water Survey. Data collection activities include monitoring daily stage data from telemetered river and stream gaging stations. Month-end water surface elevations for more than 40 reservoirs are obtained through a network of cooperating reservoir operators in Illinois.



Wetlands Information

A complete set of National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps for Illinois are available for public review. NWI maps are annotated 7.5-minute USGS quadrangles (1:24,000) compiled by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. When provided with a property description or location map of a specific location, staff will send a photocopy of the relevant portion of the NWI map, with legend.



Floodplain Information

The Floodplain Information Repository, established in 1978, maintains a complete library of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) documents: Flood Insurance Studies, Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Floodway Boundary and Floodway Maps, Flood Hazard Boundary Maps, and engineering data and supportive studies related to flooding. By providing information and technical assistance to individuals, professionals, and communities, the floodplain information service facilitates compliance with the provisions of the National Flood Insurance Program, thereby encouraging responsible floodplain management. Floodplain information services available include:

The Repository's knowledgeable staff provide accurate, up-to-date information about floodplain management and regulations in Illinois and the National Flood Insurance Program. Staff participate in continuing education programs and maintain regular contact with agencies and organizations involved in floodplain management and regulation.

Note: Charges for some services do apply.




Flood Discharge Database. The State Water Survey maintains a database of streamflow flood discharges that includes:

This database may be searched online. Please note, however, that it is presently being updated.

Floodplain Model Inventory. The State Water Survey maintains a collection of floodplain hydraulic models as part of its Floodplain Information public service program. An inventory list of the models in the collection is posted online for technical users, who may order copies. The primary source of the model data at ISWS is the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) archives for Flood Insurance Studies (FISs); however, please note that this database is not a list of the most current regulatory models nor all FIS models that exist.

This database may be searched online.



Other materials distributed

For price and availability of all other State Water Survey publications, including bulletins and reports, contact Publications at (217) 333-8888. To search for a State Water Survey publication title or author, see SWS Publication Search.



Floodplain Information Staff

Bill Saylor
Associate Supportive Scientist
(217) 333-0447
Contact for floodplain information.

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Last Modified: August 07, 2008