Privacy Information
Illinois State Water Survey
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Illinois State Water Survey Statement of Privacy
The Illinois State Water Survey is committed to protecting your privacy while providing you with a high - quality and secure online experience. You can navigate our entire Web site without providing any personal information. However, we occasionally offer special services, offers, or download opportunities that provide the opportunity for you to submit personal information in order for us to fulfill these requests, and this statement of privacy explains data collection and use in those situations. Please read the complete privacy statement below.

Collecting Your Personal Information
We will ask you when we need information that identifies you (personal information) or allows us to contact you. Generally, this information is requested when a product has to be mailed (either electronically or physically), or you have contacted us with a question or special request. Personal information collected by the Illinois State Water Survey often is limited to a user's e-mail address, but may include other information when needed to provide a service you requested.

For example: If you request a free Watersheds Map, we will request personal information such as: name, mailing address, e-mail address, county, and how you heard about our poster offer.

We make no effort to personally identify public (anonymous) users of our site. No identifying data are disclosed to any third party for any purpose. Data that we collect are used only for aggregate, anonymous server administration, and log analysis. The previous statement applies to general, anonymous interactions with the Illinois State Water Survey Web servers. It does not apply to e-mail sent to Illinois State Water Survey staff or any information submitted involving special offers, downloads, or Web requests. It also does not apply to malevolent or suspicious activity, either suspected or realized.

As is typical, we log HTTP requests to our server. This means that we log the originating IP (i.e., address of a user agent requesting a URL. We also know the Referrer and User-Agent information accompanied with an HTTP request. We do not log the specific identity of visitors. We occasionally analyze the log files to determine which files are most requested and the previous site or user agent that prompted the request. Our logging is passive; we do not use technologies such as cookies to maintain any information on users.

Minors Under 18 Years of Age
Remember to be smart online. Do not give out your full name, e-mail address, home address, telephone number or any other personal information that would enable someone to contact you either online or offline, without first asking your parent or guardian for permission. Sometimes on our site we will ask you for your Initials or other information. Please check with your parent or guardian before sending this information to us.

Use of Your Personal Information
Anonymous information collected by Illinois State Water Survey Web servers is used for general Web site analysis (see previous paragraphs). On occasion, the information may be used to improve security measures.

Any personal information submitted is used for its intended purpose only. No information collected on the Illinois State Water Survey Web site is disclosed to any third party for any purpose, unless required by law.

Security of Your Personal Information
The Illinois State Water Survey strictly protects the security of your personal information. We carefully protect, to the best of our ability, your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Your personal information is never shared with any outside entity without your permission, except under conditions explained above.

Use of Cookies
The Illinois State Water Survey does not implement the use of cookies. We do not track any individuals' use of the site. If you configure your browser to disallow cookies, the Illinois State Water Survey Web site will function normally.

Statement Revisions
The Illinois State Water Survey will occasionally update this privacy statement without notice.

Web Site Revisions
The Illinois State Water Survey will occasionally update this Web site without notice.

Contact Information
The Illinois State Water Survey welcomes your comments regarding this Statement of Privacy, please contact us by e-mail, or postal mail.

   Illinois State Water Survey
   2204 Griffith Dr.
   Champaign, Illinois 61820-7495

Please also read our Terms of Use and Data Disclaimer.

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All files and information © 2009 Illinois State Water Survey. Terms of use.
Email the Web Administrator with questions or comments.
Last Modified: October 10, 2008

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