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Host Institution ^ Number of
GBIF Participant
1.  Academy of Natural Sciences   613,976 =    USA
2.  Alaska Ocean Observing System   107,392 =    Ocean Biogeographic Information System
3.  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Heuschrecken Österreichs (*)   16,469 =    Austria
4.  Arizona State University, International Institute for Species Exploration   314,545 =    USA
5.  Australian Antarctic Data Centre   837,724 =    Australia
6.  Australian Biological Resources Study   0 =    Australia
7.  Australian National Herbarium (CANB)   783,356 =    Australia
8.  Avian Knowledge Network   39,019,320 =    USA
9.  Banc de dades de biodiversitat de Catalunya (*)   388,907 =    Spain
10.  BeBIF Provider (*)   188,237 =    Belgium
11.  Berkeley Natural History Museums   367,586 =    USA
12.  Biologiezentrum der Oberoesterreichischen Landesmuseen (*)   2,251,661 =    Austria
13.  Biologische Anstalt Helgoland in the Foundation Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (*)   9,384 =    Germany
14.  Bioversity International (*)   1,829,592 =    Bioversity International
15.  Bird Studies Canada   929,329 =    Canada
16.  Bodensee-Naturmuseum Konstanz (*)   15,827 =    Germany
17.  Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics   34,755 =    USA
18.  Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (*)   312,962 =    Germany
19.  Botanic Garden, National Museum of Natural History, University of Lisbon   24,141 =    Portugal
20.  Botanical Research Institute of Texas   8,442 =    USA
21.  British Antarctic Survey   60,670 =    UK
22.  Bundesamt für Naturschutz / Netzwerk Phytodiversität Deutschland (*)   4,191,371 =    Germany
23.  Burke Museum   418,760 =    USA
24.  CABI Bioscience UK Centre   384,126 =    CABI Bioscience
25.  CBS (NLBIF)   57,198 =    Netherlands
26.  California Academy of Sciences   412,797 =    USA
27.  Cameroon National Herbarium (*)   10,962 =    France
28.  Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility   389,122 =    Canada
29.  Canadian Museum of Nature   274,772 =    Canada
30.  Carnegie Museums   168,229 =    USA
31.  Centre International de Ressources Microbiennes-Levures (*)   854 =    France
32.  Centre de Ressources Biologiques de l Institut Pasteur (*)   9,329 =    France
33.  Centre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (*)   24,069 =    Netherlands
34.  Centro Nacional Patagonico - CONICET   3,445 =    Argentina
35.  Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental   204,003 =    Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network
36.  Charles R. Conner Museum   13,093 =    USA
37.  Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Science   63,730 =    Taiwan
38.  Chungnam University Natural History Museum   1,805 =    Korea, Republic of
39.  Colorado State University Herbarium (CSU)   57,350 =    USA
40.  Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad   388,779 =    Mexico
41.  Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien (*)   4,047,126 =    France
42.  Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates   137,876     USA
43.  DSMZ - German National Resource Centre for Biological Material (*)   17,384 =    Germany
44.  Delaware Museum of Natural History   81,760 =    USA
45.  Department of Botany - University of Coimbra   1,588 =    Portugal
46.  Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Trieste (*)   34,251 =    EU - BioCASE
47.  EMAN Provider   7,401 =    Canada
48.  European Environment Agency   1,685,401 =    European Commission
49.  Ewha Womans University Natural History Museum   2,050 =    Korea, Republic of
50.  Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - U.N.L.P.   19,419 =    Argentina
51.  Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM   17,155 =    Mexico
52.  Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden   74,831 =    USA
53.  Field Museum   977,426 =    USA
54.  Floraine (*)   185,425 =    France
55.  Florida Museum of Natural History   632,017 =    USA
56.  Folklore and Natural History Museum   44,933 =    Korea, Republic of
57.  Forest Research Institute, Department of Natural Forests (*)   30,239 =    Poland
58.  Fundacion Miguel Lillo Provider   99,045 =    Argentina
59.  GBIF Swiss Participant Node (*)   404,615 =    Switzerland
60.  GBIF-Spain   2,403,499 =    Spain
61.  GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt (*)   148,526 =    Germany
62.  GTI Japan   71,908 =    Japan
63.  Georgia Museum of Natural History   4,241 =    USA
64.  Gyeryonsan Natural History Museum   3,997 =    Korea, Republic of
65.  HERBARIUM AMAZONENSE - AMAZ   27,453 =    Peru
66.  Hannam University Natural History Museum   4,992 =    Korea, Republic of
67.  Harvard University Herbaria   204,547 =    USA
68.  Haus der Natur Salzburg (*)   49,605 =    Austria
69.  Herbaria of the University and ETH Zürich (Z+ZT) (*)   89,362 =    Switzerland
70.  Herbario SANT, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela   74,899 =    Spain
71.  Herbario de la Universidad de Granada   111,899 =    Spain
72.  Herbarium Hamburgense (*)   40,296 =    Germany
73.  Herbarium of the University of Aarhus   274,116 =    Denmark
74.  Herbier de l'Université Louis Pasteur (*)   66,687 =    France
75.  Herbier de la Guyane (*)   123,634 =    France
76.  Humboldt-Universität Berlin (*)   22,066 =    Germany
77.  Hungarian Natural History Museum (*)   107,557 =    Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities
78.  IHAR   55,019 =    Poland
79.  INSTITUTE OF BOTANY, S.A.S. - BRATISLAVA (*)   0 =    Slovakia
80.  Icelandic Institute of Natural History   462,616 =    Iceland
81.  Illinois Natural History Survey   714,294 =    USA
82.  Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (*)   5,426 =    France
83.  Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS   8,046 =    Poland
84.  Institute of Botany, University of Hohenheim (*)   18,978 =    Germany
85.  Institute of Environmental Sciences UJ   8,300 =    Poland
86.  Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University   12,039,520 =    Ocean Biogeographic Information System
87.  Institute of Nature Conservation PAS   15,510 =    Poland
88.  Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals Polish Academy of Sciences   14,520 =    Poland
89.  Institute of Zoology, Jagiellonian University   53,629 =    Poland
90.  Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (Costa Rica)   3,239,356 =    Costa Rica
91.  Instituto de Botánica Darwinion - CONICET   95,150 =    Argentina
92.  Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana   3,210 =    Peru
93.  Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical   3,026 =    Portugal
94.  International Census of Marine Microbes   60,017 =    Ocean Biogeographic Information System
95.  International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (*)   378 =    International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology
96.  Israel Nature and Parks Authority (*)   433,463 =    EU - BioCASE
98.  James R. Slater Museum of Natural History   59,919 =    USA
99.  Jyväskylä University Museum - The Section of Natural Sciences   65,724 =    Finland
100.  KBIF Data Repository   2,948 =    Korea, Republic of
101.  Karl Franzens University of Graz, Insitute for Botany - Herbarium GZU (*)   31,892 =    Austria
102.  Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information   32,715 =    Korea, Republic of
103.  Korea National Arboretum (Korea Forest Service)   905,974 =    Korea, Republic of
104.  Korean Aquatic Plant Resources and Information Bank   2,276 =    Korea, Republic of
105.  Korean Bioinformation Center   712 =    Korea, Republic of
106.  Kyung Hee University Natural History Museum   2,020 =    Korea, Republic of
107.  Laboratoire de Paléobotanique et Paléoécologie (*)   880 =    France
108.  Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) (*)   145,144 =    Germany
109.  Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History   551,638 =    USA
110.  Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science   296,614 =    USA
111.  Mammal Research Institute PAS   95,091 =    Poland
112.  Marine Biology Section Ugent   14,728 =    Belgium
113.  Marine Science Institute, UCSB   736,397 =    USA
114.  Michigan State University Herbarium   34,429 =    USA
115.  Michigan State University Museum   77,995 =    USA
116.  Micoteca da Universidade do Minho   251 =    Portugal
117.  Missouri Botanical Garden   3,614,462 =    USA
118.  Mokpo Museum of Natural History   20,145 =    Korea, Republic of
119.  Monty L. Bean Museum, Brigham Young University   37,856 =    USA
120.  Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales   59,606 =    Argentina
121.  Museo Nacional de Costa Rica   191,859 =    Costa Rica
122.  Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (*)   1,669 =    Germany
123.  Museum national d'histoire naturelle   806,801 =    France
124.  Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University   845,159 =    USA
125.  Museum of Southwestern Biology, Division of Amphibians and Reptiles   70,953 =    USA
126.  Museum of Texas Tech University (TTU)   83,096 =    USA
127.  Museum of Vertebrate Zoology   678,144 =    USA
128.  Musée Zoologique de la Ville de Strasbourg (*)   1,836 =    France
129.  NLBIF (*)   2,125,537 =    Netherlands
130.  National Herbarium of New South Wales   801,809 =    Australia
131.  National Institute of Genetics, ROIS   412,467 =    Japan
132.  National Medicines Institute, Poland (*)   4,104 =    Poland
133.  National Museum of Natural History   3,446,016 =    USA
134.  National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan   1,028,876 =    Japan
135.  National Science Museum of Korea   182,275 =    Korea, Republic of
136.  Natural History Museum, University of Oslo   2,907,897 =    Norway
137.  Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W (*)   35,107 =    Austria
138.  NatureServe   290,631 =    NatureServe
139.  Nearctic Spider Database   30,675 =    Canada
140.  New Brunswick Museum   10,197 =    Canada
141.  New Mexico Biodiversity Collections Consortium   325,796 =    USA
142.  Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NORDGEN) (*)   33,139 =    Nordic Gene Bank
143.  Norwegian Institute for Nature Research   64,800 =    Norway
144.  OZCAM (Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums) Provider   2,537,950 =    Australia
145.  Ohio State University Insect Collection   189,919     USA
146.  Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database Provider   214,164 =    USA
147.  Oregon State University   149,130 =    USA
148.  PAKISTAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Provider   176 =    Pakistan
149.  PANGAEA - Publishing Network for Geoscientific and Environmental Data   1,258,971 =    Germany
150.  Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije   2,877 =    Slovenia
151.  Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research   11,703 =    BioNET-ASEANET
152.  Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew   144,337 =    UK
153.  Royal Museum for Central Africa (*)   19,380 =    Belgium
154.  Royal Ontario Museum   435,646 =    Canada
155.  Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History   113,340 =    USA
156.  San Diego Natural History Museum   119,783 =    USA
157.  Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History   110,783 =    USA
158.  Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research - Marine Biodiversity Information Network (SCAR-MarBIN)   102,357 =    Scientific Committee on Antartic Research (SCAR)
159.  Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Biology   95,611 =    Slovenia
160.  Senckenberg - CeDAMar Provider   12,337 =    Ocean Biogeographic Information System
161.  Senckenberg (*)   42,756 =    Germany
162.  Seodaemun Museum of Natural History   1,767 =    Korea, Republic of
163.  Service du Patrimoine naturel, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris (*)   5,704,972 =    France
164.  Siamazonia Provider   11,486 =    Peru
165.  Slovenian Forestry Institute   160,757 =    Slovenia
166.  Société Botanique de Franche-Comté/Conservatoire Botanique National de Franche-Comté (*)   157,077 =    France
167.  Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns (*)   131,898 =    Germany
168.  Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart   98,954 =    Germany
169.  Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum - Herbarium GJO (*)   43,351 =    Austria
170.  Sternberg Museum of Natural History   137,216 =    USA
171.  SysTax (*)   473,671 =    Germany
172.  Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility   287,694 =    Taiwan
173.  Texas A&M University Insect Collection   252,511 =    USA
174.  Texas Natural Science Center   34,327 =    USA
175.  The Danish Biodiversity Information Facility   3,968,658 =    Denmark
176.  The Museum of Biology, Sun Yatsen Univ   31,566 =    BioNET-EASIANET
177.  Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum (*)   96,509 =    Austria
178.  UC Riverside Entomology Collection   431 =    USA
179.  UCD   179,396 =    USA
180.  UCLA-Dickey Bird Collection (UCLA-Dickey)   62,153 =    USA
181.  UNIBIO, IBUNAM   345,163 =    Mexico
182.  US National Plant Germplasm System (*)   477,625 =    USA
183.  USDA PLANTS   1,934,103 =    USA
184.  Universitatsherbarium Gottingen; Gesellschaft fur wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Gottingen GWDG. (*)   35,404 =    Germany
185.  University Museums of Norway (MUSIT)   269,426 =    Norway
186.  University of Alabama Biodiversity and Systematics   38,482 =    USA
187.  University of Alaska Museum of the North   517,265     USA
188.  University of Alberta   61,237 =    Canada
189.  University of Arizona Herbarium   172,682 =    USA
190.  University of Arkansas   133,786 =    USA
191.  University of Colorado Museum   191,706 =    USA
192.  University of Helsinki, Department of Applied Biology   107,615 =    Finland
193.  University of Kansas Biodiversity Research Center   1,497,057 =    USA
194.  University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (UMMZ)   331,077 =    USA
195.  University of Navarra, Museum of Zoology   15,984 =    Spain
196.  University of Nebraska - Lincoln   1,742 =    USA
197.  University of Nebraska State Museum   64,493 =    USA
198.  University of Oxford (*)   13,123 =    UK
199.  University of Tennessee - Chattanooga (UTC)   4,364 =    USA
200.  University of Tennessee, Knoxville   134,994 =    USA
201.  University of Texas at El Paso   29,076 =    USA
202.  University of Texas-Austin   79,904 =    USA
203.  University of Vienna, Institute for Botany - Herbarium WU (*)   47,598 =    Austria
204.  University of Vienna, Institute for Botany, Research Group for Plant Biogeography (*)   22,817 =    Austria
205.  Utah Museum of Natural History   69,931 =    USA
206.  Utah State University   134,777 =    USA
207.  WFCC-MIRCEN World Data Centre for Microorganisms (WDCM)   50,912 =    World Federation for Culture Collections
208.  Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit, Smithsonian Institution   70,421 =    USA
209.  Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology   117,412 =    USA
210.  Yale University Peabody Museum   859,729 =    USA
211.  Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig (*)   45,912 =    Germany
212.  inatura - Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn (*)   142,639 =    Austria
213.  Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft (*)   1,816 =    Austria
214.  Finnish Museum of Natural History   272,135 =    Finland
215.  GBIF-Sweden   15,425,742 =    Sweden
216.  Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO Entomology   213,269 =    Australia
217.  GBIF New Zealand   1,453,859 =    New Zealand
218.  University of Connecticut   63,145 =    USA
219.  Bialowieza National Park   3,201 =    Poland
220.  Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology, Department of Microbiology   603 =    Poland
221.  Upper Silesian Museum, Bytom   5,776 =    Poland
222.  Institute of Dendrology PAS   71,395 =    Poland
223.  Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Science   67,816 =    Poland
224.  Museum of Natural History, Wroclaw University   64,751 =    Poland
225.  Association for Nature "Wolf"   662 =    Poland
226.  Warsaw Agricultural University, Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Department of Applied Entomology   2,324 =    Poland
227.  University of Gdansk, Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation   5,443 =    Poland
228.  Bialowieza Geobotanical Station, Warsaw University   9,719 =    Poland
229.  Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Wroclaw   9,374 =    Poland
230.  NLBIF   3,414,352 =    Netherlands

Note: The above list comprises only the data providers that have been endorsed by a GBIF Participant.

The mark (*) identifies the BioCASe/ABCD data providers. The rest are DiGIR/DarwinCore2 data providers.

The sign = means that the number of records of the particular provider has not been modified during two consecutive retrievals of its metadata information. The signs and correspond to increase and decrease of the number of records respectively.

The appears next to a "Host Institution" name when either this is a new entry in the data providers listing or the metadata information of the particular provider has been updated in the GBIF UDDI registry.
If you would like to view this metadata information, click on the afore-mentioned link in order to access the home page of the registry, then click on the
'Find business' link on the left hand side menu, fill in the 'Business name' text field with the name of the particular "Host Institution" and press the 'Search' button.

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