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Organizational Development and Change

Last Updated: September 08, 2008 Related resource areas: Diversity Across Higher Education

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Organizational Development and Change

The Organizational Development and Change page contains models, resources, and best practices for organizational change. As we develop our capacity to serve a diverse society, we must also evolve our Extension system to one which will nurture and sustain our efforts to be effective in honoring the differences among us.

Featured Item

Organizational Climate: Conducting a Climate Assessment (pdf)
Source: Susan Rankin, Principal & Senior Research Associate, Rankin & Associates, Consulting. Conducting a climate assessment is one of the first steps toward creating an effective multicultural organization.
Assessing Organizational Climate - Part I (pdf)
Assessing Organizational Climate - Part II (pdf)
PowerPoint Presentation given by Susan Rankin at CASD/CASE 2005 National Diversity Conference
Authenticity in a Community Setting --- A Tool for Self-Reflection and Change
Equity and Social Justice Diversity Links


research, paradigms and best practices
challenges and opportunities
connections between organizational change and reaching diverse audiences

Organizational Change Section Editor:
Joann Hinz
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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